2020-08-30 14:09:34 +08:00
import os
import sys
import logging
import requests
import time
import traceback
import pytest
import ray
from ray.new_dashboard.tests.conftest import * # noqa
from ray.test_utils import (
2020-09-17 01:17:29 +08:00
2020-08-30 14:09:34 +08:00
os.environ["RAY_USE_NEW_DASHBOARD"] = "1"
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def test_node_info(ray_start_with_dashboard):
class Actor:
def getpid(self):
return os.getpid()
actors = [Actor.remote(), Actor.remote()]
actor_pids = [actor.getpid.remote() for actor in actors]
actor_pids = set(ray.get(actor_pids))
assert (wait_until_server_available(ray_start_with_dashboard["webui_url"])
is True)
webui_url = ray_start_with_dashboard["webui_url"]
webui_url = format_web_url(webui_url)
2020-09-17 01:17:29 +08:00
node_id = ray_start_with_dashboard["node_id"]
2020-08-30 14:09:34 +08:00
timeout_seconds = 10
start_time = time.time()
last_ex = None
while True:
response = requests.get(webui_url + "/nodes?view=hostnamelist")
hostname_list = response.json()
assert hostname_list["result"] is True, hostname_list["msg"]
hostname_list = hostname_list["data"]["hostNameList"]
assert len(hostname_list) == 1
hostname = hostname_list[0]
2020-09-17 01:17:29 +08:00
response = requests.get(webui_url + f"/nodes/{node_id}")
2020-08-30 14:09:34 +08:00
detail = response.json()
assert detail["result"] is True, detail["msg"]
detail = detail["data"]["detail"]
assert detail["hostname"] == hostname
2020-09-17 01:17:29 +08:00
assert detail["raylet"]["state"] == "ALIVE"
2020-08-30 14:09:34 +08:00
assert "raylet" in detail["cmdline"][0]
assert len(detail["workers"]) >= 2
assert len(detail["actors"]) == 2, detail["actors"]
assert len(detail["raylet"]["viewData"]) > 0
actor_worker_pids = set()
for worker in detail["workers"]:
if "ray::Actor" in worker["cmdline"][0]:
assert actor_worker_pids == actor_pids
response = requests.get(webui_url + "/nodes?view=summary")
summary = response.json()
assert summary["result"] is True, summary["msg"]
assert len(summary["data"]["summary"]) == 1
summary = summary["data"]["summary"][0]
assert summary["hostname"] == hostname
2020-09-17 01:17:29 +08:00
assert summary["raylet"]["state"] == "ALIVE"
2020-08-30 14:09:34 +08:00
assert "raylet" in summary["cmdline"][0]
assert "workers" not in summary
assert "actors" not in summary
assert "viewData" not in summary["raylet"]
except Exception as ex:
last_ex = ex
if time.time() > start_time + timeout_seconds:
ex_stack = traceback.format_exception(
type(last_ex), last_ex,
last_ex.__traceback__) if last_ex else []
ex_stack = "".join(ex_stack)
raise Exception(f"Timed out while testing, {ex_stack}")
2020-10-02 17:58:44 -07:00
def test_memory_table(ray_start_with_dashboard):
assert (wait_until_server_available(ray_start_with_dashboard["webui_url"]))
class ActorWithObjs:
def __init__(self):
self.obj_ref = ray.put([1, 2, 3])
def get_obj(self):
return ray.get(self.obj_ref)
my_obj = ray.put([1, 2, 3] * 100) # noqa
actors = [ActorWithObjs.remote() for _ in range(2)] # noqa
results = ray.get([actor.get_obj.remote() for actor in actors]) # noqa
webui_url = format_web_url(ray_start_with_dashboard["webui_url"])
resp = requests.get(
webui_url + "/memory/set_fetch", params={"shouldFetch": "true"})
def check_mem_table():
resp = requests.get(f"{webui_url}/memory/memory_table")
resp_data = resp.json()
if not resp_data["result"]:
return False
latest_memory_table = resp_data["data"]["memoryTable"]
summary = latest_memory_table["summary"]
# 1 ref per handle and per object the actor has a ref to
assert summary["totalActorHandles"] == len(actors) * 2
# 1 ref for my_obj
assert summary["totalLocalRefCount"] == 1
return True
except AssertionError:
return False
wait_for_condition(check_mem_table, 10)
def test_get_all_node_details(ray_start_with_dashboard):
assert (wait_until_server_available(ray_start_with_dashboard["webui_url"]))
webui_url = format_web_url(ray_start_with_dashboard["webui_url"])
class ActorWithObjs:
def __init__(self):
self.obj_ref = ray.put([1, 2, 3])
def get_obj(self):
return ray.get(self.obj_ref)
actors = [ActorWithObjs.remote() for _ in range(2)] # noqa
def check_node_details():
resp = requests.get(f"{webui_url}/nodes?view=details")
resp_json = resp.json()
resp_data = resp_json["data"]
clients = resp_data["clients"]
node = clients[0]
assert len(clients) == 1
assert len(node.get("actors")) == 2
# Workers information should be in the detailed payload
assert "workers" in node
assert "logCount" in node
assert len(node["workers"]) == 2
return True
except (AssertionError, KeyError, IndexError):
return False
wait_for_condition(check_node_details, 15)
2020-09-17 01:17:29 +08:00
"ray_start_cluster_head", [{
"include_dashboard": True
}], indirect=True)
def test_multi_nodes_info(enable_test_module, ray_start_cluster_head):
cluster = ray_start_cluster_head
assert (wait_until_server_available(cluster.webui_url) is True)
webui_url = cluster.webui_url
webui_url = format_web_url(webui_url)
def _check_nodes():
response = requests.get(webui_url + "/nodes?view=summary")
summary = response.json()
assert summary["result"] is True, summary["msg"]
summary = summary["data"]["summary"]
assert len(summary) == 3
for node_info in summary:
node_id = node_info["raylet"]["nodeId"]
response = requests.get(webui_url + f"/nodes/{node_id}")
detail = response.json()
assert detail["result"] is True, detail["msg"]
detail = detail["data"]["detail"]
assert detail["raylet"]["state"] == "ALIVE"
return True
except Exception as ex:
return False
wait_for_condition(_check_nodes, timeout=10)
2020-08-30 14:09:34 +08:00
if __name__ == "__main__":
sys.exit(pytest.main(["-v", __file__]))