2016-11-02 16:40:37 -07:00
import ctypes
2016-08-16 16:52:16 -07:00
import os
2016-11-02 16:40:37 -07:00
import random
2016-08-16 15:38:45 -07:00
import socket
2016-11-02 16:40:37 -07:00
import subprocess
2016-10-14 19:27:17 -07:00
import time
2016-08-16 15:38:45 -07:00
Addr = ctypes . c_ubyte * 4
2016-10-14 19:27:17 -07:00
ID = ctypes . c_ubyte * PLASMA_ID_SIZE
2016-08-16 15:38:45 -07:00
class PlasmaID ( ctypes . Structure ) :
_fields_ = [ ( " plasma_id " , ID ) ]
def make_plasma_id ( string ) :
2016-10-14 19:27:17 -07:00
if len ( string ) != PLASMA_ID_SIZE :
raise Exception ( " PlasmaIDs must be {} characters long " . format ( PLASMA_ID_SIZE ) )
2016-10-29 17:30:34 -07:00
return PlasmaID ( plasma_id = ID . from_buffer_copy ( string ) )
def plasma_id_to_str ( plasma_id ) :
return str ( bytearray ( plasma_id . plasma_id ) )
2016-08-16 15:38:45 -07:00
2016-10-21 00:47:34 -07:00
class PlasmaBuffer ( object ) :
""" This is the type of objects returned by calls to get with a PlasmaClient.
We define our own class instead of directly returning a buffer object so that
we can add a custom destructor which notifies Plasma that the object is no
longer being used , so the memory in the Plasma store backing the object can
potentially be freed .
Attributes :
buffer ( buffer ) : A buffer containing an object in the Plasma store .
plasma_id ( PlasmaID ) : The ID of the object in the buffer .
plasma_client ( PlasmaClient ) : The PlasmaClient that we use to communicate
with the store and manager .
def __init__ ( self , buff , plasma_id , plasma_client ) :
""" Initialize a PlasmaBuffer. """
self . buffer = buff
self . plasma_id = plasma_id
self . plasma_client = plasma_client
def __del__ ( self ) :
2016-11-02 00:39:35 -07:00
""" Notify Plasma that the object is no longer needed.
If the plasma client has been shut down , then don ' t do anything.
if self . plasma_client . alive :
self . plasma_client . client . plasma_release ( self . plasma_client . plasma_conn , self . plasma_id )
2016-10-21 00:47:34 -07:00
def __getitem__ ( self , index ) :
""" Read from the PlasmaBuffer as if it were just a regular buffer. """
return self . buffer [ index ]
def __setitem__ ( self , index , value ) :
""" Write to the PlasmaBuffer as if it were just a regular buffer.
This should fail because the buffer should be read only .
self . buffer [ index ] = value
def __len__ ( self ) :
""" Return the length of the buffer. """
return len ( self . buffer )
2016-08-16 15:38:45 -07:00
class PlasmaClient ( object ) :
2016-09-05 15:34:11 -07:00
""" The PlasmaClient is used to interface with a plasma store and a plasma manager.
2016-08-18 09:56:20 -07:00
The PlasmaClient can ask the PlasmaStore to allocate a new buffer , seal a
buffer , and get a buffer . Buffers are referred to by object IDs , which are
strings .
2016-10-28 21:26:54 -07:00
def __init__ ( self , store_socket_name , manager_socket_name = None ) :
2016-09-05 15:34:11 -07:00
""" Initialize the PlasmaClient.
2016-09-14 14:20:34 -07:00
2016-09-05 15:34:11 -07:00
Args :
2016-10-28 21:26:54 -07:00
store_socket_name ( str ) : Name of the socket the plasma store is listening at .
manager_socket_name ( str ) : Name of the socket the plasma manager is listening at .
2016-09-05 15:34:11 -07:00
2016-11-02 00:39:35 -07:00
self . alive = True
2016-08-16 16:52:16 -07:00
plasma_client_library = os . path . join ( os . path . abspath ( os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) ) , " ../../build/plasma_client.so " )
self . client = ctypes . cdll . LoadLibrary ( plasma_client_library )
2016-08-16 15:38:45 -07:00
2016-10-18 18:20:59 -07:00
self . client . plasma_connect . restype = ctypes . c_void_p
2016-09-05 15:34:11 -07:00
self . client . plasma_create . restype = None
self . client . plasma_get . restype = None
2016-10-21 00:47:34 -07:00
self . client . plasma_release . restype = None
2016-09-23 15:07:50 -07:00
self . client . plasma_contains . restype = None
2016-08-16 15:38:45 -07:00
self . client . plasma_seal . restype = None
2016-09-23 15:07:50 -07:00
self . client . plasma_delete . restype = None
2016-10-14 19:27:17 -07:00
self . client . plasma_subscribe . restype = ctypes . c_int
2016-11-02 00:39:35 -07:00
self . client . plasma_wait . restype = ctypes . c_int
2016-08-16 15:38:45 -07:00
self . buffer_from_memory = ctypes . pythonapi . PyBuffer_FromMemory
self . buffer_from_memory . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_int64 ]
self . buffer_from_memory . restype = ctypes . py_object
self . buffer_from_read_write_memory = ctypes . pythonapi . PyBuffer_FromReadWriteMemory
self . buffer_from_read_write_memory . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_int64 ]
self . buffer_from_read_write_memory . restype = ctypes . py_object
2016-10-28 21:26:54 -07:00
if manager_socket_name is not None :
2016-10-18 18:20:59 -07:00
self . has_manager_conn = True
2016-10-28 21:26:54 -07:00
self . plasma_conn = ctypes . c_void_p ( self . client . plasma_connect ( store_socket_name , manager_socket_name ) )
2016-09-05 15:34:11 -07:00
else :
2016-10-18 18:20:59 -07:00
self . has_manager_conn = False
2016-10-28 21:26:54 -07:00
self . plasma_conn = ctypes . c_void_p ( self . client . plasma_connect ( store_socket_name , None ) )
2016-09-05 15:34:11 -07:00
2016-11-02 00:39:35 -07:00
def shutdown ( self ) :
""" Shutdown the client so that it does not send messages.
If we kill the Plasma store and Plasma manager that this client is connected
to , then we can use this method to prevent the client from trying to send
messages to the killed processes .
self . alive = False
2016-09-14 14:20:34 -07:00
def create ( self , object_id , size , metadata = None ) :
2016-08-18 09:56:20 -07:00
""" Create a new buffer in the PlasmaStore for a particular object ID.
The returned buffer is mutable until seal is called .
Args :
object_id ( str ) : A string used to identify an object .
size ( int ) : The size in bytes of the created buffer .
2016-09-14 14:20:34 -07:00
metadata ( buffer ) : An optional buffer encoding whatever metadata the user
wishes to encode .
2016-08-18 09:56:20 -07:00
2016-09-14 14:20:34 -07:00
# This is used to hold the address of the buffer.
2016-09-05 15:34:11 -07:00
data = ctypes . c_void_p ( )
2016-09-14 14:20:34 -07:00
# Turn the metadata into the right type.
metadata = buffer ( " " ) if metadata is None else metadata
metadata = ( ctypes . c_ubyte * len ( metadata ) ) . from_buffer_copy ( metadata )
2016-10-18 18:20:59 -07:00
self . client . plasma_create ( self . plasma_conn , make_plasma_id ( object_id ) , size , ctypes . cast ( metadata , ctypes . POINTER ( ctypes . c_ubyte * len ( metadata ) ) ) , len ( metadata ) , ctypes . byref ( data ) )
2016-10-21 00:47:34 -07:00
return PlasmaBuffer ( self . buffer_from_read_write_memory ( data , size ) , make_plasma_id ( object_id ) , self )
2016-08-16 15:38:45 -07:00
def get ( self , object_id ) :
2016-08-18 09:56:20 -07:00
""" Create a buffer from the PlasmaStore based on object ID.
2016-09-14 14:20:34 -07:00
If the object has not been sealed yet , this call will block . The retrieved
buffer is immutable .
2016-08-18 09:56:20 -07:00
Args :
object_id ( str ) : A string used to identify an object .
2016-09-05 15:34:11 -07:00
size = ctypes . c_int64 ( )
data = ctypes . c_void_p ( )
2016-09-14 14:20:34 -07:00
metadata_size = ctypes . c_int64 ( )
metadata = ctypes . c_void_p ( )
2016-10-21 00:47:34 -07:00
self . client . plasma_get ( self . plasma_conn , make_plasma_id ( object_id ) , ctypes . byref ( size ) , ctypes . byref ( data ) , ctypes . byref ( metadata_size ) , ctypes . byref ( metadata ) )
return PlasmaBuffer ( self . buffer_from_memory ( data , size ) , make_plasma_id ( object_id ) , self )
2016-08-16 16:52:16 -07:00
2016-09-14 14:20:34 -07:00
def get_metadata ( self , object_id ) :
""" Create a buffer from the PlasmaStore based on object ID.
If the object has not been sealed yet , this call will block until the object
has been sealed . The retrieved buffer is immutable .
Args :
object_id ( str ) : A string used to identify an object .
size = ctypes . c_int64 ( )
data = ctypes . c_void_p ( )
metadata_size = ctypes . c_int64 ( )
metadata = ctypes . c_void_p ( )
2016-10-21 00:47:34 -07:00
self . client . plasma_get ( self . plasma_conn , make_plasma_id ( object_id ) , ctypes . byref ( size ) , ctypes . byref ( data ) , ctypes . byref ( metadata_size ) , ctypes . byref ( metadata ) )
return PlasmaBuffer ( self . buffer_from_memory ( metadata , metadata_size ) , make_plasma_id ( object_id ) , self )
2016-09-14 14:20:34 -07:00
2016-09-23 15:07:50 -07:00
def contains ( self , object_id ) :
""" Check if the object is present and has been sealed in the PlasmaStore.
Args :
object_id ( str ) : A string used to identify an object .
has_object = ctypes . c_int ( )
2016-10-18 18:20:59 -07:00
self . client . plasma_contains ( self . plasma_conn , make_plasma_id ( object_id ) , ctypes . byref ( has_object ) )
2016-09-23 15:07:50 -07:00
has_object = has_object . value
if has_object == 1 :
return True
elif has_object == 0 :
return False
else :
raise Exception ( " This code should be unreachable. " )
2016-08-16 15:38:45 -07:00
def seal ( self , object_id ) :
2016-08-18 09:56:20 -07:00
""" Seal the buffer in the PlasmaStore for a particular object ID.
Once a buffer has been sealed , the buffer is immutable and can only be
accessed through get .
Args :
object_id ( str ) : A string used to identify an object .
2016-10-18 18:20:59 -07:00
self . client . plasma_seal ( self . plasma_conn , make_plasma_id ( object_id ) )
2016-09-05 15:34:11 -07:00
2016-09-23 15:07:50 -07:00
def delete ( self , object_id ) :
""" Delete the buffer in the PlasmaStore for a particular object ID.
Once a buffer has been deleted , the buffer is no longer accessible .
Args :
object_id ( str ) : A string used to identify an object .
2016-10-18 18:20:59 -07:00
self . client . plasma_delete ( self . plasma_conn , make_plasma_id ( object_id ) )
2016-09-23 15:07:50 -07:00
2016-09-05 15:34:11 -07:00
def transfer ( self , addr , port , object_id ) :
""" Transfer local object with id object_id to another plasma instance
2016-09-14 14:20:34 -07:00
2016-09-05 15:34:11 -07:00
Args :
addr ( str ) : IPv4 address of the plasma instance the object is sent to .
port ( int ) : Port number of the plasma instance the object is sent to .
object_id ( str ) : A string used to identify an object .
2016-10-18 18:20:59 -07:00
if not self . has_manager_conn :
raise Exception ( " Not connected to the plasma manager socket " )
self . client . plasma_transfer ( self . plasma_conn , addr , port , make_plasma_id ( object_id ) )
def fetch ( self , object_ids ) :
""" Fetch the object with id object_id from another plasma manager instance.
Args :
object_id ( str ) : A string used to identify an object .
object_id_array = ( len ( object_ids ) * PlasmaID ) ( )
for i , object_id in enumerate ( object_ids ) :
object_id_array [ i ] = make_plasma_id ( object_id )
success_array = ( len ( object_ids ) * ctypes . c_int ) ( )
if not self . has_manager_conn :
2016-09-05 15:34:11 -07:00
raise Exception ( " Not connected to the plasma manager socket " )
2016-10-18 18:20:59 -07:00
self . client . plasma_fetch ( self . plasma_conn ,
object_id_array . _length_ ,
object_id_array ,
success_array ) ;
return [ bool ( success ) for success in success_array ]
2016-10-14 19:27:17 -07:00
2016-10-29 17:30:34 -07:00
def wait ( self , object_ids , timeout , num_returns ) :
""" Wait until num_returns objects in object_ids are ready.
Args :
object_ids ( List [ str ] ) : List of object IDs to wait for .
timeout ( int ) : Return to the caller after timeout milliseconds .
num_returns ( int ) : We are waiting for this number of objects to be ready .
Returns :
ready_ids , waiting_ids ( List [ str ] , List [ str ] ) : List of object IDs that
are ready and list of object IDs we might still wait on respectively .
if not self . has_manager_conn :
raise Exception ( " Not connected to the plasma manager socket " )
2016-11-02 00:39:35 -07:00
if num_returns < 0 :
raise Exception ( " The argument num_returns cannot be less than one. " )
if num_returns > len ( object_ids ) :
raise Exception ( " The argument num_returns cannot be greater than len(object_ids): num_returns is {} , len(object_ids) is {} . " . format ( num_returns , len ( object_ids ) ) )
if timeout > 2 * * 36 :
raise Exception ( " The method wait currently cannot be used with a timeout greater than 2 ** 36. " )
2016-10-29 17:30:34 -07:00
object_id_array = ( len ( object_ids ) * PlasmaID ) ( )
for i , object_id in enumerate ( object_ids ) :
object_id_array [ i ] = make_plasma_id ( object_id )
return_id_array = ( num_returns * PlasmaID ) ( )
num_return_objects = self . client . plasma_wait ( self . plasma_conn ,
object_id_array . _length_ ,
object_id_array ,
2016-11-02 00:39:35 -07:00
ctypes . c_int64 ( timeout ) ,
num_returns ,
return_id_array )
2016-10-29 17:30:34 -07:00
ready_ids = map ( plasma_id_to_str , return_id_array [ num_returns - num_return_objects : ] )
return ready_ids , list ( set ( object_ids ) - set ( ready_ids ) )
2016-10-14 19:27:17 -07:00
def subscribe ( self ) :
""" Subscribe to notifications about sealed objects. """
2016-10-18 18:20:59 -07:00
fd = self . client . plasma_subscribe ( self . plasma_conn )
2016-10-14 19:27:17 -07:00
self . notification_sock = socket . fromfd ( fd , socket . AF_UNIX , socket . SOCK_STREAM )
# Make the socket non-blocking.
self . notification_sock . setblocking ( 0 )
def get_next_notification ( self ) :
""" Get the next notification from the notification socket. """
if not self . notification_sock :
raise Exception ( " To get notifications, first call subscribe. " )
# Loop until we've read PLASMA_ID_SIZE bytes from the socket.
while True :
try :
message_data = self . notification_sock . recv ( PLASMA_ID_SIZE )
except socket . error :
time . sleep ( 0.001 )
else :
assert len ( message_data ) == PLASMA_ID_SIZE
return message_data
2016-11-02 16:40:37 -07:00
2016-11-04 00:41:20 -07:00
def start_plasma_manager ( store_name , manager_name , redis_address , num_retries = 5 , use_valgrind = False , run_profiler = False ) :
2016-11-02 16:40:37 -07:00
""" Start a plasma manager and return the ports it listens on.
Args :
store_name ( str ) : The name of the plasma store socket .
manager_name ( str ) : The name of the plasma manager socket .
redis_address ( str ) : The address of the Redis server .
use_valgrind ( bool ) : True if the Plasma manager should be started inside of
valgrind and False otherwise .
Returns :
The process ID of the Plasma manager and the port that the manager is
listening on .
Raises :
Exception : An exception is raised if the manager could not be properly
started .
plasma_manager_executable = os . path . join ( os . path . abspath ( os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) ) , " ../../build/plasma_manager " )
port = None
process = None
counter = 0
while counter < num_retries :
if counter > 0 :
print ( " Plasma manager failed to start, retrying now. " )
port = random . randint ( 10000 , 65535 )
command = [ plasma_manager_executable ,
" -s " , store_name ,
" -m " , manager_name ,
" -h " , " " ,
" -p " , str ( port ) ,
" -r " , redis_address ]
if use_valgrind :
process = subprocess . Popen ( [ " valgrind " , " --track-origins=yes " , " --leak-check=full " , " --show-leak-kinds=all " , " --error-exitcode=1 " ] + command )
2016-11-04 00:41:20 -07:00
elif run_profiler :
process = subprocess . Popen ( [ " valgrind " , " --tool=callgrind " ] + command )
2016-11-02 16:40:37 -07:00
else :
process = subprocess . Popen ( command )
# This sleep is critical. If the plasma_manager fails to start because the
# port is already in use, then we need it to fail within 0.1 seconds.
time . sleep ( 0.1 )
# See if the process has terminated
if process . poll ( ) == None :
return process , port
counter + = 1
raise Exception ( " Couldn ' t start plasma manager. " )