Ray enables arbitrary functions to be executed asynchronously on separate Python workers. These asynchronous Ray functions are called "remote functions". Here is an example.
..tabbed:: Python
..literalinclude:: doc_code/tasks.py
See the `ray.remote package reference <package-ref.html>`__ page for specific documentation on how to use ``ray.remote``.
..tabbed:: Java
..code-block:: java
public class MyRayApp {
// A regular Java static method.
public static int myFunction() {
return 1;
// Invoke the above method as a Ray remote function.
// This will immediately return an object ref (a future) and then create
// a task that will be executed on a worker process.
ObjectRef<Integer> res = Ray.task(MyRayApp::myFunction).remote();
// The result can be retrieved with ``ObjectRef::get``.
Assert.assertTrue(res.get() == 1);
public class MyRayApp {
public static int slowFunction() throws InterruptedException {
return 1;
// Invocations of Ray remote functions happen in parallel.
// All computation is performed in the background, driven by Ray's internal event loop.
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
// This doesn't block.
..tabbed:: C++
..code-block:: c++
// A regular C++ function.
int MyFunction() {
return 1;
// Register as a remote function by `RAY_REMOTE`.
// Invoke the above method as a Ray remote function.
// This will immediately return an object ref (a future) and then create
// a task that will be executed on a worker process.
auto res = ray::Task(MyFunction).Remote();
// The result can be retrieved with ``ray::ObjectRef::Get``.
// Invocations of Ray remote functions happen in parallel.
// All computation is performed in the background, driven by Ray's internal event loop.
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
// This doesn't block.
Passing object refs to remote functions
**Object refs** can also be passed into remote functions. When the function actually gets executed, **the argument will be passed as the underlying Python value**. For example, take this function:
..tabbed:: Python
..code-block:: python
def function_with_an_argument(value):
return value + 1
obj_ref1 = my_function.remote()
assert ray.get(obj_ref1) == 1
# You can pass an object ref as an argument to another Ray remote function.