The Ray client server is automatically started on port ``10001`` when you use ``ray start --head`` or Ray in an autoscaling cluster. The port can be changed by specifying --ray-client-server-port in the ``ray start`` command.
This runs ``ray.init()`` with default options and exposes the client gRPC port at ``host_ip:port`` (by default, ````). Providing ``redis-address`` and ``redis-password`` will be passed into ``ray.init()`` when the server starts, allowing connection to an existing Ray cluster, as per the `cluster setup <cluster/index.html>`_ instructions.
When the client disconnects, any object or actor references held by the server on behalf of the client are dropped, as if directly disconnecting from the cluster.
Because Ray client mode affects the behavior of the Ray API, larger scripts or libraries imported before ``ray.util.connect()`` may not realize they're in client mode. This feature is being tracked with `issue #13272 <>`_ but the workaround here is provided for beta users.
One option is to defer the imports from a ``main`` script that calls ``ray.util.connect()`` first. However, some older scripts or libraries might not support that.
Therefore, an environment variable is also available to force a Ray program into client mode: ``RAY_CLIENT_MODE`` An example usage: