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"""Common pre-checks for all RLlib experiments."""
import logging
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from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Set
import gym
from ray.rllib.utils.typing import EnvType
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from ray.rllib.env import BaseEnv, MultiAgentEnv
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def check_env(env: EnvType) -> None:
"""Run pre-checks on env that uncover common errors in environments.
env: Environment to be checked.
ValueError: If env is not an instance of SUPPORTED_ENVIRONMENT_TYPES.
ValueError: See check_gym_env docstring for details.
from ray.rllib.env import BaseEnv, MultiAgentEnv, RemoteBaseEnv, \
if not isinstance(
env, (BaseEnv, gym.Env, MultiAgentEnv, RemoteBaseEnv, VectorEnv)):
raise ValueError(
"Env must be one of the supported types: BaseEnv, gym.Env, "
"MultiAgentEnv, VectorEnv, RemoteBaseEnv")
if isinstance(env, MultiAgentEnv):
elif isinstance(env, gym.Env):
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elif isinstance(env, BaseEnv):
logger.warning("Env checking isn't implemented for VectorEnvs or "
def check_gym_environments(env: gym.Env) -> None:
"""Checking for common errors in gym environments.
env: Environment to be checked.
If env has no attribute spec with a sub attribute,
AttributeError: If env has no observation space.
AttributeError: If env has no action space.
ValueError: Observation space must be a gym.spaces.Space.
ValueError: Action space must be a gym.spaces.Space.
ValueError: Observation sampled from observation space must be
contained in the observation space.
ValueError: Action sampled from action space must be
contained in the observation space.
ValueError: If env cannot be resetted.
ValueError: If an observation collected from a call to env.reset().
is not contained in the observation_space.
ValueError: If env cannot be stepped via a call to env.step().
ValueError: If the observation collected from env.step() is not
contained in the observation_space.
AssertionError: If env.step() returns a reward that is not an
int or float.
AssertionError: IF env.step() returns a done that is not a bool.
AssertionError: If env.step() returns an env_info that is not a dict.
# check that env has observation and action spaces
if not hasattr(env, "observation_space"):
raise AttributeError("Env must have observation_space.")
if not hasattr(env, "action_space"):
raise AttributeError("Env must have action_space.")
# check that observation and action spaces are gym.spaces
if not isinstance(env.observation_space, gym.spaces.Space):
raise ValueError("Observation space must be a gym.space")
if not isinstance(env.action_space, gym.spaces.Space):
raise ValueError("Action space must be a gym.space")
# raise a warning if there isn't a max_episode_steps attribute
if not hasattr(env, "spec") or not hasattr(env.spec, "max_episode_steps"):
logger.warning("Your env doesn't have a .spec.max_episode_steps "
"attribute. This is fine if you have set 'horizon' "
"in your config dictionary, or `soft_horizon`. "
"However, if you haven't, 'horizon' will default "
"to infinity, and your environment will not be "
# check if sampled actions and observations are contained within their
# respective action and observation spaces.
def contains_error(action_or_observation, sample, space):
string_type = "observation" if not action_or_observation else \
sample_type = get_type(sample)
_space_type = space.dtype
ret = (f"A sampled {string_type} from your env wasn't contained "
f"within your env's {string_type} space. Its possible that "
f"there was a type mismatch, or that one of the "
f"sub-{string_type} was out of bounds:\n\nsampled_obs: "
f"{sample}\nenv.{string_type}_space: {space}"
f"\nsampled_obs's dtype: {sample_type}"
f"\nenv.{sample_type}'s dtype: {_space_type}")
return ret
def get_type(var):
return var.dtype if hasattr(var, "dtype") else type(var)
sampled_action = env.action_space.sample()
sampled_observation = env.observation_space.sample()
if not env.observation_space.contains(sampled_observation):
raise ValueError(
contains_error(False, sampled_observation, env.observation_space))
if not env.action_space.contains(sampled_action):
raise ValueError(
contains_error(True, sampled_action, env.action_space))
# check if observation generated from stepping the environment is
# contained within the observation space
reset_obs = env.reset()
if not env.observation_space.contains(reset_obs):
reset_obs_type = get_type(reset_obs)
space_type = env.observation_space.dtype
error = (
f"The observation collected from env.reset() was not "
f"contained within your env's observation space. Its possible "
f"that There was a type mismatch, or that one of the "
f"sub-observations was out of bounds: \n\n reset_obs: "
f"{reset_obs}\n\n env.observation_space: "
f"{env.observation_space}\n\n reset_obs's dtype: "
f"{reset_obs_type}\n\n env.observation_space's dtype: "
raise ValueError(error)
# check if env.step can run, and generates observations rewards, done
# signals and infos that are within their respective spaces and are of
# the correct dtypes
next_obs, reward, done, info = env.step(sampled_action)
if not env.observation_space.contains(next_obs):
next_obs_type = get_type(next_obs)
space_type = env.observation_space.dtype
error = (
f"The observation collected from env.step(sampled_action) was "
f"not contained within your env's observation space. Its "
f"possible that There was a type mismatch, or that one of the "
f"sub-observations was out of bounds:\n\n next_obs: {next_obs}"
f"\n\n env.observation_space: {env.observation_space}"
f"\n\n next_obs's dtype: {next_obs_type}"
f"\n\n env.observation_space's dtype: {space_type}")
raise ValueError(error)
def check_multiagent_environments(env: "MultiAgentEnv") -> None:
"""Checking for common errors in RLlib MultiAgentEnvs.
env: The env to be checked.
from ray.rllib.env import MultiAgentEnv
if not isinstance(env, MultiAgentEnv):
raise ValueError("The passed env is not a MultiAgentEnv.")
reset_obs = env.reset()
sampled_obs = env.observation_space_sample()
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_check_if_element_multi_agent_dict(env, reset_obs, "reset()")
_check_if_element_multi_agent_dict(env, sampled_obs,
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError("Your observation_space_contains function has some "
"error ") from e
if not env.observation_space_contains(reset_obs):
error = (
2022-01-18 07:34:06 -08:00
_not_contained_error("env.reset", "observation") +
f"\n\n reset_obs: {reset_obs}\n\n env.observation_space_sample():"
f" {sampled_obs}\n\n ")
raise ValueError(error)
if not env.observation_space_contains(sampled_obs):
error = (
_not_contained_error("observation_space_sample", "observation") +
f"\n\n env.observation_space_sample():"
f" {sampled_obs}\n\n ")
raise ValueError(error)
sampled_action = env.action_space_sample()
2022-01-18 07:34:06 -08:00
_check_if_element_multi_agent_dict(env, sampled_action,
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError("Your action_space_contains function has some "
"error ") from e
if not env.action_space_contains(sampled_action):
2022-01-18 07:34:06 -08:00
error = (_not_contained_error("action_space_sample", "action") +
"\n\n sampled_action {sampled_action}\n\n")
raise ValueError(error)
next_obs, reward, done, info = env.step(sampled_action)
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_check_if_element_multi_agent_dict(env, next_obs, "step(sampled_action)")
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if not env.observation_space_contains(next_obs):
error = (
2022-01-18 07:34:06 -08:00
_not_contained_error("env.step(sampled_action)", "observation") +
":\n\n next_obs: {next_obs} \n\n sampled_obs: {sampled_obs}")
raise ValueError(error)
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def check_base_env(env: "BaseEnv") -> None:
"""Checking for common errors in RLlib BaseEnvs.
env: The env to be checked.
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from ray.rllib.env import BaseEnv
if not isinstance(env, BaseEnv):
raise ValueError("The passed env is not a BaseEnv.")
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reset_obs = env.try_reset()
sampled_obs = env.observation_space_sample()
_check_if_multi_env_dict(env, reset_obs, "try_reset")
_check_if_multi_env_dict(env, sampled_obs, "observation_space_sample()")
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except Exception as e:
raise ValueError("Your observation_space_contains function has some "
"error ") from e
2022-01-18 07:34:06 -08:00
if not env.observation_space_contains(reset_obs):
error = (_not_contained_error("try_reset", "observation") +
f": \n\n reset_obs: {reset_obs}\n\n "
f"env.observation_space_sample(): {sampled_obs}\n\n ")
raise ValueError(error)
if not env.observation_space_contains(sampled_obs):
error = (
_not_contained_error("observation_space_sample", "observation") +
f": \n\n sampled_obs: {sampled_obs}\n\n ")
raise ValueError(error)
sampled_action = env.action_space_sample()
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError("Your action_space_contains function has some "
"error ") from e
if not env.action_space_contains(sampled_action):
error = (_not_contained_error("action_space_sample", "action") +
f": \n\n sampled_action {sampled_action}\n\n")
raise ValueError(error)
_check_if_multi_env_dict(env, sampled_action, "action_space_sample()")
next_obs, reward, done, info, _ = env.poll()
_check_if_multi_env_dict(env, next_obs, "step, next_obs")
_check_if_multi_env_dict(env, reward, "step, reward")
_check_if_multi_env_dict(env, done, "step, done")
_check_if_multi_env_dict(env, info, "step, info")
if not env.observation_space_contains(next_obs):
error = (
_not_contained_error("poll", "observation") +
f": \n\n reset_obs: {reset_obs}\n\n env.step():{next_obs}\n\n")
raise ValueError(error)
_check_reward(reward, base_env=True)
_check_done(done, base_env=True)
_check_info(info, base_env=True)
def _check_reward(reward, base_env=False):
if base_env:
for _, multi_agent_dict in reward.items():
for _, rew in multi_agent_dict.items():
assert isinstance(rew, (float, int)), \
"Your step function must return a rewards that are" \
f" integer or float. reward: {rew}"
assert isinstance(reward, (float, int)), \
"Your step function must return a reward that is integer or float."
def _check_done(done, base_env=False):
if base_env:
for _, multi_agent_dict in done.items():
for _, done_ in multi_agent_dict.items():
assert isinstance(done_, bool), \
"Your step function must return a done that is boolean. " \
f"element: {done_}"
assert isinstance(
done, bool), "Your step function must return a done that is a " \
def _check_info(info, base_env=False):
if base_env:
for _, multi_agent_dict in info.items():
for _, inf in multi_agent_dict.items():
assert isinstance(inf, dict), \
"Your step function must return a info that is a dict. " \
f"element: {inf}"
assert isinstance(
dict), "Your step function must return a info that is a dict."
def _not_contained_error(func_name, _type):
_error = \
(f"The {_type} collected from {func_name} was not contained within"
f" your env's {_type} space. Its possible that there was a type"
f"mismatch (for example {_type}s of np.float32 and a space of"
f"np.float64 {_type}s), or that one of the sub-{_type}s was"
f"out of bounds")
return _error
def _check_if_multi_env_dict(env, element, function_string):
if not isinstance(element, dict):
raise ValueError(
f"The element returned by {function_string} is not a "
f"MultiEnvDict. Instead, it is of type: {type(element)}")
env_ids = env.get_sub_environments(as_dict=True).keys()
if not all(k in env_ids for k in element):
raise ValueError(f"The element returned by {function_string} "
f"has dict keys that don't correspond to "
f"environment ids for this env "
for _, multi_agent_dict in element.items():
env, multi_agent_dict, function_string, base_env=True)
def _check_if_element_multi_agent_dict(env,
if not isinstance(element, dict):
if base_env:
error = (f"The element returned by {function_string} has values "
f"that are not MultiAgentDicts. Instead, they are of "
f"type: {type(element)}")
error = (f"The element returned by {function_string} is not a "
f"MultiAgentDict. Instead, it is of type: "
f" {type(element)}")
raise ValueError(error)
agent_ids: Set = env.get_agent_ids()
if not all(k in agent_ids for k in element):
if base_env:
error = (f"The element returned by {function_string} has agent_ids"
f" that are not the names of the agents in the env."
f"agent_ids in this\nMultiEnvDict:"
f" {list(element.keys())}\nAgent_ids in this env:"
error = (f"The element returned by {function_string} has agent_ids"
f" that are not the names of the agents in the env. "
f"\nAgent_ids in this MultiAgentDict: "
f"{list(element.keys())}\nAgent_ids in this env:"
raise ValueError(error)