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[rllib] Document "v2" APIs (#2316) * re * wip * wip * a3c working * torch support * pg works * lint * rm v2 * consumer id * clean up pg * clean up more * fix python 2.7 * tf session management * docs * dqn wip * fix compile * dqn * apex runs * up * impotrs * ddpg * quotes * fix tests * fix last r * fix tests * lint * pass checkpoint restore * kwar * nits * policy graph * fix yapf * com * class * pyt * vectorization * update * test cpe * unit test * fix ddpg2 * changes * wip * args * faster test * common * fix * add alg option * batch mode and policy serving * multi serving test * todo * wip * serving test * doc async env * num envs * comments * thread * remove init hook * update * fix ppo * comments1 * fix * updates * add jenkins tests * fix * fix pytorch * fix * fixes * fix a3c policy * fix squeeze * fix trunc on apex * fix squeezing for real * update * remove horizon test for now * multiagent wip * update * fix race condition * fix ma * t * doc * st * wip * example * wip * working * cartpole * wip * batch wip * fix bug * make other_batches None default * working * debug * nit * warn * comments * fix ppo * fix obs filter * update * wip * tf * update * fix * cleanup * cleanup * spacing * model * fix * dqn * fix ddpg * doc * keep names * update * fix * com * docs * clarify model outputs * Update torch_policy_graph.py * fix obs filter * pass thru worker index * fix * rename * vlad torch comments * fix log action * debug name * fix lstm * remove unused ddpg net * remove conv net * revert lstm * wip * wip * cast * wip * works * fix a3c * works * lstm util test * doc * clean up * update * fix lstm check * move to end * fix sphinx * fix cmd * remove bad doc * envs * vec * doc prep * models * rl * alg * up * clarify * copy * async sa * fix * comments * fix a3c conf * tune lstm * fix reshape * fix * back to 16 * tuned a3c update * update * tuned * optional * merge * wip * fix up * move pg class * rename env * wip * update * tip * alg * readme * fix catalog * readme * doc * context * remove prep * comma * add env * link to paper * paper * update * rnn * update * wip * clean up ev creation * fix * fix * fix * fix lint * up * no comma * ma * Update run_multi_node_tests.sh * fix * sphinx is stupid * sphinx is stupid * clarify torch graph * no horizon * fix config * sb * Update test_optimizers.py
2018-07-01 00:05:08 -07:00
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