2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "git_repository", "new_git_repository")
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
def github_repository(*, name=None, remote=None, commit=None, tag=None,
branch=None, build_file=None, build_file_content=None,
sha256=None, shallow_since=None, strip_prefix=True,
url=None, path=None, **kwargs):
Conveniently chooses between archive, git, etc. GitHub repositories.
Prefer archives, as they're smaller and faster due to the lack of history.
One of {commit, tag, branch} must also be provided (as usual).
sha256 should be omitted (or None) when the archive hash is unknown, then
updated ASAP to allow caching & avoid repeated downloads on every build.
If remote == None , it is an error.
If name == None , it is auto-deduced, but this is NOT recommended.
If build_file == True , it is auto-deduced.
If strip_prefix == True , it is auto-deduced.
If url == None , it is auto-deduced.
If sha256 != False, uses archive download (recommended; fast).
If sha256 == False, uses git clone (NOT recommended; slow).
If path != None , local repository is assumed at the given path.
GIT_SUFFIX = ".git"
archive_suffix = ".zip"
treeish = commit or tag or branch
if not treeish: fail("Missing commit, tag, or branch argument")
if remote == None: fail("Missing remote argument")
if remote.endswith(GIT_SUFFIX):
remote_no_suffix = remote[:len(remote) - len(GIT_SUFFIX)]
remote_no_suffix = remote
project = remote_no_suffix.split("//", 1)[1].split("/")[2]
if name == None:
name = project.replace("-", "_")
if strip_prefix == True:
strip_prefix = "%s-%s" % (project, treeish)
if url == None:
url = "%s/archive/%s%s" % (remote_no_suffix, treeish, archive_suffix)
if build_file == True:
build_file = "@//%s:%s" % ("bazel", "BUILD." + name)
if path != None:
if build_file or build_file_content:
native.new_local_repository(name=name, path=path,
native.local_repository(name=name, path=path, **kwargs)
elif sha256 == False:
if build_file or build_file_content:
new_git_repository(name=name, remote=remote, build_file=build_file,
commit=commit, tag=tag, branch=branch,
strip_prefix=strip_prefix, **kwargs)
git_repository(name=name, remote=remote, strip_prefix=strip_prefix,
commit=commit, tag=tag, branch=branch,
shallow_since=shallow_since, **kwargs)
http_archive(name=name, url=url, sha256=sha256, build_file=build_file,
build_file_content=build_file_content, **kwargs)
2019-05-28 16:04:16 -07:00
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
def ray_deps_setup():
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
name = "rules_jvm_external",
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
tag = "2.10",
remote = "https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_jvm_external",
sha256 = "1bbf2e48d07686707dd85357e9a94da775e1dbd7c464272b3664283c9c716d26",
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
name = "bazel_common",
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
commit = "f1115e0f777f08c3cdb115526c4e663005bec69b",
remote = "https://github.com/google/bazel-common",
sha256 = "1e05a4791cc3470d3ecf7edb556f796b1d340359f1c4d293f175d4d0946cf84c",
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
2019-05-28 16:04:16 -07:00
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
name = "com_github_checkstyle_java",
2019-11-08 15:58:28 -08:00
commit = "ef367030d1433877a3360bbfceca18a5d0791bdd",
remote = "https://github.com/ray-project/checkstyle_java",
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
sha256 = "2fc33ec804011a03106e76ae77d7f1b09091b0f830f8e2a0408f079a032ed716",
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
2019-05-28 16:04:16 -07:00
2019-11-22 16:10:47 -08:00
# This rule is used by @com_github_nelhage_rules_boost and
# declaring it here allows us to avoid patching the latter.
name = "boost",
build_file = "@com_github_nelhage_rules_boost//:BUILD.boost",
sha256 = "da3411ea45622579d419bfda66f45cd0f8c32a181d84adfa936f5688388995cf",
strip_prefix = "boost_1_68_0",
url = "https://dl.bintray.com/boostorg/release/1.68.0/source/boost_1_68_0.tar.gz",
patches = [
# Backport Clang-Cl patch on Boost 1.69 to Boost <= 1.68:
# https://lists.boost.org/Archives/boost/2018/09/243420.php
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
name = "com_github_nelhage_rules_boost",
2019-11-22 16:10:47 -08:00
# If you update the Boost version, remember to update the 'boost' rule.
commit = "df908358c605a7d5b8bbacde07afbaede5ac12cf",
remote = "https://github.com/nelhage/rules_boost",
sha256 = "3775c5ab217e0c9cc380f56e243a4d75fe6fee8eaee1447899eaa04c5d582cf1",
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
2019-05-28 16:04:16 -07:00
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
name = "com_github_google_flatbuffers",
commit = "63d51afd1196336a7d1f56a988091ef05deb1c62",
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
remote = "https://github.com/google/flatbuffers",
sha256 = "dd87be0acf932c9b0d9b5d7bb49aec23e1c98bbd3327254bd90cb4af198f9332",
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
2019-05-28 16:04:16 -07:00
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
name = "com_google_googletest",
commit = "3306848f697568aacf4bcca330f6bdd5ce671899",
remote = "https://github.com/google/googletest",
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
sha256 = "2625a1d301cd658514e297002170c2fc83a87beb0f495f943601df17d966511d",
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
2019-05-28 16:04:16 -07:00
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
name = "com_github_gflags_gflags",
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
commit = "e171aa2d15ed9eb17054558e0b3a6a413bb01067",
remote = "https://github.com/gflags/gflags",
sha256 = "da72f0dce8e3422d0ab2fea8d03a63a64227b0376b3558fd9762e88de73b780b",
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
2019-05-28 16:04:16 -07:00
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
name = "com_github_google_glog",
build_file = "@//bazel:BUILD.glog",
2019-11-08 15:58:28 -08:00
commit = "96a2f23dca4cc7180821ca5f32e526314395d26a",
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
remote = "https://github.com/google/glog",
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
sha256 = "6281aa4eeecb9e932d7091f99872e7b26fa6aacece49c15ce5b14af2b7ec050f",
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
2019-05-28 16:04:16 -07:00
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
name = "plasma",
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
build_file = True,
2019-11-03 16:19:05 -08:00
commit = "86f34aa07e611787d9cc98c6a33b0a0a536dce57",
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
remote = "https://github.com/apache/arrow",
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
sha256 = "4f1956e74188fa15078c8ad560bbc298624320d2aafd21fe7a2511afee7ea841",
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
2019-05-28 16:04:16 -07:00
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
name = "cython",
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
build_file = True,
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
commit = "49414dbc7ddc2ca2979d6dbe1e44714b10d72e7e",
remote = "https://github.com/cython/cython",
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
sha256 = "aaee5dec23165ee10c189d8b40f19861e2c6929c015cee3d2b4e56d8a1bdc422",
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
2019-05-28 16:04:16 -07:00
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
name = "io_opencensus_cpp",
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
commit = "3aa11f20dd610cb8d2f7c62e58d1e69196aadf11",
remote = "https://github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-cpp",
sha256 = "92eef77c44d01e8472f68a2f1329919a1bb59317a4bb1e4d76081ab5c13a56d6",
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
2019-05-28 16:04:16 -07:00
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
# OpenCensus depends on Abseil so we have to explicitly pull it in.
# This is how diamond dependencies are prevented.
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
name = "com_google_absl",
2019-10-20 22:05:28 -07:00
commit = "aa844899c937bde5d2b24f276b59997e5b668bde",
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
remote = "https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp",
sha256 = "f1a959a2144f0482b9bd61e67a9897df02234fff6edf82294579a4276f2f4b97",
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
2019-05-28 14:29:35 +08:00
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
# OpenCensus depends on jupp0r/prometheus-cpp
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
name = "com_github_jupp0r_prometheus_cpp",
2019-11-03 15:05:47 -08:00
commit = "5c45ba7ddc0585d765a43d136764dd2a542bd495",
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
remote = "https://github.com/ray-project/prometheus-cpp",
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
# TODO(qwang): We should use the repository of `jupp0r` here when this PR
# `https://github.com/jupp0r/prometheus-cpp/pull/225` getting merged.
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
sha256 = "c80293276166d405188b1af62cd11178fbcec0f1a8ab0dbece19d4bdc79d45e7",
2019-04-29 13:02:49 +08:00
2019-06-17 19:00:50 +08:00
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
2019-06-17 19:00:50 +08:00
name = "com_github_grpc_grpc",
2019-11-25 14:20:33 -08:00
commit = "4790ab6d97e634a1ede983be393f3bb3c132b2f7",
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
remote = "https://github.com/grpc/grpc",
2019-11-25 14:20:33 -08:00
sha256 = "723853c36ea6d179d32a4f9f2f8691dbe0e28d5bbc521c954b34355a1c952ba5",
2019-11-21 15:32:48 -08:00
patches = [
2019-06-26 05:31:19 +08:00
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
2019-11-08 15:58:28 -08:00
name = "rules_proto_grpc",
commit = "a74fef39c5fe636580083545f76d1eab74f6450d",
2019-11-22 09:59:32 -08:00
remote = "https://github.com/rules-proto-grpc/rules_proto_grpc",
sha256 = "53561ecacaebe58916dfdb962d889a56394d3fae6956e0bcd63c4353f813284a",
2019-06-17 19:00:50 +08:00