AIR is currently in **beta**. Fill out `this short form <>`__ to get involved. We'll be holding office hours, development sprints, and other activities as we get closer to the GA release. Join us!
Ray AI Runtime (AIR) is a scalable and unified toolkit for ML applications. AIR enables simple scaling of individual workloads, end-to-end workflows, and popular ecosystem frameworks, all in just Python.
AIR builds on Ray's best-in-class libraries for :ref:`Preprocessing <datasets>`, :ref:`Training <train-docs>`, :ref:`Tuning <tune-main>`, :ref:`Scoring <air-predictors>`, :ref:`Serving <rayserve>`, and :ref:`Reinforcement Learning <rllib-index>` to bring together an ecosystem of integrations.
Ray AIR aims to simplify the ecosystem of machine learning frameworks, platforms, and tools. It does this by leveraging Ray to provide a seamless, unified, and open experience for scalable ML:
**1. Seamless Dev to Prod**: AIR reduces friction going from development to production. With Ray and AIR, the same Python code scales seamlessly from a laptop to a large cluster.
**2. Unified ML API**: AIR's unified ML API enables swapping between popular frameworks, such as XGBoost, PyTorch, and HuggingFace, with just a single class change in your code.
**3. Open and Extensible**: AIR and Ray are fully open-source and can run on any cluster, cloud, or Kubernetes. Build custom components and integrations on top of scalable developer APIs.
When to use AIR?
AIR is for both data scientists and ML engineers alike.
For data scientists, AIR can be used to scale individual workloads, and also end-to-end ML applications. For ML Engineers, AIR provides scalable platform abstractions that can be used to easily onboard and integrate tooling from the broader ML ecosystem.
Quick Start
Below, we walk through how AIR's unified ML API enables scaling of end-to-end ML workflows, focusing on
a few of the popular frameworks AIR integrates with (XGBoost, Pytorch, and Tensorflow). The ML workflow we're going to build is summarized by the following diagram:
AIR is currently in **beta**. If you have questions for the team or are interested in getting involved in the development process, fill out `this short form <>`__.