2022-07-07 22:30:32 -07:00
/*! rate-the-docs 0.2.1 - https://github.com/medmunds/rate-the-docs */
function Prefs ( a ) { function b ( ) { localStorage . setItem ( a , JSON . stringify ( c ) ) ; } var c ; try { c = JSON . parse ( localStorage . getItem ( a ) ) || { } ; } catch ( a ) { c = { } ; } return { get : function get ( a ) { return c [ a ] } , set : function set ( a , d , e ) { void 0 === e && ( e = ! 0 ) , c [ a ] = d , e && b ( ) ; } , clearAll : function clearAll ( a ) { void 0 === a && ( a = ! 0 ) , c = { } , a && b ( ) ; } , flush : b } }
2022-07-09 09:35:06 -07:00
var READTHEDOCS _DATA = window . READTHEDOCS _DATA || { } ; function recordEvent ( a , b , c ) { var d = "localhost" === window . location . hostname , e = "RateTheDocs" ; "function" == typeof gtag ? gtag ( "event" , a , { send _to : "UA-110413294-1" , event _category : e , event _label : b , value : c , dimension1 : READTHEDOCS _DATA . project , dimension2 : READTHEDOCS _DATA . version } ) : "function" == typeof ga ? ga ( "user.send" , "event" , e , a , b , c , { dimension1 : READTHEDOCS _DATA . project , dimension2 : READTHEDOCS _DATA . version } ) : d ? console . log ( "recordEvent" , e , a , b , c ) : alert ( "Unable to register your docs feedback: Google Analytics not loaded" ) ; } var recording = { init : function init ( ) { var a = window . navigator || { } , b = "1" === a . doNotTrack || "1" === a . msDoNotTrack || "yes" === a . doNotTrack || "1" === window . doNotTrack ; return ! b } , recordUpVote : function recordUpVote ( ) { recordEvent ( "Helpful Vote" , "Yes" , 1 ) ; } , recordDownVote : function recordDownVote ( ) { recordEvent ( "Helpful Vote" , "No" , 0 ) ; } , recordSuggestion : function recordSuggestion ( a ) { recordEvent ( "Suggestion" , a ) ; } } ;
2022-07-07 22:30:32 -07:00
var widgetHtml = "<div class='rate-the-docs ratd-widget ratd-state-loading' role='dialog' aria-labelledby='ratd_title'><h2 id='ratd_title' class='sr-only'><em>Rate</em> the Docs</h2><div class='ratd-panels'><form class='ratd-panel ratd-panel-rating'>Is this page helpful? <button class='btn btn-neutral ratd-rating-vote' data-rating='1'><i class='fa fa-thumbs-o-up' aria-hidden='true'></i> 👍 Yes</button> <button class='btn btn-neutral ratd-rating-vote' data-rating='0'><i class='fa fa-thumbs-o-down' aria-hidden='true'></i> 👎 No</button></form><form class='ratd-panel ratd-panel-suggestion'><label for='ratd_suggestion_text'>Sorry… how could we improve this page?</label> <textarea id='ratd_suggestion_text' name='suggestion' rows='5'></textarea> <small class='ratd-suggestion-length' title='Characters'>0/500</small> <button class='btn btn-info' type='submit'>Submit</button> <small class='ratd-suggestion-tip'>Feedback is anonymous. Please don’ t include personal info. If you need a reply, <a href='https://github.com/ray-project/ray/issues/new/choose'>contact us</a> instead.</small></form><div class='ratd-panel ratd-panel-thanks'>Thanks! We’ ve noted your feedback.</div></div><button class='ratd-toggle ratd-toggle-close btn btn-link' aria-label='Close ratings widget' disabled><i class='fa fa-times' aria-hidden='true' title='Close'></i></button> <button class='ratd-toggle ratd-toggle-collapse btn btn-link' aria-label='Hide ratings widget'><i class='fa fa-chevron-right' aria-hidden='true' title='Hide'></i></button> <button class='ratd-toggle ratd-toggle-expand btn btn-link' aria-label='Show ratings widget' disabled><i class='fa fa-book' aria-hidden='true' title='Rate the Docs'><i>?</i></i></button></div>" ;
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2022-07-09 09:35:06 -07:00
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2022-07-07 22:30:32 -07:00
styleInject ( css _248z ) ;
var DEFAULT _OPTIONS = { contactLink : "/contact" , suggestionMaxLength : 500 , recording : recording } ; function initWidget ( a ) { function b ( a ) { var b = i . querySelector ( ".ratd-panel-" + a ) ; i . querySelectorAll ( ".ratd-panel" ) . forEach ( function ( a ) { a === b ? ( a . style . height = a . scrollHeight + "px" , a . removeAttribute ( "aria-hidden" ) ) : ( a . style . height = "0px" , a . setAttribute ( "aria-hidden" , "true" ) ) ; } ) , "rating" !== a && c ( "close" ) ; } function c ( a ) { var b = i . querySelector ( ".ratd-toggle-" + a ) ; i . querySelectorAll ( ".ratd-toggle" ) . forEach ( function ( a ) { a === b ? ( a . disabled = ! 1 , a . removeAttribute ( "aria-hidden" ) ) : ( a . disabled = ! 0 , a . setAttribute ( "aria-hidden" , "true" ) ) ; } ) ; } function d ( ) { i . classList . add ( "ratd-state-collapsed" ) , i . querySelector ( ".ratd-panels" ) . setAttribute ( "aria-hidden" , "true" ) , c ( "expand" ) , h . set ( "collapsed" , ! 0 ) ; } function e ( ) { i . classList . remove ( "ratd-state-collapsed" ) , i . querySelector ( ".ratd-panels" ) . removeAttribute ( "aria-hidden" ) , c ( "collapse" ) , h . set ( "collapsed" , ! 1 ) ; } function f ( c ) { var d = c . currentTarget . dataset . rating ; c . preventDefault ( ) , c . currentTarget . disabled = ! 0 , "1" === d ? ( a . recording . recordUpVote ( ) , b ( "thanks" ) ) : ( a . recording . recordDownVote ( ) , b ( "suggestion" ) , k . focus ( ) ) ; } function g ( ) { var a = 1 > k . value . trim ( ) . length ; l . disabled = a ; } if ( void 0 === a && ( a = { } ) , ! Object . assign ) return ! 1 ; if ( a = Object . assign ( { } , DEFAULT _OPTIONS , a ) , ! a . recording . init ( ) ) return ! 1 ; var h = Prefs ( "rate-the-docs" ) ; document . body . insertAdjacentHTML ( "beforeend" , widgetHtml ) ; var i = document . body . querySelector ( ".ratd-widget" ) ; i . querySelectorAll ( "a[href='#contact']" ) . forEach ( function ( b ) { b . href = a . contactLink ; } ) , i . querySelector ( ".ratd-toggle-close" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , function ( ) { i . setAttribute ( "aria-hidden" , "true" ) , i . addEventListener ( "transitionend" , function ( a ) { a . currentTarget === i && ( i . classList . remove ( "ratd-state-closing" ) , i . classList . add ( "ratd-state-closed" ) ) ; } ) , i . classList . add ( "ratd-state-closing" ) ; } ) , i . querySelector ( ".ratd-toggle-collapse" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , d ) , i . querySelector ( ".ratd-toggle-expand" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , e ) , i . querySelectorAll ( ".ratd-rating-vote" ) . forEach ( function ( a ) { return a . addEventListener ( "click" , f ) } ) ; var j = i . querySelector ( ".ratd-panel-suggestion" ) , k = j . querySelector ( "#ratd_suggestion_text" ) , l = j . querySelector ( "button[type=submit]" ) ; k . maxLength = a . suggestionMaxLength , inputLengthCounter ( k , j . querySelector ( ".ratd-suggestion-length" ) ) , k . addEventListener ( "input" , g ) , g ( ) , j . addEventListener ( "submit" , function ( c ) { c . preventDefault ( ) , l . disabled = ! 0 , a . recording . recordSuggestion ( k . value . trim ( ) ) , b ( "thanks" ) ; } ) , b ( "rating" ) , h . get ( "collapsed" ) ? d ( ) : e ( ) , requestAnimationFrame ( function ( ) { i . classList . remove ( "ratd-state-loading" ) ; } ) ; } function inputLengthCounter ( a , b ) { function c ( ) { b . textContent = a . value . length + "/" + a . maxLength ; } a . addEventListener ( "input" , c ) , c ( ) ; }
function onDocumentReady ( a ) { ( document . attachEvent ? "complete" === document . readyState : "loading" !== document . readyState ) ? a ( ) : document . addEventListener ( "DOMContentLoaded" , a ) ; } onDocumentReady ( function ( ) { initWidget ( window . RATETHEDOCS _OPTIONS ) ; } ) ;
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