Running Ray on YARN is still a work in progress. If you have a
suggestion for how to improve this documentation or want to request
a missing feature, please feel free to create a pull request or get in touch
using one of the channels in the `Questions or Issues?`_ section below.
This document assumes that you have access to a YARN cluster and will walk
you through using `Skein`_ to deploy a YARN job that starts a Ray cluster and
runs an example script on it.
Skein uses a declarative specification (either written as a yaml file or using the Python API) and allows users to launch jobs and scale applications without the need to write Java code.
You will firt need to install Skein: ``pip install skein``.
The Skein ``yaml`` file and example Ray program used here are provided in the
`Ray repository`_ to get you started. Refer to the provided ``yaml``
files to be sure that you maintain important configuration options for Ray to
Use the ``files`` option to specify files that will be copied into the YARN container for the application to use. See `the Skein file distribution page <>`_ for more information.
..code-block:: yaml
# There should only be one instance of the head node per cluster.
instances: 1
# The resources for the head node.
vcores: 1
memory: 2048
# ray/doc/yarn/
# # A packaged python environment using `conda-pack`. Note that Skein
# # doesn't require any specific way of distributing files, but this
# # See
# environment: environment.tar.gz
Ray Setup in YARN
Below is a walkthrough of the bash commands used to start the ``ray-head`` and ``ray-worker`` services. Note that this configuration will launch a new Ray cluster for each application, not reuse the same cluster.
Head node commands
Start by activating a pre-existing environment for dependency management.
Start all of the processes needed on a ray worker node, blocking until killed by Skein/YARN via SIGTERM. After receiving SIGTERM, all started processes should also die (ray stop).
..code-block:: bash
ray start --object-store-memory=200000000 --memory 200000000 --num-cpus=1 --address=$RAY_HEAD_ADDRESS:6379 --block; ray stop