The field `rayVersion` specifies the version of Ray used in the Ray cluster.
The `rayVersion` is used to fill default values for certain config fields.
The Ray container images specified in the RayCluster CR should carry
the same Ray version as the CR's `rayVersion`. If you are using a nightly or development
Ray image, it is fine to set `rayVersion` to the latest release version of Ray.
## Pod configuration: headGroupSpec and workerGroupSpecs
At a high level, a RayCluster is a collection of Kubernetes pods, similar to a Kubernetes Deployment or StatefulSet.
Just as with the Kubernetes built-ins, the key pieces of configuration are
* Pod specification
* Scale information (how many pods are desired)
The key difference between a Deployment and a `RayCluster` is that a `RayCluster` is
specialized for running Ray applications. A Ray cluster consists of
* One **head pod** which hosts global control processes for the Ray cluster.
The head pod can also run Ray tasks and actors.
* Any number of **worker pods**, which run Ray tasks and actors.
Workers come in **worker groups** of identically configured pods.
For each worker group, we must specify **replicas**, the number of
pods we want of that group.
The head pod’s configuration is
specified under `headGroupSpec`, while configuration for worker pods is
specified under `workerGroupSpecs`. There may be multiple worker groups,
each group with its own configuration. The `replicas` field
of a `workerGroupSpec` specifies the number of worker pods of that group to
keep in the cluster.
### Pod templates
The bulk of the configuration for a `headGroupSpec` or
`workerGroupSpec` goes in the `template` field. The `template` is a Kubernetes Pod
template which determines the configuration for the pods in the group.
Here are some of the subfields of the pod `template` to pay attention to:
#### resources
It’s important to specify container CPU and memory requests and limits for
each group spec. For GPU workloads, you may also wish to specify GPU
limits. For example, set `` if using an Nvidia GPU device plugin
and you wish to specify a pod with access to 2 GPUs.
See {ref}`this guide <kuberay-gpu>` for more details on GPU support.
It's ideal to size each Ray pod to take up the
entire Kubernetes node on which it is scheduled. In other words, it’s
best to run one large Ray pod per Kubernetes node.
In general, it is more efficient to use a few large Ray pods than many small ones.
The pattern of fewer large Ray pods has the following advantages:
- more efficient use of each Ray pod's shared memory object store
- reduced communication overhead between Ray pods
- reduced redundancy of per-pod Ray control structures such as Raylets
The CPU, GPU, and memory **limits** specified in the Ray container config
will be automatically advertised to Ray. These values will be used as
the logical resource capacities of Ray pods in the head or worker group.
Note that CPU quantities will be rounded up to the nearest integer
before being relayed to Ray.
The resource capacities advertised to Ray may be overridden in the {ref}`rayStartParams`.
On the other hand CPU, GPU, and memory **requests** will be ignored by Ray.
For this reason, it is best when possible to set resource requests equal to resource limits.
#### nodeSelector and tolerations
You can control the scheduling of worker groups' Ray pods by setting the `nodeSelector` and
`tolerations` fields of the pod spec. Specifically, these fields determine on which Kubernetes
nodes the pods may be scheduled.
See the [Kubernetes docs](
for more about Pod-to-Node assignment.
#### image
The Ray container images specified in the `RayCluster` CR should carry
the same Ray version as the CR's `spec.rayVersion`.
If you are using a nightly or development Ray image, it is fine to specify Ray's
latest release version under `spec.rayVersion`.
Code dependencies for a given Ray task or actor must be installed on each Ray node that
might run the task or actor.
To achieve this, it is simplest to use the same Ray image for the Ray head and all worker groups.
In any case, do make sure that all Ray images in your CR carry the same Ray version and
Python version.
To distribute custom code dependencies across your cluster, you can build a custom container image,
using one of the [official Ray images](>) as the base.
See {ref}`this guide<docker-images>` to learn more about the official Ray images.
For dynamic dependency management geared towards iteration and developement,
you can also use {ref}`Runtime Environments<runtime-environments>`.
## Ray Start Parameters
The ``rayStartParams`` field of each group spec is a string-string map of arguments to the Ray
container’s `ray start` entrypoint. For the full list of arguments, refer to
the documentation for {ref}`ray start<ray-start-doc>`. We make special note of the following arguments:
### block
For most use-cases, this field should be set to "true" for all Ray pod. The container's Ray
entrypoint will then block forever until a Ray process exits, at which point the container
will exit. If this field is omitted, `ray start` will start Ray processes in the background and the container
will subsequently sleep forever until terminated. (Future versions of KubeRay may set
block to true by default. See [KubeRay issue #368](
### dashboard-host
For most use-cases, this field should be set to "" for the Ray head pod.
This is required to expose the Ray dashboard outside the Ray cluster. (Future versions might set
this parameter by default.)
### num-cpus
This optional field tells the Ray scheduler and autoscaler how many CPUs are
available to the Ray pod. The CPU count can be autodetected from the
Kubernetes resource limits specified in the group spec’s pod
`template`. However, it is sometimes useful to override this autodetected
value. For example, setting `num-cpus:"0"` for the Ray head pod will prevent Ray
workloads with non-zero CPU requirements from being scheduled on the head.
Note that the values of all Ray start parameters, including `num-cpus`,
must be supplied as **strings**.
### num-gpus
This optional field specifies the number of GPUs available to the Ray container.
In KubeRay versions since 0.3.0, the number of GPUs can be auto-detected from Ray container resource limits.
For certain advanced use-cases, you may wish to use `num-gpus` to set an {ref}`override<kuberay-gpu-override>`.
Note that the values of all Ray start parameters, including `num-gpus`,
must be supplied as **strings**.
### memory
The memory available to the Ray is detected automatically from the Kubernetes resource
limits. If you wish, you may override this autodetected value by setting the desired memory value,
in bytes, under `rayStartParams.memory`.
Note that the values of all Ray start parameters, including `memory`,
must be supplied as **strings**.
### resources
This field can be used to specify custom resource capacities for the Ray pod.
These resource capacities will be advertised to the Ray scheduler and Ray autoscaler.
For example, the following annotation will mark a Ray pod as having 1 unit of `Custom1` capacity
and 5 units of `Custom2` capacity.
resources: '"{\"Custom1\": 1, \"Custom2\": 5}"'
You can then annotate tasks and actors with annotations like `@ray.remote(resources={"Custom2": 1})`.
The Ray scheduler and autoscaler will take appropriate action to schedule such tasks.
Note the format used to express the resources string. In particular, note
that the backslashes are present as actual characters in the string.
If you are specifying a `RayCluster` programmatically, you may have to
[escape the backslashes]( to make sure they are processed as part of the string.
The field `rayStartParams.resources` should only be used for custom resources. The keys
`CPU`, `GPU`, and `memory` are forbidden. If you need to specify overrides for those resource
fields, use the Ray start parameters `num-cpus`, `num-gpus`, or `memory`.