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.. _ray-metrics:
Exporting Metrics
To help monitor Ray applications, Ray
- Collects some default system level metrics.
- Exposes metrics in a Prometheus format. We'll call the endpoint to access these metrics a Prometheus endpoint.
- Supports custom metrics APIs that resemble Prometheus `metric types <https://prometheus.io/docs/concepts/metric_types/>`_.
This page describes how to access these metrics using Prometheus.
.. note::
It is currently an experimental feature and under active development. APIs are subject to change.
Getting Started (Single Node)
First, install Ray with the proper dependencies:
.. code-block:: bash
pip install "ray[default]"
Ray exposes its metrics in Prometheus format. This allows us to easily scrape them using Prometheus.
Let's expose metrics through `ray start`.
.. code-block:: bash
ray start --head --metrics-export-port=8080 # Assign metrics export port on a head node.
Now, you can scrape Ray's metrics using Prometheus.
First, download Prometheus. `Download Link <https://prometheus.io/download/>`_
.. code-block:: bash
tar xvfz prometheus-*.tar.gz
cd prometheus-*
Let's modify Prometheus's config file to scrape metrics from Prometheus endpoints.
.. code-block:: yaml
# prometheus.yml
scrape_interval: 5s
evaluation_interval: 5s
- job_name: prometheus
- targets: ['localhost:8080'] # This must be same as metrics_export_port
Next, let's start Prometheus.
.. code-block:: shell
./prometheus --config.file=./prometheus.yml
Now, you can access Ray metrics from the default Prometheus url, `http://localhost:9090`.
See :ref:`here <multi-node-metrics>` for more information on how to set up Prometheus on a Ray Cluster.
.. _application-level-metrics:
Application-level Metrics
Ray provides a convenient API in :ref:`ray.util.metrics <custom-metric-api-ref>` for defining and exporting custom metrics for visibility into your applications.
There are currently three metrics supported: Counter, Gauge, and Histogram.
These metrics correspond to the same `Prometheus metric types <https://prometheus.io/docs/concepts/metric_types/>`_.
Below is a simple example of an actor that exports metrics using these APIs:
.. literalinclude:: doc_code/metrics_example.py
:language: python
While the script is running, the metrics will be exported to ``localhost:8080`` (this is the endpoint that Prometheus would be configured to scrape).
If you open this in the browser, you should see the following output:
.. code-block:: none
# HELP ray_request_latency Latencies of requests in ms.
# TYPE ray_request_latency histogram
ray_request_latency_bucket{Component="core_worker",Version="3.0.0.dev0",actor_name="my_actor",le="0.1"} 2.0
ray_request_latency_bucket{Component="core_worker",Version="3.0.0.dev0",actor_name="my_actor",le="1.0"} 2.0
ray_request_latency_bucket{Component="core_worker",Version="3.0.0.dev0",actor_name="my_actor",le="+Inf"} 2.0
ray_request_latency_count{Component="core_worker",Version="3.0.0.dev0",actor_name="my_actor"} 2.0
ray_request_latency_sum{Component="core_worker",Version="3.0.0.dev0",actor_name="my_actor"} 0.11992454528808594
# HELP ray_curr_count Current count held by the actor. Goes up and down.
# TYPE ray_curr_count gauge
ray_curr_count{Component="core_worker",Version="3.0.0.dev0",actor_name="my_actor"} -15.0
# HELP ray_num_requests_total Number of requests processed by the actor.
# TYPE ray_num_requests_total counter
ray_num_requests_total{Component="core_worker",Version="3.0.0.dev0",actor_name="my_actor"} 2.0
Please see :ref:`ray.util.metrics <custom-metric-api-ref>` for more details.