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#include <inttypes.h>
2016-10-05 18:07:08 -07:00
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "event_loop.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "object_info.h"
#include "photon.h"
2016-10-04 16:25:11 -07:00
#include "photon_scheduler.h"
#include "photon_algorithm.h"
#include "state/actor_notification_table.h"
#include "state/db.h"
#include "state/task_table.h"
#include "state/object_table.h"
#include "utarray.h"
#include "uthash.h"
UT_icd task_ptr_icd = {sizeof(task *), NULL, NULL, NULL};
UT_icd workers_icd = {sizeof(local_scheduler_client *), NULL, NULL, NULL};
UT_icd pid_t_icd = {sizeof(pid_t), NULL, NULL, NULL};
UT_icd byte_icd = {sizeof(uint8_t), NULL, NULL, NULL};
* A helper function for printing available and requested resource information.
* @param state Local scheduler state.
* @param spec Task specification object.
* @return Void.
void print_resource_info(const local_scheduler_state *state,
const task_spec *spec) {
/* Print information about available and requested resources. */
char buftotal[256], bufavail[256], bufresreq[256];
snprintf(bufavail, sizeof(bufavail), "%8.4f %8.4f",
snprintf(buftotal, sizeof(buftotal), "%8.4f %8.4f",
if (spec) {
snprintf(bufresreq, sizeof(bufresreq), "%8.4f %8.4f",
task_spec_get_required_resource(spec, CPU_RESOURCE_INDEX),
task_spec_get_required_resource(spec, GPU_RESOURCE_INDEX));
LOG_DEBUG("Resources: [total=%s][available=%s][requested=%s]", buftotal,
bufavail, spec ? bufresreq : "n/a");
* Kill a worker, if it is a child process, and clean up all of its associated
* state.
* @param worker A pointer to the worker we want to kill.
* @param wait A bool representing whether we should wait for the worker's
* process to exit. If the worker is not a child process, this flag is
* ignored.
* @return Void.
void kill_worker(local_scheduler_client *worker, bool wait) {
/* TODO(swang): This method should also propagate changes to other parts of
* the system to reflect the killed task in progress, if there was one. This
* includes updating dynamic resources and updating the task table. */
/* Erase the worker from the array of workers. */
local_scheduler_state *state = worker->local_scheduler_state;
int num_workers = utarray_len(state->workers);
for (int i = 0; i < utarray_len(state->workers); ++i) {
local_scheduler_client *active_worker =
*(local_scheduler_client **) utarray_eltptr(state->workers, i);
if (active_worker == worker) {
utarray_erase(state->workers, i, 1);
/* Make sure that we erased exactly 1 worker. */
CHECKM(!(utarray_len(state->workers) < num_workers - 1),
"Found duplicate workers");
CHECKM(utarray_len(state->workers) != num_workers,
"Tried to kill worker that doesn't exist");
/* Remove the client socket from the event loop so that we don't process the
* SIGPIPE when the worker is killed. */
event_loop_remove_file(worker->local_scheduler_state->loop, worker->sock);
/* If the worker has registered a process ID with us and it's a child
* process, use it to send a kill signal. */
if (worker->is_child && worker->pid != 0) {
kill(worker->pid, SIGKILL);
if (wait) {
/* Wait for the process to exit. */
waitpid(worker->pid, NULL, 0);
LOG_INFO("Killed worker with pid %d", worker->pid);
/* Clean up the client socket after killing the worker so that the worker
* can't receive the SIGPIPE before exiting. */
/* Clean up the task in progress. */
if (worker->task_in_progress) {
/* TODO(swang): Update the task table to mark the task as lost. */
LOG_DEBUG("Killed worker with pid %d", worker->pid);
void free_local_scheduler(local_scheduler_state *state) {
/* Free the command for starting new workers. */
if (state->config.start_worker_command != NULL) {
int i = 0;
const char *arg = state->config.start_worker_command[i];
while (arg != NULL) {
free((void *) arg);
arg = state->config.start_worker_command[i];
state->config.start_worker_command = NULL;
/* Disconnect from the database. */
if (state->db != NULL) {
state->db = NULL;
/* Disconnect from plasma. */
state->plasma_conn = NULL;
/* Kill any child processes that didn't register as a worker yet. */
pid_t *worker_pid;
for (worker_pid = (pid_t *) utarray_front(state->child_pids);
worker_pid != NULL;
worker_pid = (pid_t *) utarray_next(state->child_pids, worker_pid)) {
kill(*worker_pid, SIGKILL);
waitpid(*worker_pid, NULL, 0);
LOG_DEBUG("Killed pid %d", *worker_pid);
/* Free the list of workers and any tasks that are still in progress on those
* workers. */
for (local_scheduler_client **worker =
(local_scheduler_client **) utarray_front(state->workers);
worker != NULL;
worker = (local_scheduler_client **) utarray_front(state->workers)) {
kill_worker(*worker, true);
state->workers = NULL;
/* Free the mapping from the actor ID to the ID of the local scheduler
* responsible for that actor. */
actor_map_entry *current_actor_map_entry, *temp_actor_map_entry;
HASH_ITER(hh, state->actor_mapping, current_actor_map_entry,
temp_actor_map_entry) {
HASH_DEL(state->actor_mapping, current_actor_map_entry);
/* Free the algorithm state. */
state->algorithm_state = NULL;
/* Free the input buffer. */
state->input_buffer = NULL;
/* Destroy the event loop. */
state->loop = NULL;
/* Free the scheduler state. */
* Start a new worker as a child process.
* @param state The state of the local scheduler.
* @return Void.
void start_worker(local_scheduler_state *state, actor_id actor_id) {
/* We can't start a worker if we don't have the path to the worker script. */
if (state->config.start_worker_command == NULL) {
LOG_WARN("No valid command to start worker provided. Cannot start worker.");
/* Launch the process to create the worker. */
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid != 0) {
utarray_push_back(state->child_pids, &pid);
LOG_INFO("Started worker with pid %d", pid);
char id_string[ID_STRING_SIZE];
object_id_to_string(actor_id, id_string, ID_STRING_SIZE);
/* Figure out how many arguments there are in the start_worker_command. */
int num_args = 0;
for (; state->config.start_worker_command[num_args] != NULL; ++num_args) {
const char **start_actor_worker_command =
malloc((num_args + 3) * sizeof(const char *));
for (int i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) {
start_actor_worker_command[i] = state->config.start_worker_command[i];
start_actor_worker_command[num_args] = "--actor-id";
start_actor_worker_command[num_args + 1] = (const char *) id_string;
start_actor_worker_command[num_args + 2] = NULL;
/* Try to execute the worker command. Exit if we're not successful. */
(char *const *) start_actor_worker_command);
LOG_FATAL("Failed to start worker");
* Parse the command to start a worker. This takes in the command string,
* splits it into tokens on the space characters, and allocates an array of the
* tokens, terminated by a NULL pointer.
* @param command The command string to start a worker.
* @return A pointer to an array of strings, the tokens in the command string.
* The last element is a NULL pointer.
const char **parse_command(const char *command) {
/* Count the number of tokens. */
char *command_copy = strdup(command);
const char *delimiter = " ";
char *token = NULL;
int num_args = 0;
token = strtok(command_copy, delimiter);
while (token != NULL) {
token = strtok(NULL, delimiter);
/* Allocate a NULL-terminated array for the tokens. */
const char **command_args = malloc((num_args + 1) * sizeof(const char *));
command_args[num_args] = NULL;
/* Fill in the token array. */
command_copy = strdup(command);
token = strtok(command_copy, delimiter);
int i = 0;
while (token != NULL) {
command_args[i] = strdup(token);
token = strtok(NULL, delimiter);
CHECK(num_args == i);
return command_args;
local_scheduler_state *init_local_scheduler(
const char *node_ip_address,
event_loop *loop,
const char *redis_addr,
int redis_port,
const char *local_scheduler_socket_name,
const char *plasma_store_socket_name,
const char *plasma_manager_socket_name,
const char *plasma_manager_address,
bool global_scheduler_exists,
const double static_resource_conf[],
const char *start_worker_command,
int num_workers) {
2016-10-04 16:25:11 -07:00
local_scheduler_state *state = malloc(sizeof(local_scheduler_state));
/* Set the configuration struct for the local scheduler. */
if (start_worker_command != NULL) {
state->config.start_worker_command = parse_command(start_worker_command);
} else {
state->config.start_worker_command = NULL;
if (start_worker_command == NULL) {
"No valid command to start a worker provided, local scheduler will not "
"start any workers.");
state->config.global_scheduler_exists = global_scheduler_exists;
2016-10-05 18:07:08 -07:00
state->loop = loop;
/* Initialize the list of workers. */
utarray_new(state->workers, &workers_icd);
/* Initialize the hash table mapping actor ID to the ID of the local scheduler
* that is responsible for that actor. */
state->actor_mapping = NULL;
/* Connect to Redis if a Redis address is provided. */
if (redis_addr != NULL) {
int num_args;
const char **db_connect_args = NULL;
/* Use UT_string to convert the resource value into a string. */
UT_string *num_cpus;
UT_string *num_gpus;
utstring_printf(num_cpus, "%f", static_resource_conf[0]);
utstring_printf(num_gpus, "%f", static_resource_conf[1]);
if (plasma_manager_address != NULL) {
num_args = 8;
db_connect_args = malloc(sizeof(char *) * num_args);
db_connect_args[0] = "local_scheduler_socket_name";
db_connect_args[1] = local_scheduler_socket_name;
db_connect_args[2] = "num_cpus";
db_connect_args[3] = utstring_body(num_cpus);
db_connect_args[4] = "num_gpus";
db_connect_args[5] = utstring_body(num_gpus);
db_connect_args[6] = "aux_address";
db_connect_args[7] = plasma_manager_address;
} else {
num_args = 6;
db_connect_args = malloc(sizeof(char *) * num_args);
db_connect_args[0] = "local_scheduler_socket_name";
db_connect_args[1] = local_scheduler_socket_name;
db_connect_args[2] = "num_cpus";
db_connect_args[3] = utstring_body(num_cpus);
db_connect_args[4] = "num_gpus";
db_connect_args[5] = utstring_body(num_gpus);
state->db = db_connect(redis_addr, redis_port, "photon", node_ip_address,
num_args, db_connect_args);
db_attach(state->db, loop, false);
} else {
2016-12-04 15:51:03 -08:00
state->db = NULL;
/* Connect to Plasma. This method will retry if Plasma hasn't started yet. */
state->plasma_conn =
plasma_connect(plasma_store_socket_name, plasma_manager_socket_name,
/* Subscribe to notifications about sealed objects. */
int plasma_fd = plasma_subscribe(state->plasma_conn);
/* Add the callback that processes the notification to the event loop. */
event_loop_add_file(loop, plasma_fd, EVENT_LOOP_READ,
process_plasma_notification, state);
/* Add scheduler state. */
2016-12-04 15:51:03 -08:00
state->algorithm_state = make_scheduling_algorithm_state();
/* Add the input buffer. This is used to read in messages from clients without
* having to reallocate a new buffer every time. */
utarray_new(state->input_buffer, &byte_icd);
/* Initialize resource vectors. */
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_RESOURCE_INDEX; i++) {
state->static_resources[i] = state->dynamic_resources[i] =
/* Print some debug information about resource configuration. */
print_resource_info(state, NULL);
/* Start the initial set of workers. */
utarray_new(state->child_pids, &pid_t_icd);
for (int i = 0; i < num_workers; ++i) {
start_worker(state, NIL_ACTOR_ID);
return state;
2016-10-05 18:07:08 -07:00
void update_dynamic_resources(local_scheduler_state *state,
task_spec *spec,
bool return_resources) {
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_RESOURCE_INDEX; ++i) {
double resource = task_spec_get_required_resource(spec, i);
if (!return_resources) {
/* If we are not returning resources, we are leasing them, so we want to
* subtract the resource quantities from our accounting. */
resource *= -1;
/* Add or subtract the task's resources from our count. */
state->dynamic_resources[i] += resource;
if (!return_resources && state->dynamic_resources[i] < 0) {
/* We are using more resources than we have been allocated. */
LOG_WARN("photon dynamic resources dropped to %8.4f\t%8.4f\n",
state->dynamic_resources[0], state->dynamic_resources[1]);
CHECK(state->dynamic_resources[i] <= state->static_resources[i]);
print_resource_info(state, spec);
2016-12-04 15:51:03 -08:00
void assign_task_to_worker(local_scheduler_state *state,
task_spec *spec,
local_scheduler_client *worker) {
if (write_message(worker->sock, EXECUTE_TASK, task_spec_size(spec),
(uint8_t *) spec) < 0) {
if (errno == EPIPE || errno == EBADF) {
/* TODO(rkn): If this happens, the task should be added back to the task
* queue. */
"Failed to give task to worker on fd %d. The client may have hung "
} else {
LOG_FATAL("Failed to give task to client on fd %d.", worker->sock);
/* Resource accounting:
* Update dynamic resource vector in the local scheduler state. */
update_dynamic_resources(state, spec, false);
task *task = alloc_task(spec, TASK_STATUS_RUNNING,
state->db ? get_db_client_id(state->db) : NIL_ID);
/* Record which task this worker is executing. This will be freed in
* process_message when the worker sends a GET_TASK message to the local
* scheduler. */
worker->task_in_progress = copy_task(task);
/* Update the global task table. */
2016-12-04 15:51:03 -08:00
if (state->db != NULL) {
task_table_update(state->db, task, NULL, NULL, NULL);
} else {
2016-10-04 16:25:11 -07:00
void process_plasma_notification(event_loop *loop,
int client_sock,
void *context,
int events) {
local_scheduler_state *state = context;
/* Read the notification from Plasma. */
object_info object_info;
int error =
read_bytes(client_sock, (uint8_t *) &object_info, sizeof(object_info));
if (error < 0) {
/* The store has closed the socket. */
"The plasma store has closed the object notification socket, or some "
"other error has occurred.");
event_loop_remove_file(loop, client_sock);
if (object_info.is_deletion) {
handle_object_removed(state, object_info.obj_id);
} else {
handle_object_available(state, state->algorithm_state, object_info.obj_id);
void reconstruct_task_update_callback(task *task, void *user_context) {
if (task == NULL) {
/* The test-and-set of the task's scheduling state failed, so the task was
* either not finished yet, or it was already being reconstructed.
* Suppress the reconstruction request. */
/* Otherwise, the test-and-set succeeded, so resubmit the task for execution
* to ensure that reconstruction will happen. */
local_scheduler_state *state = user_context;
task_spec *spec = task_task_spec(task);
/* If the task is an actor task, then we currently do not reconstruct it.
* TODO(rkn): Handle this better. */
CHECK(actor_ids_equal(task_spec_actor_id(spec), NIL_ACTOR_ID));
/* Resubmit the task. */
handle_task_submitted(state, state->algorithm_state, spec);
/* Recursively reconstruct the task's inputs, if necessary. */
for (int64_t i = 0; i < task_num_args(spec); ++i) {
if (task_arg_type(spec, i) == ARG_BY_REF) {
object_id arg_id = task_arg_id(spec, i);
reconstruct_object(state, arg_id);
void reconstruct_result_lookup_callback(object_id reconstruct_object_id,
task_id task_id,
void *user_context) {
/* TODO(swang): The following check will fail if an object was created by a
* put. */
"No task information found for object during reconstruction");
local_scheduler_state *state = user_context;
/* Try to claim the responsibility for reconstruction by doing a test-and-set
* of the task's scheduling state in the global state. If the task's
* scheduling state is pending completion, assume that reconstruction is
* already being taken care of. NOTE: This codepath is not responsible for
* detecting failure of the other reconstruction, or updating the
* scheduling_state accordingly. */
task_table_test_and_update(state->db, task_id, TASK_STATUS_DONE,
reconstruct_task_update_callback, state);
void reconstruct_object_lookup_callback(object_id reconstruct_object_id,
int manager_count,
const char *manager_vector[],
void *user_context) {
LOG_DEBUG("Manager count was %d", manager_count);
/* Only continue reconstruction if we find that the object doesn't exist on
* any nodes. NOTE: This codepath is not responsible for checking if the
* object table entry is up-to-date. */
local_scheduler_state *state = user_context;
if (manager_count == 0) {
/* Look up the task that created the object in the result table. */
result_table_lookup(state->db, reconstruct_object_id, NULL,
reconstruct_result_lookup_callback, (void *) state);
void reconstruct_object(local_scheduler_state *state,
object_id reconstruct_object_id) {
LOG_DEBUG("Starting reconstruction");
/* TODO(swang): Track task lineage for puts. */
CHECK(state->db != NULL);
/* Determine if reconstruction is necessary by checking if the object exists
* on a node. */
object_table_lookup(state->db, reconstruct_object_id, NULL,
reconstruct_object_lookup_callback, (void *) state);
2016-10-04 16:25:11 -07:00
void process_message(event_loop *loop,
int client_sock,
void *context,
int events) {
local_scheduler_client *worker = context;
local_scheduler_state *state = worker->local_scheduler_state;
int64_t type;
int64_t length = read_buffer(client_sock, &type, state->input_buffer);
LOG_DEBUG("New event of type %" PRId64, type);
switch (type) {
task_spec *spec = (task_spec *) utarray_front(state->input_buffer);
if (actor_ids_equal(task_spec_actor_id(spec), NIL_ACTOR_ID)) {
handle_task_submitted(state, state->algorithm_state, spec);
} else {
handle_actor_task_submitted(state, state->algorithm_state, spec);
} break;
case TASK_DONE: {
} break;
/* Parse the message. TODO(rkn): Redo this using flatbuffers to serialize
* the message. */
uint8_t *message = (uint8_t *) utarray_front(state->input_buffer);
int64_t offset = 0;
int64_t key_length;
memcpy(&key_length, &message[offset], sizeof(key_length));
offset += sizeof(key_length);
int64_t value_length;
memcpy(&value_length, &message[offset], sizeof(value_length));
offset += sizeof(value_length);
uint8_t *key = malloc(key_length);
memcpy(key, &message[offset], key_length);
offset += key_length;
uint8_t *value = malloc(value_length);
memcpy(value, &message[offset], value_length);
offset += value_length;
CHECK(offset == length);
if (state->db != NULL) {
ray_log_event(state->db, key, key_length, value, value_length);
} break;
/* Update the actor mapping with the actor ID of the worker (if an actor is
* running on the worker). */
register_worker_info *info =
(register_worker_info *) utarray_front(state->input_buffer);
if (!actor_ids_equal(info->actor_id, NIL_ACTOR_ID)) {
/* Make sure that the local scheduler is aware that it is responsible for
* this actor. */
actor_map_entry *entry;
HASH_FIND(hh, state->actor_mapping, &info->actor_id,
sizeof(info->actor_id), entry);
CHECK(entry != NULL);
/* Update the worker struct with this actor ID. */
CHECK(actor_ids_equal(worker->actor_id, NIL_ACTOR_ID));
worker->actor_id = info->actor_id;
/* Let the scheduling algorithm process the presence of this new
* worker. */
handle_actor_worker_connect(state, state->algorithm_state, info->actor_id,
/* Register worker process id with the scheduler. */
worker->pid = info->worker_pid;
/* Determine if this worker is one of our child processes. */
LOG_DEBUG("PID is %d", info->worker_pid);
pid_t *child_pid;
int index = 0;
for (child_pid = (pid_t *) utarray_front(state->child_pids);
child_pid != NULL;
child_pid = (pid_t *) utarray_next(state->child_pids, child_pid)) {
if (*child_pid == info->worker_pid) {
/* If this worker is one of our child processes, mark it as a child so
* that we know that we can wait for the process to exit during
* cleanup. */
worker->is_child = true;
utarray_erase(state->child_pids, index, 1);
LOG_DEBUG("Found matching child pid %d", info->worker_pid);
} break;
case GET_TASK: {
/* If this worker reports a completed task: account for resources. */
if (worker->task_in_progress != NULL) {
task_spec *spec = task_task_spec(worker->task_in_progress);
/* Return dynamic resources back for the task in progress. */
update_dynamic_resources(state, spec, true);
/* If we're connected to Redis, update tables. */
if (state->db != NULL) {
/* Update control state tables. */
task_set_state(worker->task_in_progress, TASK_STATUS_DONE);
task_table_update(state->db, worker->task_in_progress, NULL, NULL,
/* The call to task_table_update takes ownership of the
* task_in_progress, so we set the pointer to NULL so it is not used. */
} else {
worker->task_in_progress = NULL;
/* Let the scheduling algorithm process the fact that there is an available
* worker. */
if (actor_ids_equal(worker->actor_id, NIL_ACTOR_ID)) {
handle_worker_available(state, state->algorithm_state, worker);
} else {
handle_actor_worker_available(state, state->algorithm_state, worker);
} break;
if (worker->task_in_progress != NULL && !worker->is_blocked) {
/* TODO(swang): For now, we don't handle blocked actors. */
if (actor_ids_equal(worker->actor_id, NIL_ACTOR_ID)) {
/* If the worker was executing a task (i.e. non-driver) and it wasn't
* already blocked on an object that's not locally available, update its
* state to blocked. */
handle_worker_blocked(state, state->algorithm_state, worker);
print_worker_info("Reconstructing", state->algorithm_state);
object_id *obj_id = (object_id *) utarray_front(state->input_buffer);
reconstruct_object(state, *obj_id);
} break;
LOG_INFO("Disconnecting client on fd %d", client_sock);
kill_worker(worker, false);
if (!actor_ids_equal(worker->actor_id, NIL_ACTOR_ID)) {
/* Let the scheduling algorithm process the absence of this worker. */
handle_actor_worker_disconnect(state, state->algorithm_state,
} break;
} break;
if (worker->task_in_progress != NULL) {
/* TODO(swang): For now, we don't handle blocked actors. */
if (actor_ids_equal(worker->actor_id, NIL_ACTOR_ID)) {
/* If the worker was executing a task (i.e. non-driver), update its
* state to not blocked. */
handle_worker_unblocked(state, state->algorithm_state, worker);
print_worker_info("Worker unblocked", state->algorithm_state);
} break;
/* This code should be unreachable. */
void new_client_connection(event_loop *loop,
int listener_sock,
void *context,
int events) {
local_scheduler_state *state = context;
int new_socket = accept_client(listener_sock);
/* Create a struct for this worker. This will be freed when we free the local
* scheduler state. */
local_scheduler_client *worker = malloc(sizeof(local_scheduler_client));
worker->sock = new_socket;
worker->task_in_progress = NULL;
worker->is_blocked = false;
worker->pid = 0;
worker->is_child = false;
worker->actor_id = NIL_ACTOR_ID;
worker->local_scheduler_state = state;
utarray_push_back(state->workers, &worker);
event_loop_add_file(loop, new_socket, EVENT_LOOP_READ, process_message,
LOG_DEBUG("new connection with fd %d", new_socket);
2016-10-05 18:07:08 -07:00
/* We need this code so we can clean up when we get a SIGTERM signal. */
local_scheduler_state *g_state;
void signal_handler(int signal) {
LOG_DEBUG("Signal was %d", signal);
2016-10-05 18:07:08 -07:00
if (signal == SIGTERM) {
/* End of the cleanup code. */
void handle_task_scheduled_callback(task *original_task, void *user_context) {
task_spec *spec = task_task_spec(original_task);
if (actor_ids_equal(task_spec_actor_id(spec), NIL_ACTOR_ID)) {
/* This task does not involve an actor. Handle it normally. */
handle_task_scheduled(g_state, g_state->algorithm_state, spec);
} else {
/* This task involves an actor. Call the scheduling algorithm's actor
* handler. */
handle_actor_task_scheduled(g_state, g_state->algorithm_state, spec);
* Process a notification about the creation of a new actor. Use this to update
* the mapping from actor ID to the local scheduler ID of the local scheduler
* that is responsible for the actor. If this local scheduler is responsible for
* the actor, then launch a new worker process to create that actor.
* @param actor_id The ID of the actor being created.
* @param local_scheduler_id The ID of the local scheduler that is responsible
* for creating the actor.
* @return Void.
void handle_actor_creation_callback(actor_info info, void *context) {
actor_id actor_id = info.actor_id;
db_client_id local_scheduler_id = info.local_scheduler_id;
local_scheduler_state *state = context;
/* Make sure the actor entry is not already present in the actor map table.
* TODO(rkn): We will need to remove this check to handle the case where the
* corresponding publish is retried and the case in which a task that creates
* an actor is resubmitted due to fault tolerance. */
actor_map_entry *entry;
HASH_FIND(hh, state->actor_mapping, &actor_id, sizeof(actor_id), entry);
CHECK(entry == NULL);
/* Create a new entry and add it to the actor mapping table. TODO(rkn):
* Currently this is never removed (except when the local scheduler state is
* deleted). */
entry = malloc(sizeof(actor_map_entry));
entry->actor_id = actor_id;
entry->local_scheduler_id = local_scheduler_id;
HASH_ADD(hh, state->actor_mapping, actor_id, sizeof(entry->actor_id), entry);
/* If this local scheduler is responsible for the actor, then start a new
* worker for the actor. */
if (db_client_ids_equal(local_scheduler_id, get_db_client_id(state->db))) {
start_worker(state, actor_id);
/* Let the scheduling algorithm process the fact that a new actor has been
* created. */
handle_actor_creation_notification(state, state->algorithm_state, actor_id);
int heartbeat_handler(event_loop *loop, timer_id id, void *context) {
local_scheduler_state *state = context;
scheduling_algorithm_state *algorithm_state = state->algorithm_state;
local_scheduler_info info;
/* Ask the scheduling algorithm to fill out the scheduler info struct. */
provide_scheduler_info(state, algorithm_state, &info);
/* Publish the heartbeat to all subscribers of the local scheduler table. */
local_scheduler_table_send_info(state->db, &info, NULL);
/* Reset the timer. */
void start_server(const char *node_ip_address,
const char *socket_name,
const char *redis_addr,
int redis_port,
const char *plasma_store_socket_name,
const char *plasma_manager_socket_name,
const char *plasma_manager_address,
bool global_scheduler_exists,
const double static_resource_conf[],
const char *start_worker_command,
int num_workers) {
/* Ignore SIGPIPE signals. If we don't do this, then when we attempt to write
* to a client that has already died, the local scheduler could die. */
int fd = bind_ipc_sock(socket_name, true);
2016-10-04 16:25:11 -07:00
event_loop *loop = event_loop_create();
g_state = init_local_scheduler(
node_ip_address, loop, redis_addr, redis_port, socket_name,
plasma_store_socket_name, plasma_manager_socket_name,
plasma_manager_address, global_scheduler_exists, static_resource_conf,
start_worker_command, num_workers);
/* Register a callback for registering new clients. */
2016-10-05 18:07:08 -07:00
event_loop_add_file(loop, fd, EVENT_LOOP_READ, new_client_connection,
/* Subscribe to receive notifications about tasks that are assigned to this
* local scheduler by the global scheduler or by other local schedulers.
* TODO(rkn): we also need to get any tasks that were assigned to this local
* scheduler before the call to subscribe. */
2016-12-04 15:51:03 -08:00
if (g_state->db != NULL) {
task_table_subscribe(g_state->db, get_db_client_id(g_state->db),
TASK_STATUS_SCHEDULED, handle_task_scheduled_callback,
/* Subscribe to notifications about newly created actors. */
if (g_state->db != NULL) {
g_state->db, handle_actor_creation_callback, g_state, NULL);
/* Create a timer for publishing information about the load on the local
* scheduler to the local scheduler table. This message also serves as a
* heartbeat. */
if (g_state->db != NULL) {
heartbeat_handler, g_state);
/* Create a timer for fetching queued tasks' missing object dependencies. */
fetch_object_timeout_handler, g_state);
/* Run event loop. */
/* Only declare the main function if we are not in testing mode, since the test
* suite has its own declaration of main. */
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
2016-10-05 18:07:08 -07:00
signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler);
/* Path of the listening socket of the local scheduler. */
char *scheduler_socket_name = NULL;
/* IP address and port of redis. */
char *redis_addr_port = NULL;
/* Socket name for the local Plasma store. */
char *plasma_store_socket_name = NULL;
/* Socket name for the local Plasma manager. */
char *plasma_manager_socket_name = NULL;
/* Address for the plasma manager associated with this Photon instance. */
char *plasma_manager_address = NULL;
/* The IP address of the node that this local scheduler is running on. */
char *node_ip_address = NULL;
/* Comma-separated list of configured resource capabilities for this node. */
char *static_resource_list = NULL;
double static_resource_conf[MAX_RESOURCE_INDEX];
/* The command to run when starting new workers. */
char *start_worker_command = NULL;
/* The number of workers to start. */
char *num_workers_str = NULL;
int c;
bool global_scheduler_exists = true;
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "s:r:p:m:ga:h:c:w:n:")) != -1) {
switch (c) {
case 's':
scheduler_socket_name = optarg;
case 'r':
redis_addr_port = optarg;
case 'p':
plasma_store_socket_name = optarg;
case 'm':
plasma_manager_socket_name = optarg;
case 'g':
global_scheduler_exists = false;
case 'a':
plasma_manager_address = optarg;
case 'h':
node_ip_address = optarg;
case 'c':
static_resource_list = optarg;
case 'w':
start_worker_command = optarg;
case 'n':
num_workers_str = optarg;
LOG_FATAL("unknown option %c", c);
if (!static_resource_list) {
/* Use defaults for this node's static resource configuration. */
memset(&static_resource_conf[0], 0, sizeof(static_resource_conf));
static_resource_conf[CPU_RESOURCE_INDEX] = DEFAULT_NUM_CPUS;
static_resource_conf[GPU_RESOURCE_INDEX] = DEFAULT_NUM_GPUS;
} else {
/* Tokenize the string. */
const char delim[2] = ",";
char *token;
int idx = 0; /* Index into the resource vector. */
token = strtok(static_resource_list, delim);
while (token != NULL && idx < MAX_RESOURCE_INDEX) {
static_resource_conf[idx++] = atoi(token);
/* Attempt to get the next token. */
token = strtok(NULL, delim);
if (!scheduler_socket_name) {
LOG_FATAL("please specify socket for incoming connections with -s switch");
if (!plasma_store_socket_name) {
"please specify socket for connecting to Plasma store with -p switch");
if (!node_ip_address) {
LOG_FATAL("please specify the node IP address with -h switch");
int num_workers = 0;
if (num_workers_str) {
num_workers = strtol(num_workers_str, NULL, 10);
if (num_workers < 0) {
LOG_FATAL("Number of workers must be nonnegative");
char *redis_addr = NULL;
int redis_port = -1;
if (!redis_addr_port) {
/* Start the local scheduler without connecting to Redis. In this case, all
* submitted tasks will be queued and scheduled locally. */
if (plasma_manager_socket_name) {
"if a plasma manager socket name is provided with the -m switch, "
"then a redis address must be provided with the -r switch");
} else {
char redis_addr_buffer[16] = {0};
char redis_port_str[6] = {0};
/* Parse the Redis address into an IP address and a port. */
int num_assigned = sscanf(redis_addr_port, "%15[0-9.]:%5[0-9]",
redis_addr_buffer, redis_port_str);
if (num_assigned != 2) {
"if a redis address is provided with the -r switch, it should be "
"formatted like");
redis_addr = redis_addr_buffer;
redis_port = strtol(redis_port_str, NULL, 10);
if (redis_port == 0) {
LOG_FATAL("Unable to parse port number from redis address %s",
if (!plasma_manager_socket_name) {
"please specify socket for connecting to Plasma manager with -m "
start_server(node_ip_address, scheduler_socket_name, redis_addr, redis_port,
plasma_store_socket_name, plasma_manager_socket_name,
plasma_manager_address, global_scheduler_exists,
static_resource_conf, start_worker_command, num_workers);