Compared to other loading solutions, Datasets are more flexible (e.g., can express higher-quality `per-epoch global shuffles <examples/big_data_ingestion.html>`__) and provides `higher overall performance <>`__.
Datasets supports data preprocessing transformations commonly performed just before model training and model inference, which we refer to as **last-mile preprocessing**. These transformations are carried out via a few key operations: mapping, groupbys + aggregations, and random shuffling.
Many common preprocessing transformations, such as:
- adding new columns
- transforming existing columns
- dropping columns
- dropping nulls
- one-hot encoding
can be efficiently applied to a ``Dataset`` using Pandas DataFrame UDFs and ``.map_batches()``; this will execute these transformations in parallel over the ``Dataset`` blocks, and allows you to apply vectorized Pandas operations to the block columns within the UDF.
..code-block:: python
# A Pandas DataFrame UDF for transforming the underlying blocks of a Dataset in parallel.
Other preprocessing operations require global operations, such as groupbys and grouped/global aggregations. Just like other transformations, grouped/global aggregations are executed *eagerly* and block until the aggregation has been computed.
..code-block:: python
ds: =[
{"A": x % 3, "B": 2 * x, "C": 3 * x}
for x in range(10)])
# Group by the A column and calculate the per-group mean for B and C columns.
These aggregations can be combined with batch mapping to transform a dataset using computed statistics. For example, you can efficiently standardize feature columns and impute missing values with calculated column means.
Randomly shuffling data is an important part of training machine learning models: it decorrelates samples, preventing overfitting and improving generalization. For many models, even between-epoch shuffling can drastically improve the precision gain per step/epoch. Datasets has a hyper-scalable distributed random shuffle that allows you to realize the model accuracy benefits of per-epoch shuffling without sacrificing training throughput, even at large data scales and even when doing distributed data-parallel training across multiple GPUs/nodes.
See the `large-scale ML ingest example <examples/big_data_ingestion.html>`__ for an end-to-end example of per-epoch shuffled data loading for distributed training.