By the end of this tutorial, you will have learned the basics of Ray Serve and will be ready to pick and choose from the advanced topics in the sidebar.
First, install Ray Serve and all of its dependencies by running the following command in your terminal:
..code-block:: bash
pip install "ray[serve]"
Now we will write a Python script to serve a simple "Counter" class over HTTP. You may open an interactive Python terminal and copy in the lines below as we go.
First, import Ray and Ray Serve:
..code-block:: python
import ray
from ray import serve
Ray Serve runs on top of a Ray cluster, so the next step is to start a local Ray cluster:
..code-block:: python
``ray.init()`` will start a single-node Ray cluster on your local machine, which will allow you to use all your CPU cores to serve requests in parallel. To start a multi-node cluster, see :doc:`../cluster/index`.
Here we have assigned the tag ``"my_backend"`` to this backend, which we can use to identify this backend in the future.
Ray Serve Backends can be configured to improve performance, for example by increasing the number of replicas of the class being served in parallel. For details, see :ref:`configuring-a-backend`.
To complete the deployment, we will expose this backend over HTTP by creating a Ray Serve endpoint:
Here ``"my_endpoint"`` is a tag used to identify this endpoint, and we have specified the backend to place behind the endpoint via the `backend` parameter.
The last parameter, ``route``, is the path at which our endpoint will be available over HTTP.
Now that our deployment is up and running, let's test it out by making a query over HTTP.
In your browser, simply visit, and you should see the output {"count": 1"}.
If you keep refreshing the page, the count should increase, as expected.
You just built and ran your first Ray Serve application! Now you can dive into the :doc:`core-apis` to get a deeper understanding of Ray Serve.
For more interesting example applications, including integrations with popular machine learning frameworks and Python web servers, be sure to check out :doc:`tutorials/index`.