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.. _state-api-overview-ref:
Monitoring Ray States
.. tip:: We'd love to hear your feedback on using Ray state APIs - `feedback form <https://forms.gle/gh77mwjEskjhN8G46>`_!
Ray state APIs allow users to conveniently access the current state (snapshot) of Ray through CLI or Python SDK.
.. note::
APIs are at the alpha stage and under active development. APIs are subject to change and not stable across versions. This feature requires a full installation of Ray using ``pip install "ray[default]"``.
Getting Started
Run any workload. In this example, you will use the following script that runs 2 tasks and creates 2 actors.
.. code-block:: python
import ray
import time
def task_running_300_seconds():
class Actor:
def __init__(self):
print("Actor created")
# Create 2 tasks
tasks = [task_running_300_seconds.remote() for _ in range(2)]
# Create 2 actors
actors = [Actor.remote() for _ in range(2)]
Now, let's see the summarized states of tasks. If it doesn't return the output immediately, retry the command.
.. code-block:: bash
ray summary tasks
.. code-block:: text
======== Tasks Summary: 2022-07-22 08:54:38.332537 ========
total_actor_scheduled: 2
total_actor_tasks: 0
total_tasks: 2
Table (group by func_name):
0 task_running_300_seconds RUNNING: 2 NORMAL_TASK
Let's list all actors.
.. code-block:: bash
ray list actors
.. code-block:: text
======== List: 2022-07-23 21:29:39.323925 ========
Total: 2
0 31405554844820381c2f0f8501000000 Actor 96956 ALIVE
1 f36758a9f8871a9ca993b1d201000000 Actor 96955 ALIVE
You can get the state of a single task using the get API.
.. code-block:: bash
ray get actors <ACTOR_ID> # In this case, 31405554844820381c2f0f8501000000
.. code-block:: text
actor_id: 31405554844820381c2f0f8501000000
class_name: Actor
death_cause: null
is_detached: false
name: ''
pid: 96956
resource_mapping: []
serialized_runtime_env: '{}'
state: ALIVE
You can also access logs through ``ray logs`` API.
.. code-block:: bash
ray list actors
ray logs --actor-id <ACTOR_ID>
.. code-block:: text
--- Log has been truncated to last 1000 lines. Use `--tail` flag to toggle. ---
Actor created
Key Concepts
Ray state APIs allow you to access **states** of **resources** through **summary**, **list**, and **get** APIs. It also supports **logs** API to access logs.
- **states**: The state of the cluster of corresponding resources. States consist of immutable metadata (e.g., actor's name) and mutable states (e.g., actor's scheduling state or pid).
- **resources**: Resources created by Ray. E.g., actors, tasks, objects, placement groups, and etc.
- **summary**: API to return the summarized view of resources.
- **list**: API to return every individual entity of resources.
- **get**: API to return a single entity of resources in detail.
- **logs**: API to access the log of actors, tasks, workers, or system log files.
Return the summarized information of the given Ray resource (objects, actors, tasks).
It is recommended to start monitoring states through summary APIs first. When you find anomalies
(e.g., actors running for a long time, tasks that are not scheduled for a long time),
you can use ``list`` or ``get`` APIs to get more details for an individual abnormal resource.
E.g., Summarize all actors (e.g., number of alive actors, different actor classes, etc)
.. code-block:: bash
ray summary actors
E.g., Summarize all tasks (e.g., task count in different states, type of different tasks, etc)
.. code-block:: bash
ray summary tasks
E.g., Summarize all objects (e.g., the total number of objects, size of all objects, etc)
.. code-block:: bash
# To get callsite info, set env variable `RAY_record_ref_creation_sites=1` when starting the ray cluster
# RAY_record_ref_creation_sites=1 ray start --head
ray summary objects
Get a list of resources, possible resources include:
- :ref:`Actors <actor-guide>`
- :ref:`Tasks <ray-remote-functions>`
- :ref:`Objects <objects-in-ray>`
- :ref:`Jobs <jobs-overview>`
- :ref:`Placement Groups <ray-placement-group-doc-ref>`
- Nodes (Ray worker nodes)
- Workers (Ray worker processes)
- :ref:`Runtime environments <runtime-environments>`
E.g., List all nodes
.. code-block:: bash
ray list nodes
E.g., List all placement groups
.. code-block:: bash
ray list placement-groups
You can list resources with one or multiple filters.
E.g., List local referenced objects created by a process
.. code-block:: bash
ray list objects -f pid=12345 -f reference_type=LOCAL_REFERENCE
E.g., List alive actors
.. code-block:: bash
ray list actors -f state=ALIVE
E.g., List running tasks
.. code-block:: bash
ray list tasks -f scheduling_state=RUNNING
E.g., List non-running tasks
.. code-block:: bash
ray list tasks -f shceduling_state!=RUNNING
E.g., List running tasks that have a name func
.. code-block:: bash
ray list tasks -f scheduling_state=RUNNING -f name=func
E.g., List tasks with more details. When ``--detail`` is specified, the API can query more data sources to obtain state information in details.
.. code-block:: bash
ray list tasks --detail
E.g., Get a task info
.. code-block:: bash
ray get tasks <worker_id>
E.g., Get a node info
.. code-block:: bash
ray get nodes <node_id>
State API also allows you to conveniently access ray logs. Note that you cannot access the logs from a dead node.
By default, the API prints log from a head node.
E.g., Get all retrievable log file names
.. code-block:: bash
ray logs
E.g., Get a particular log file from a node
.. code-block:: bash
# You could get the node id / node ip from `ray list nodes`
ray logs gcs_server.out --node-id <XYZ>
E.g., Stream a log file from a node
.. code-block:: bash
ray logs -f raylet.out --node-ip
E.g., Stream actor log with actor id
.. code-block:: bash
# You could use ray list actors to get the actor ids
ray logs --actor-id=<XXX>
E.g., Stream log from a pid
.. code-block:: bash
ray logs --pid=<XXX> --follow
Failure Semantics
The state APIs don't guarantee to return a consistent/complete snapshot of the cluster all the time. By default,
all Python SDKs raise an exception when there's a missing output from the API. And CLI returns a partial result
and provides warning messages. Here are cases where there can be missing output from the API.
Query Failures
State APIs query "data sources" (e.g., GCS, raylets, etc.) to obtain and build the snapshot of the cluster.
However, data sources are sometimes unavailable (e.g., the source is down or overloaded). In this case, APIs
will return a partial (incomplete) snapshot of the cluster, and users are informed that the output is incomplete through a warning message.
All warnings are printed through Python's ``warnings`` library, and they can be suppressed.
Data Truncation
When the returned number of entities (number of rows) is too large (> 100K), state APIs truncate the output data to ensure system stability
(when this happens, there's no way to choose truncated data). When truncation happens it will be informed through Python's
``warnings`` module.
Garbage Collected Resources
Depending on the lifecycle of the resources, some "finished" resources are not accessible
through the APIs because they are already garbage collected.
**It is recommended not to rely on this API to obtain correct information on finished resources**.
For example, Ray periodically garbage collects DEAD state actor data to reduce memory usage.
Or it cleans up the FINISHED state of tasks when its lineage goes out of scope.
API Reference
See :ref:`State API Reference <state-api-ref>`.