RaySGD includes an integration with Pytorch Lightning's `LightningModule <https://pytorch-lightning.readthedocs.io/en/latest/common/lightning_module.html>`_.
Easily take your existing ``LightningModule``, and use it with Ray SGD's ``TorchTrainer`` to take advantage of all of Ray SGD's distributed training features with minimal code changes.
..tip:: This LightningModule integration is currently under active development. If you encounter any bugs, please raise an issue on `Github <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/issues>`_!
..note:: Not all Pytorch Lightning features are supported. A full list of unsupported model hooks is listed down :ref:`below <ptl-unsupported-features>`. Please post any feature requests on `Github <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/issues>`_ and we will get to it shortly!
Quick Start
Step 1: Define your ``LightningModule`` just like how you would with Pytorch Lightning.
..code-block:: python
from pytorch_lightning.core.lightning import LightningModule
class MyLightningModule(LightningModule):
Step 2: Use the ``TrainingOperator.from_ptl`` method to convert the ``LightningModule`` to a Ray SGD compatible ``LightningOperator``.
Step 3: Use the Operator with Ray SGD's ``TorchTrainer``, just like how you would normally. See :ref:`torch-guide` for a more full guide on ``TorchTrainer``.
This is the same code that would normally be used in Pytorch Lightning, and is taken directly from `this PTL guide <https://pytorch-lightning.readthedocs.io/en/latest/introduction_guide.html>`_.
The only difference here is that the ``__init__`` method can optionally take in a ``config`` argument,
as a way to pass in hyperparameters to your model, optimizer, or schedulers. The ``config`` will be passed in directly from
the TorchTrainer. Or if using Ray SGD in conjunction with Tune (:ref:`raysgd-tune`), it will come directly from the config in your
``tune.run`` call.
Training with Ray SGD
We now can define our training function using our LitMNIST module and Ray SGD.