Workflows also provides a *virtual actors* abstraction, which can be thought of as syntactic sugar on top of a dynamic workflow. Virtual actors are like Ray actors, but backed by durable storage instead of a running process. You can also launch sub-workflows from the methods of each virtual actor (e.g., train models in parallel). Here is a basic example:
..code-block:: python
from ray import workflow
import ray
class Counter:
def __init__(self, init_val):
self._val = init_val
def incr(self, val=1):
self._val += val
def value(self):
return self._val
# Initialize a Counter actor with id="my_counter".
counter = Counter.get_or_create("my_counter", 0)
# Similar to workflow steps, actor methods support:
# - `run()`, which will return the value
# - `run_async()`, which will return a ObjectRef
assert == 10
# Non-blocking execution.
assert 30 == ray.get(counter.value.run_async())
In the code above, we define a ``Counter`` virtual actor. When the ``Counter`` is created, its class definition and initial state is logged into storage as a dynamic workflow with ``workflow_id="my_counter"``. When actor methods are called, new steps are dynamically appended to the workflow and executed, returning the new actor state and result.
``__dict__`` in virtual actors must be able to json serializable, otherwise ``__getstate__`` and ``__setstate__`` must be defined, which will be called on each step to restore and save the actor.
Readonly methods are not only lower overhead since they skip action logging, but can be executed concurrently with respect to mutating methods on the actor.
Inside virtual actor methods, sub-workflow involving other methods of the virtual actor can be launched. These sub-workflows can also include workflow steps defined outside the actor class, for example:
Workflow virtual actors provide similar ordering guarantees as Ray actors: the methods will be executed in the same order as they are submitted, provided they are submitted from the same thread. This applies both to ``.run()`` (trivially true) and ``.run_async()```, and is also guaranteed to hold under cluster failures. Hence, you can use actor methods as a short-lived queue of work to process for the actor.
When an actor method launches a sub-workflow, that entire sub-workflow will be run as part of the actor method step. This means all steps of the sub-workflow will be guaranteed to complete before any other queued actor method calls are run. However, note that the sub-workflow is not transactional, that is, read-only methods can read intermediate actor state written by steps of the sub-workflow.
Long-lived sub-workflows
We do not recommend running long-lived workflows as sub-workflows of a virtual actor. This is because sub-workflows block future actor methods calls from executing while they are running. Instead, you can launch a *separate* workflow and track its execution using workflow API methods. By generating the workflow id deterministically (ensuring idempotency), no duplicate workflows will be launched even if there is a failure.
..code-block:: python
:caption:Long-lived sub-workflow (bad).
class ShoppingCart:
# BAD: blocks until shipping completes, which could be
# slow. Until that workflow finishes, no mutating methods
# can be called on this actor.
def do_checkout():
# Run shipping workflow as sub-workflow of this method.
return ship_items.step(self.items)
..code-block:: python
:caption:Launching separate workflows (good).
class ShoppingCart:
# GOOD: the checkout method is non-blocking, and the shipment
# status can be monitored via ``self.shipment_workflow_id``.
def do_checkout():
# Deterministically generate a workflow id for idempotency.