Ray Tune is a hyperparameter optimization framework for long-running tasks such as RL and deep learning training. Ray Tune makes it easy to go from running one or more experiments on a single machine to running on a large cluster with efficient search algorithms.
This script runs a small grid search over the ``my_func`` function using Ray Tune, reporting status on the command line until the stopping condition of ``mean_accuracy >= 100`` is reached (for metrics like _loss_ that decrease over time, specify `neg_mean_loss <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/python/ray/tune/result.py#L40>`__ as a condition instead):
In order to report incremental progress, ``my_func`` periodically calls the ``reporter`` function passed in by Ray Tune to return the current timestep and other metrics as defined in `ray.tune.result.TrainingResult <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/python/ray/tune/result.py>`__. Incremental results will be synced to local disk on the head node of the cluster.
Learn more `about specifying experiments <tune-config.html>`__ .
- Scalable implementations of search algorithms such as `Population Based Training (PBT) <pbt.html>`__, `Median Stopping Rule <hyperband.html#median-stopping-rule>`__, Model-Based Optimization (HyperOpt), and `HyperBand <hyperband.html>`__.
- Integration with visualization tools such as `TensorBoard <https://www.tensorflow.org/get_started/summaries_and_tensorboard>`__, `rllab's VisKit <https://media.readthedocs.org/pdf/rllab/latest/rllab.pdf>`__, and a `parallel coordinates visualization <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallel_coordinates>`__.
- Flexible trial variant generation, including grid search, random search, and conditional parameter distributions.
- Resource-aware scheduling, including support for concurrent runs of algorithms that may themselves be parallel and distributed.
..image:: tune-api.svg
Ray Tune schedules a number of *trials* in a cluster. Each trial runs a user-defined Python function or class and is parameterized by a *config* variation passed to the user code.
In order to run any given function, you need to run ``register_trainable`` to a name. This makes all Ray workers aware of the function.
..autofunction:: ray.tune.register_trainable
Ray Tune provides a ``run_experiments`` function that generates and runs the trials described by the experiment specification. The trials are scheduled and managed by a *trial scheduler* that implements the search algorithm (default is FIFO).
..autofunction:: ray.tune.run_experiments
Ray Tune can be used anywhere Ray can, e.g. on your laptop with ``ray.init()`` embedded in a Python script, or in an `auto-scaling cluster <autoscaling.html>`__ for massive parallelism.
You can find the code for Ray Tune `here on GitHub <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/tree/master/python/ray/tune>`__.
By default, Ray Tune schedules trials in serial order with the ``FIFOScheduler`` class. However, you can also specify a custom scheduling algorithm that can early stop trials, perturb parameters, or incorporate suggestions from an external service. Currently implemented trial schedulers include `Population Based Training (PBT) <pbt.html>`__, `Median Stopping Rule <hyperband.html#median-stopping-rule>`__, Model-Based Optimization (HyperOpt), and `HyperBand <hyperband.html>`__.
An example of this can be found in `hyperopt_example.py <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/python/ray/tune/examples/hyperopt_example.py>`__.
Ray Tune logs trial results to a unique directory per experiment, e.g. ``~/ray_results/my_experiment`` in the above example. The log records are compatible with a number of visualization tools:
Then, after you run a experiment, you can visualize your experiment with TensorBoard by specifying the output directory of your results. Note that if you running Ray on a remote cluster, you can forward the tensorboard port to your local machine through SSH using ``ssh -L 6006:localhost:6006 <address>``:
Finally, to view the results with a `parallel coordinates visualization <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallel_coordinates>`__, open `ParallelCoordinatesVisualization.ipynb <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/python/ray/tune/ParallelCoordinatesVisualization.ipynb>`__ as follows and run its cells:
To enable checkpointing, you must implement a Trainable class (Trainable functions are not checkpointable, since they never return control back to their caller). The easiest way to do this is to subclass the pre-defined ``Trainable`` class and implement its ``_train``, ``_save``, and ``_restore`` abstract methods `(example) <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/python/ray/tune/examples/hyperband_example.py>`__: Implementing this interface is required to support resource multiplexing in schedulers such as HyperBand and PBT.
For TensorFlow model training, this would look something like this `(full tensorflow example) <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/python/ray/tune/examples/tune_mnist_ray_hyperband.py>`__:
Additionally, checkpointing can be used to provide fault-tolerance for experiments. This can be enabled by setting ``checkpoint_freq: N`` and ``max_failures: M`` to checkpoint trials every *N* iterations and recover from up to *M* crashes per trial, e.g.:
..code-block:: python
"my_experiment": {
"checkpoint_freq": 10,
"max_failures": 5,
The class interface that must be implemented to enable checkpointing is as follows:
You can modify an ongoing experiment by adding or deleting trials using the Tune Client API. To do this, verify that you have the ``requests`` library installed:
..code-block:: bash
$ pip install requests
To use the Client API, you can start your experiment with ``with_server=True``:
Then, on the client side, you can use the following class. The server address defaults to ``localhost:4321``. If on a cluster, you may want to forward this port (e.g. ``ssh -L <local_port>:localhost:<remote_port> <address>``) so that you can use the Client on your local machine.
For an example notebook for using the Client API, see the `Client API Example <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/tree/master/python/ray/tune/TuneClient.ipynb>`__.