The following diagram provides a conceptual overview of data flow between different components in RLlib. We start with an ``Environment``, which given an action produces an observation. The observation is preprocessed by a ``Preprocessor`` and ``Filter`` (e.g. for running mean normalization) before being sent to a neural network ``Model``. The model output is in turn interpreted by an ``ActionDistribution`` to determine the next action.
..image:: rllib-components.svg
The components highlighted in green can be replaced with custom user-defined implementations, as described in the next sections. The purple components are RLlib internal, which means they can only be modified by changing the algorithm source code.
RLlib tries to pick one of its built-in preprocessor based on the environment's observation space.
Discrete observations are one-hot encoded, Atari observations downscaled, and Tuple and Dict observations flattened (these are unflattened and accessible via the ``input_dict`` parameter in custom models).
Note that for Atari, RLlib defaults to using the `DeepMind preprocessors <>`__, which are also used by the OpenAI baselines library.
Built-in Models
After preprocessing raw environment outputs, these preprocessed observations are then fed through a policy's model.
RLlib picks default models based on a simple heuristic: A vision network (`TF <>`__ or `Torch <>`__)
for observations that have a shape of length larger than 2 (for example, (84 x 84 x 3)),
and a fully connected network (`TF <>`__ or `Torch <>`__)
for everything else. These models can be configured via the ``model`` config key, documented in the model `catalog <>`__.
Note that for the vision network case, you'll probably have to configure ``conv_filters`` if your environment observations
Thereby, always make sure that the last Conv2D output has an output shape of `[B, 1, 1, X]` (`[B, X, 1, 1]` for Torch), where B=batch and
X=last Conv2D layer's number of filters, so that RLlib can flatten it. An informative error will be thrown if this is not the case.
In addition, if you set ``"model": {"use_lstm": true}``, the model output will be further processed by an LSTM cell (`TF <>`__ or `Torch <>`__).
More generally, RLlib supports the use of recurrent models for its policy gradient algorithms (A3C, PPO, PG, IMPALA), and RNN support is built into its policy evaluation utilities.
For custom RNN/LSTM setups, see the `Recurrent Models`_. section below.
TFModelV2 replaces the previous ``rllib.models.Model`` class, which did not support Keras-style reuse of variables. The ``rllib.models.Model`` class (aka "ModelV1") is deprecated and should no longer be used.
Custom TF models should subclass `TFModelV2 <>`__ to implement the ``__init__()`` and ``forward()`` methods. Forward takes in a dict of tensor inputs (the observation ``obs``, ``prev_action``, and ``prev_reward``, ``is_training``), optional RNN state,
and returns the model output of size ``num_outputs`` and the new state. You can also override extra methods of the model such as ``value_function`` to implement a custom value branch.
Additional supervised / self-supervised losses can be added via the ``custom_loss`` method:
See the `keras model example <>`__ for a full example of a TF custom model.
You can also reference the `unit tests <>`__ for Tuple and Dict spaces, which show how to access nested observation fields.
Similarly, you can create and register custom PyTorch models.
See these examples of `fully connected <>`__, `convolutional <>`__, and `recurrent <>`__ torch models.
See the `torch model examples <>`__ for various examples on how to build a custom Torch model (including recurrent ones).
You can also reference the `unit tests <>`__ for Tuple and Dict spaces, which show how to access nested observation fields.
Recurrent Models
Instead of using the ``use_lstm: True`` option, it can be preferable to use a custom recurrent model.
This provides more control over postprocessing of the LSTM output and can also allow the use of multiple LSTM cells to process different portions of the input.
For an RNN model it is preferred to subclass ``RecurrentNetwork`` (either the TF or Torch versions) and to implement ``__init__()``, ``get_initial_state()``, and ``forward_rnn()``.
You can check out the ` <>`__ models as examples to implement your own (either TF or Torch):
RLlib now also has experimental built-in support for attention/transformer nets (the GTrXL model in particular).
Here is `an example script <>`__ on how to use these with some of our algorithms.
`There is also a test case <>`__, which confirms their learning capabilities in PPO and IMPALA.
You can use ``tf.layers.batch_normalization(x, training=input_dict["is_training"])`` to add batch norm layers to your custom model: `code example <>`__. RLlib will automatically run the update ops for the batch norm layers during optimization (see ` <>`__ and ` <>`__ for the exact handling of these updates).
In case RLlib does not properly detect the update ops for your custom model, you can override the ``update_ops()`` method to return the list of ops to run for updates.
Custom preprocessors should subclass the RLlib `preprocessor class <>`__ and be registered in the model catalog:
A common use case is to construct a custom model on top of one of RLlib's built-in ones (e.g. a special output head on top of an fcnet, or an action + observation concat operation at the beginning or
after a conv2d stack).
Here is an example of how to construct a dueling layer head (for DQN) on top of an RLlib default model (either a Conv2D or an FCNet):
..code-block:: python
class DuelingQModel(TFModelV2): # or: TorchModelV2
advantages_centered = a - tf.expand_dims(advantages_mean, 1)
return v + advantages_centered # q-values
In order to construct an instance of the above model, you can still use the `catalog <>`__
`get_model_v2` convenience method:
..code-block:: python
dueling_model = ModelCatalog.get_model_v2(
num_outputs=[num q-value (per action) outs],
framework="tf", # or: "torch"
Now, with the model object, you can get the underlying intermediate output (before the dueling head)
by calling `dueling_model` directly (`out = dueling_model([input_dict])`), and then passing `out` into
your custom `get_q_values` method: `q_values = dueling_model.get_q_values(out)`.
Similar to custom models and preprocessors, you can also specify a custom action distribution class as follows. The action dist class is passed a reference to the ``model``, which you can use to access ``model.model_config`` or other attributes of the model. This is commonly used to implement `autoregressive action outputs <#autoregressive-action-distributions>`__.
..code-block:: python
import ray
import ray.rllib.agents.ppo as ppo
from ray.rllib.models import ModelCatalog
from ray.rllib.models.preprocessors import Preprocessor
You can mix supervised losses into any RLlib algorithm through custom models. For example, you can add an imitation learning loss on expert experiences, or a self-supervised autoencoder loss within the model. These losses can be defined over either policy evaluation inputs, or data read from `offline storage <rllib-offline.html#input-pipeline-for-supervised-losses>`__.
**TensorFlow**: To add a supervised loss to a custom TF model, you need to override the ``custom_loss()`` method. This method takes in the existing policy loss for the algorithm, which you can add your own supervised loss to before returning. For debugging, you can also return a dictionary of scalar tensors in the ``metrics()`` method. Here is a `runnable example <>`__ of adding an imitation loss to CartPole training that is defined over a `offline dataset <rllib-offline.html#input-pipeline-for-supervised-losses>`__.
**PyTorch**: There is no explicit API for adding losses to custom torch models. However, you can modify the loss in the policy definition directly. Like for TF models, offline datasets can be incorporated by creating an input reader and calling ```` in the loss forward pass.
RLlib supports complex and variable-length observation spaces, including ``gym.spaces.Tuple``, ``gym.spaces.Dict``, and ``rllib.utils.spaces.Repeated``. The handling of these spaces is transparent to the user. RLlib internally will insert preprocessors to insert padding for repeated elements, flatten complex observations into a fixed-size vector during transit, and unpack the vector into the structured tensor before sending it to the model. The flattened observation is available to the model as ``input_dict["obs_flat"]``, and the unpacked observation as ``input_dict["obs"]``.
To enable batching of struct observations, RLlib unpacks them in a `StructTensor-like format <>`__. In summary, repeated fields are "pushed down" and become the outer dimensions of tensor batches, as illustrated in this figure from the StructTensor RFC.
..image:: struct-tensor.png
For further information about complex observation spaces, see:
* A custom environment and model that uses `repeated struct fields <>`__.
* The pydoc of the `Repeated space <>`__.
* The pydoc of the batched `repeated values tensor <>`__.
Custom models can be used to work with environments where (1) the set of valid actions `varies per step <>`__, and/or (2) the number of valid actions is `very large <>`__. The general idea is that the meaning of actions can be completely conditioned on the observation, i.e., the ``a`` in ``Q(s, a)`` becomes just a token in ``[0, MAX_AVAIL_ACTIONS)`` that only has meaning in the context of ``s``. This works with algorithms in the `DQN and policy-gradient families <rllib-env.html>`__ and can be implemented as follows:
1. The environment should return a mask and/or list of valid action embeddings as part of the observation for each step. To enable batching, the number of actions can be allowed to vary from 1 to some max number:
2. A custom model can be defined that can interpret the ``action_mask`` and ``avail_actions`` portions of the observation. Here the model computes the action logits via the dot product of some network output and each action embedding. Invalid actions can be masked out of the softmax by scaling the probability to zero:
Depending on your use case it may make sense to use just the masking, just action embeddings, or both. For a runnable example of this in code, check out ` <>`__. Note that since masking introduces ``tf.float32.min`` values into the model output, this technique might not work with all algorithm options. For example, algorithms might crash if they incorrectly process the ``tf.float32.min`` values. The cartpole example has working configurations for DQN (must set ``hiddens=[]``), PPO (must disable running mean and set ``vf_share_layers=True``), and several other algorithms. Not all algorithms support parametric actions; see the `algorithm overview <rllib-algorithms.html#available-algorithms-overview>`__.
In an action space with multiple components (e.g., ``Tuple(a1, a2)``), you might want ``a2`` to be conditioned on the sampled value of ``a1``, i.e., ``a2_sampled ~ P(a2 | a1_sampled, obs)``. Normally, ``a1`` and ``a2`` would be sampled independently, reducing the expressivity of the policy.
To do this, you need both a custom model that implements the autoregressive pattern, and a custom action distribution class that leverages that model. The ` <>`__ example shows how this can be implemented for a simple binary action space. For a more complex space, a more efficient architecture such as a `MADE <>`__ is recommended. Note that sampling a `N-part` action requires `N` forward passes through the model, however computing the log probability of an action can be done in one pass:
Not all algorithms support autoregressive action distributions; see the `feature compatibility matrix <rllib-env.html#feature-compatibility-matrix>`__.