2020-11-27 11:36:56 -08:00
.. _tune-main:
2020-02-18 13:43:19 -08:00
Tune: Scalable Hyperparameter Tuning
2019-09-04 12:44:42 -07:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
.. image :: images/tune_overview.png
:scale: 50%
2018-08-19 11:00:55 -07:00
:align: center
2018-04-17 09:57:35 -07:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
Tune is a Python library for experiment execution and hyperparameter tuning at any scale.
You can tune your favorite machine learning framework, :ref: `including PyTorch, XGBoost, TensorFlow and Keras <tune-guides>` ,
and choose among state of the art algorithms such as :ref: `Population Based Training (PBT) <tune-scheduler-pbt>` ,
:ref: `BayesOptSearch <bayesopt>` , or :ref: `HyperBand/ASHA <tune-scheduler-hyperband>` .
Tune integrates with a wide range of hyperparameter optimization tools, like
:ref: `Optuna, Hyperopt, Ax, and Nevergrad <tune-search-alg>` , to name a few.
.. tabbed :: Examples
Learn how to use Ray Tune for various machine learning frameworks in just a few steps.
**Click on the tabs to see code examples** .
.. tabbed :: Quickstart
.. tip :: We'd love to hear your feedback on using Tune - `get in touch <https://forms.gle/PTRvGLbKRdUfuzQo9> `_ !
To run this example, install the following: `` pip install "ray[tune]" `` .
2022-02-12 11:46:03 +01:00
In this quick-start example you `minimize` a simple function of the form `` f(x) = a**2 + b `` , our `objective` function.
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
The closer `` a `` is to zero and the smaller `` b `` is, the smaller the total value of `` f(x) `` .
We will define a so-called `search space` for `` a `` and `` b `` and let Ray Tune explore the space for good values.
.. literalinclude :: ../../../python/ray/tune/tests/example.py
:language: python
:start-after: __quick_start_begin__
:end-before: __quick_start_end__
.. tabbed :: Keras+Hyperopt
To tune your Keras models with Hyperopt, you wrap your model in an objective function whose `` config `` you
can access for selecting hyperparameters.
In the example below we only tune the `` activation `` parameter of the first layer of the model, but you can
tune any parameter of the model you want.
After defining the search space, you can simply initialize the `` HyperOptSearch `` object and pass it to `` run `` .
It's important to tell Ray Tune which metric you want to optimize and whether you want to maximize or minimize it.
.. code-block :: python
from ray import tune
from ray.tune.suggest.hyperopt import HyperOptSearch
import keras
# 1. Wrap a Keras model in an objective function.
def objective(config):
model = keras.models.Sequential()
model.add(keras.layers.Dense(784, activation=config["activation"]))
model.add(keras.layers.Dense(10, activation="softmax"))
model.compile(loss="binary_crossentropy", optimizer="adam", metrics=["accuracy"])
loss, accuracy = model.evaluate(...)
return {"accuracy": accuracy}
# 2. Define a search space and initialize the search algorithm.
search_space = {"activation": tune.choice(["relu", "tanh"])}
algo = HyperOptSearch()
# 3. Start a Tune run that maximizes accuracy.
analysis = tune.run(
objective, search_alg=algo, config=search_space, metric="accuracy", mode="max"
2018-02-02 23:03:12 -08:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
.. TODO add .. tabbed:: PyTorch+Optuna
.. TODO add .. tabbed:: Scikit+PBT
With Tune you can also launch a multi-node :ref: `distributed hyperparameter sweep <tune-distributed-ref>`
in less than 10 lines of code.
It automatically manages :ref: `checkpoints <tune-checkpoint-syncing>` and logging to :ref: `TensorBoard <tune-logging>` .
And you can move your models from training to serving on the same infrastructure with `Ray Serve`_ .
2018-11-08 23:45:05 -08:00
2021-07-29 01:27:54 +09:00
.. _`Ray Serve`: ../serve/index.html
2018-11-08 23:45:05 -08:00
2019-09-04 12:44:42 -07:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
.. panels ::
:container: text-center
:column: col-md-4 px-2 py-2
2018-04-17 09:57:35 -07:00
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**Getting Started**
2018-03-19 12:55:10 -07:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
In our getting started tutorial you will learn how to tune a PyTorch model
effectively with Tune.
2018-03-19 12:55:10 -07:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
.. link-button :: tune-tutorial
:type: ref
:text: Get Started with Tune
:classes: btn-outline-info btn-block
2018-03-19 12:55:10 -07:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
**Key Concepts**
2018-03-19 12:55:10 -07:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
Understand the key concepts behind Ray Tune.
Learn about tune runs, search algorithms, schedulers and other features.
2018-03-19 12:55:10 -07:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
.. link-button :: tune-60-seconds
:type: ref
:text: Tune's Key Concepts
:classes: btn-outline-info btn-block
2018-03-19 12:55:10 -07:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
**User Guides**
2017-11-23 11:31:59 -08:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
Our guides teach you about key features of Tune, such as distributed training or early stopping.
You can also find practical tutorials for scikit-learn, PyTorch, mlflow, and many more.
2017-11-23 11:31:59 -08:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
.. link-button :: tune-guides
:type: ref
:text: Learn How To Use Tune
:classes: btn-outline-info btn-block
2019-09-21 19:06:34 +01:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
2019-09-21 19:06:34 +01:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
Check out some of our many examples on Ray Tune.
2018-02-12 14:01:19 -08:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
.. link-button :: tune-examples-ref
:type: ref
:text: Ray Tune Examples
:classes: btn-outline-info btn-block
2020-04-27 18:01:00 -07:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
**Ray Tune FAQ**
2020-06-11 11:23:36 -07:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
Find answers to commonly asked questions in our detailed FAQ.
2020-07-29 11:22:44 -07:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
.. link-button :: tune-faq
:type: ref
:text: Ray Tune FAQ
:classes: btn-outline-info btn-block
2020-07-29 11:22:44 -07:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
**Ray Tune API**
2020-07-29 11:22:44 -07:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
Get more in-depth information about the Ray Tune API, including all about search spaces,
algorithms and training configurations.
2020-07-29 11:22:44 -07:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
.. link-button :: tune-api-ref
:type: ref
:text: Read the API Reference
:classes: btn-outline-info btn-block
2020-07-29 11:22:44 -07:00
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Why choose Tune?
2020-07-29 11:22:44 -07:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
There are many other hyperparameter optimization libraries out there.
If you're new to Tune, you're probably wondering, "what makes Tune different?"
2020-07-29 11:22:44 -07:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
.. dropdown :: Cutting-Edge Optimization Algorithms
:animate: fade-in-slide-down
2020-07-29 11:22:44 -07:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
As a user, you're probably looking into hyperparameter optimization because you want to quickly increase your
model performance.
2020-07-29 11:22:44 -07:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
Tune enables you to leverage a variety of these cutting edge optimization algorithms, reducing the cost of tuning
by `terminating bad runs early <tune-scheduler-hyperband> `_ ,
:ref: `choosing better parameters to evaluate <tune-search-alg>` , or even
:ref: `changing the hyperparameters during training <tune-scheduler-pbt>` to optimize schedules.
2020-07-29 11:22:44 -07:00
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.. dropdown :: First-class Developer Productivity
:animate: fade-in-slide-down
2020-07-29 11:22:44 -07:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
A key problem with many hyperparameter optimization frameworks is the need to restructure
your code to fit the framework.
With Tune, you can optimize your model just by :ref: `adding a few code snippets <tune-tutorial>` .
2020-07-29 11:22:44 -07:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
Also, Tune removes boilerplate from your code training workflow,
automatically :ref: `manages checkpoints <tune-checkpoint-syncing>` and
:ref: `logs results to tools <tune-logging>` such as MLflow and TensorBoard, while also being highly customizable.
2020-07-29 11:22:44 -07:00
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.. dropdown :: Multi-GPU & Distributed Training Out Of The Box
:animate: fade-in-slide-down
2020-06-11 11:23:36 -07:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
Hyperparameter tuning is known to be highly time-consuming, so it is often necessary to parallelize this process.
Most other tuning frameworks require you to implement your own multi-process framework or build your own
distributed system to speed up hyperparameter tuning.
However, Tune allows you to transparently :ref: `parallelize across multiple GPUs and multiple nodes <tune-parallelism>` .
Tune even has seamless :ref: `fault tolerance and cloud support <tune-distributed-ref>` , allowing you to scale up
your hyperparameter search by 100x while reducing costs by up to 10x by using cheap preemptible instances.
.. dropdown :: Coming From Another Hyperparameter Optimization Tool?
:animate: fade-in-slide-down
2020-06-11 11:23:36 -07:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
You might be already using an existing hyperparameter tuning tool such as HyperOpt or Bayesian Optimization.
2019-08-02 09:17:20 -07:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
In this situation, Tune actually allows you to power up your existing workflow.
Tune's :ref: `Search Algorithms <tune-search-alg>` integrate with a variety of popular hyperparameter tuning
libraries (such as Nevergrad or HyperOpt) and allow you to seamlessly scale up your optimization
process - without sacrificing performance.
Reference Materials
2019-08-02 09:17:20 -07:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
Below you can find blog posts and talks about Ray Tune:
2019-12-02 19:59:23 -08:00
2020-09-21 11:27:50 -07:00
- [blog] `Tune: a Python library for fast hyperparameter tuning at any scale <https://towardsdatascience.com/fast-hyperparameter-tuning-at-scale-d428223b081c> `_
- [blog] `Cutting edge hyperparameter tuning with Ray Tune <https://medium.com/riselab/cutting-edge-hyperparameter-tuning-with-ray-tune-be6c0447afdf> `_
- [blog] `Simple hyperparameter and architecture search in tensorflow with Ray Tune <http://louiskirsch.com/ai/ray-tune> `_
- [slides] `Talk given at RISECamp 2019 <https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1v3IldXWrFNMK-vuONlSdEuM82fuGTrNUDuwtfx4axsQ/edit?usp=sharing> `_
- [video] `Talk given at RISECamp 2018 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38Yd_dXW51Q> `_
- [video] `A Guide to Modern Hyperparameter Optimization (PyData LA 2019) <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10uz5U3Gy6E> `_ (`slides <https://speakerdeck.com/richardliaw/a-modern-guide-to-hyperparameter-optimization> `_ )
2018-01-24 13:45:10 -08:00
2018-08-19 11:00:55 -07:00
Citing Tune
2018-01-24 13:45:10 -08:00
2022-02-07 16:47:03 +01:00
If Tune helps you in your academic research, you are encouraged to cite `our paper <https://arxiv.org/abs/1807.05118> `__ .
Here is an example bibtex:
2018-01-24 13:45:10 -08:00
2018-08-19 11:00:55 -07:00
.. code-block :: tex
2018-01-24 13:45:10 -08:00
2018-08-19 11:00:55 -07:00
title={Tune: A Research Platform for Distributed Model Selection and Training},
author={Liaw, Richard and Liang, Eric and Nishihara, Robert
and Moritz, Philipp and Gonzalez, Joseph E and Stoica, Ion},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.05118},