2020-06-26 09:29:22 -07:00
.. _ref-automatic-cluster:
2020-10-21 16:37:26 -07:00
Launching Cloud Clusters with Ray
2020-06-26 09:29:22 -07:00
Ray comes with a built-in cluster launcher that makes deploying a Ray cluster simple.
2020-10-21 16:37:26 -07:00
The cluster launcher will provision resources from a node provider (like :ref: `AWS EC2 <ref-cloud-setup>` or :ref: `Kubernetes <ray-launch-k8s>` ) to instantiate the specified cluster, and start a Ray cluster on the provisioned resources.
2020-06-26 09:29:22 -07:00
You can configure the Ray Cluster Launcher to use with :ref: `a cloud provider <cluster-cloud>` , an existing :ref: `Kubernetes cluster <ray-launch-k8s>` , or a private cluster of machines.
2020-10-21 16:37:26 -07:00
.. tabs ::
.. group-tab :: AWS
2020-06-26 09:29:22 -07:00
2020-10-21 16:37:26 -07:00
.. code-block :: shell
2020-07-27 13:47:06 -07:00
2020-10-21 16:37:26 -07:00
# First, run `pip install boto3` and `aws configure`
# Create or update the cluster. When the command finishes, it will print
# out the command that can be used to SSH into the cluster head node.
$ ray up ray/python/ray/autoscaler/aws/example-full.yaml
2020-07-27 13:47:06 -07:00
2020-10-21 16:37:26 -07:00
See :ref: `the AWS section <ref-cloud-setup>` for full instructions.
2020-07-27 13:47:06 -07:00
2020-10-21 16:37:26 -07:00
.. group-tab :: GCP
2020-07-27 13:47:06 -07:00
2020-10-21 16:37:26 -07:00
.. code-block :: shell
2020-07-27 13:47:06 -07:00
2020-10-21 16:37:26 -07:00
# First, `` pip install google-api-python-client ``
# set up your GCP credentials, and
# create a new GCP project.
# Create or update the cluster. When the command finishes, it will print
# out the command that can be used to SSH into the cluster head node.
$ ray up ray/python/ray/autoscaler/gcp/example-full.yaml
2020-07-27 13:47:06 -07:00
2020-10-21 16:37:26 -07:00
See :ref: `the GCP section <ref-cloud-setup>` for full instructions.
2020-07-27 13:47:06 -07:00
2020-10-21 16:37:26 -07:00
.. group-tab :: Azure
2020-07-27 13:47:06 -07:00
2020-10-21 16:37:26 -07:00
.. code-block :: shell
2020-07-27 13:47:06 -07:00
2020-10-21 16:37:26 -07:00
# First, install the Azure CLI
# `` pip install azure-cli azure-core `` ) then
# login using (`` az login `` ).
# Create or update the cluster. When the command finishes, it will print
# out the command that can be used to SSH into the cluster head node.
$ ray up ray/python/ray/autoscaler/azure/example-full.yaml
2020-07-27 13:47:06 -07:00
2020-10-21 16:37:26 -07:00
See :ref: `the Azure section <ref-cloud-setup>` for full instructions.
2020-07-27 13:47:06 -07:00
2020-10-21 16:37:26 -07:00
Once the Ray cluster is running, you can manually SSH into it or use provided commands like `` ray attach `` , `` ray rsync-up `` , and `` ray exec `` to access it and run Ray programs.
2020-07-27 13:47:06 -07:00
2020-10-21 16:37:26 -07:00
.. toctree ::
2020-07-27 13:47:06 -07:00
2020-10-21 16:37:26 -07:00
2020-07-27 13:47:06 -07:00
2020-06-26 09:29:22 -07:00
Questions or Issues?
2020-09-24 18:09:51 -07:00
.. include :: /_help.rst