
500 lines
22 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import logging
import numpy as np
from typing import Dict, Optional
from ray.rllib.evaluation.episode import MultiAgentEpisode
from ray.rllib.policy.sample_batch import SampleBatch
from ray.rllib.policy.view_requirement import ViewRequirement
from ray.rllib.utils.framework import try_import_tf, try_import_torch
from ray.rllib.utils.typing import AgentID, EnvID, EpisodeID, TensorType
tf1, tf, tfv = try_import_tf()
torch, _ = try_import_torch()
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class _PerPolicySampleCollector:
"""A class for efficiently collecting samples for a single (fixed) policy.
Can be used by a _MultiAgentSampleCollector for its different policies.
def __init__(self,
num_agents: Optional[int] = None,
num_timesteps: Optional[int] = None,
time_major: bool = True,
shift_before: int = 0,
shift_after: int = 0):
"""Initializes a _PerPolicySampleCollector object.
num_agents (int): The max number of agent slots to pre-allocate
in the buffer.
num_timesteps (int): The max number of timesteps to pre-allocate
in the buffer.
time_major (Optional[bool]): Whether to preallocate buffers and
collect samples in time-major fashion (TxBx...).
shift_before (int): The additional number of time slots to
pre-allocate at the beginning of a time window (for possible
underlying data column shifts, e.g. PREV_ACTIONS).
shift_after (int): The additional number of time slots to
pre-allocate at the end of a time window (for possible
underlying data column shifts, e.g. NEXT_OBS).
self.num_agents = num_agents or 100
self.num_timesteps = num_timesteps
self.time_major = time_major
# `shift_before must at least be 1 for the init obs timestep.
self.shift_before = max(shift_before, 1)
self.shift_after = shift_after
# The offset on the agent dim to start the next SampleBatch build from.
self.sample_batch_offset = 0
# The actual underlying data-buffers.
self.buffers = {}
self.postprocessed_agents = [False] * self.num_agents
# Next agent-slot to be used by a new agent/env combination.
self.agent_slot_cursor = 0
# Maps agent/episode ID/chunk-num to an agent slot.
self.agent_key_to_slot = {}
# Maps agent/episode ID to the last chunk-num.
self.agent_key_to_chunk_num = {}
# Maps agent slot number to agent keys.
self.slot_to_agent_key = [None] * self.num_agents
# Maps agent/episode ID/chunk-num to a time step cursor.
self.agent_key_to_timestep = {}
# Total timesteps taken in the env over all agents since last reset.
self.timesteps_since_last_reset = 0
# Indices (T,B) to pick from the buffers for the next forward pass.
self.forward_pass_indices = [[], []]
self.forward_pass_size = 0
# Maps index from the forward pass batch to (agent_id, episode_id,
# env_id) tuple.
self.forward_pass_index_to_agent_info = {}
self.agent_key_to_forward_pass_index = {}
def add_init_obs(self, episode_id: EpisodeID, agent_id: AgentID,
env_id: EnvID, chunk_num: int,
init_obs: TensorType) -> None:
"""Adds a single initial observation (after env.reset()) to the buffer.
episode_id (EpisodeID): Unique ID for the episode we are adding the
initial observation for.
agent_id (AgentID): Unique ID for the agent we are adding the
initial observation for.
env_id (EnvID): The env ID to which `init_obs` belongs.
chunk_num (int): The time-chunk number (0-based). Some episodes
may last for longer than self.num_timesteps and therefore
have to be chopped into chunks.
init_obs (TensorType): Initial observation (after env.reset()).
agent_key = (agent_id, episode_id, chunk_num)
agent_slot = self.agent_slot_cursor
self.agent_key_to_slot[agent_key] = agent_slot
self.agent_key_to_chunk_num[agent_key[:2]] = chunk_num
self.slot_to_agent_key[agent_slot] = agent_key
if SampleBatch.OBS not in self.buffers:
SampleBatch.OBS: init_obs,
SampleBatch.EPS_ID: episode_id,
SampleBatch.AGENT_INDEX: agent_id,
"env_id": env_id,
if self.time_major:
self.buffers[SampleBatch.OBS][self.shift_before-1, agent_slot] = \
self.buffers[SampleBatch.OBS][agent_slot, self.shift_before-1] = \
self.agent_key_to_timestep[agent_key] = self.shift_before
self._add_to_next_inference_call(agent_key, env_id, agent_slot,
self.shift_before - 1)
def add_action_reward_next_obs(
self, episode_id: EpisodeID, agent_id: AgentID, env_id: EnvID,
agent_done: bool, values: Dict[str, TensorType]) -> None:
"""Add the given dictionary (row) of values to this batch.
episode_id (EpisodeID): Unique ID for the episode we are adding the
values for.
agent_id (AgentID): Unique ID for the agent we are adding the
values for.
env_id (EnvID): The env ID to which the given data belongs.
agent_done (bool): Whether next obs should not be used for an
upcoming inference call. Default: False = next-obs should be
used for upcoming inference.
values (Dict[str, TensorType]): Data dict (interpreted as a single
row) to be added to buffer. Must contain keys:
assert (SampleBatch.ACTIONS in values and SampleBatch.REWARDS in values
and SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS in values
and SampleBatch.DONES in values)
assert SampleBatch.OBS not in values
values[SampleBatch.OBS] = values[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS]
del values[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS]
chunk_num = self.agent_key_to_chunk_num[(agent_id, episode_id)]
agent_key = (agent_id, episode_id, chunk_num)
agent_slot = self.agent_key_to_slot[agent_key]
ts = self.agent_key_to_timestep[agent_key]
for k, v in values.items():
if k not in self.buffers:
if self.time_major:
self.buffers[k][ts, agent_slot] = v
self.buffers[k][agent_slot, ts] = v
self.agent_key_to_timestep[agent_key] += 1
# Time-axis is "full" -> Cut-over to new chunk (only if not DONE).
if self.agent_key_to_timestep[
agent_key] - self.shift_before == self.num_timesteps and \
not values[SampleBatch.DONES]:
self._new_chunk_from(agent_slot, agent_key,
self.timesteps_since_last_reset += 1
if not agent_done:
self._add_to_next_inference_call(agent_key, env_id, agent_slot, ts)
def get_inference_input_dict(self, view_reqs: Dict[str, ViewRequirement]
) -> Dict[str, TensorType]:
"""Returns an input_dict for an (inference) forward pass.
The input_dict can then be used for action computations inside a
Policy via `Policy.compute_actions_from_input_dict()`.
view_reqs (Dict[str, ViewRequirement]): The view requirements
dict to use.
Dict[str, TensorType]: The input_dict to be passed into the ModelV2
for inference/training.
>>> obs, r, done, info = env.step(action)
>>> collector.add_action_reward_next_obs(12345, 0, "pol0", {
... "action": action, "obs": obs, "reward": r, "done": done
... })
>>> input_dict = collector.get_inference_input_dict(policy.model)
>>> action = policy.compute_actions_from_input_dict(input_dict)
>>> # repeat
input_dict = {}
for view_col, view_req in view_reqs.items():
# Create the batch of data from the different buffers.
data_col = view_req.data_col or view_col
if data_col not in self.buffers:
self._build_buffers({data_col: view_req.space.sample()})
indices = self.forward_pass_indices
if self.time_major:
input_dict[view_col] = self.buffers[data_col][indices]
if isinstance(view_req.shift, (list, tuple)):
time_indices = \
np.array(view_req.shift) + np.array(indices[0])
input_dict[view_col] = self.buffers[data_col][indices[1],
input_dict[view_col] = \
self.buffers[data_col][indices[1], indices[0]]
return input_dict
def get_postprocessing_sample_batches(
episode: MultiAgentEpisode,
view_reqs: Dict[str, ViewRequirement]) -> \
Dict[AgentID, SampleBatch]:
"""Returns a SampleBatch object ready for postprocessing.
episode (MultiAgentEpisode): The MultiAgentEpisode object to
get the to-be-postprocessed SampleBatches for.
view_reqs (Dict[str, ViewRequirement]): The view requirements dict
to use for creating the SampleBatch from our buffers.
Dict[AgentID, SampleBatch]: The sample batch objects to be passed
to `Policy.postprocess_trajectory()`.
# Loop through all agents and create a SampleBatch
# (as "view"; no copying).
# Construct the SampleBatch-dict.
sample_batch_data = {}
range_ = self.agent_slot_cursor - self.sample_batch_offset
if range_ < 0:
range_ = self.num_agents + range_
for i in range(range_):
agent_slot = self.sample_batch_offset + i
if agent_slot >= self.num_agents:
agent_slot = agent_slot % self.num_agents
# Do not postprocess the same slot twice.
if self.postprocessed_agents[agent_slot]:
agent_key = self.slot_to_agent_key[agent_slot]
# Skip other episodes (if episode provided).
if episode and agent_key[1] != episode.episode_id:
end = self.agent_key_to_timestep[agent_key]
# Do not build any empty SampleBatches.
if end == self.shift_before:
self.postprocessed_agents[agent_slot] = True
assert agent_key not in sample_batch_data
sample_batch_data[agent_key] = {}
batch = sample_batch_data[agent_key]
for view_col, view_req in view_reqs.items():
data_col = view_req.data_col or view_col
# Skip columns that will only get added through postprocessing
# (these may not even exist yet).
if data_col not in self.buffers:
shift = view_req.shift
if data_col == SampleBatch.OBS:
shift -= 1
batch[view_col] = self.buffers[data_col][
self.shift_before + shift:end + shift, agent_slot]
batches = {}
for agent_key, data in sample_batch_data.items():
batches[agent_key] = SampleBatch(data)
return batches
def get_train_sample_batch_and_reset(self, view_reqs) -> SampleBatch:
"""Returns the accumulated sample batche for this policy.
This is usually called to collect samples for policy training.
SampleBatch: Returns the accumulated sample batch for this
seq_lens_w_0s = [
self.agent_key_to_timestep[k] - self.shift_before
for k in self.slot_to_agent_key if k is not None
# We have an agent-axis buffer "rollover" (new SampleBatch will be
# built from last n agent records plus first m agent records in
# buffer).
if self.agent_slot_cursor < self.sample_batch_offset:
rollover = -(self.num_agents - self.sample_batch_offset)
seq_lens_w_0s = seq_lens_w_0s[rollover:] + seq_lens_w_0s[:rollover]
first_zero_len = len(seq_lens_w_0s)
if seq_lens_w_0s[-1] == 0:
first_zero_len = seq_lens_w_0s.index(0)
# Assert that all zeros lie at the end of the seq_lens array.
assert all(seq_lens_w_0s[i] == 0
for i in range(first_zero_len, len(seq_lens_w_0s)))
t_start = self.shift_before
t_end = t_start + self.num_timesteps
# The agent_slot cursor that points to the newest agent-slot that
# actually already has at least 1 timestep of data (thus it excludes
# just-rolled over chunks (which only have the initial obs in them)).
valid_agent_cursor = \
(self.agent_slot_cursor -
(len(seq_lens_w_0s) - first_zero_len)) % self.num_agents
# Construct the view dict.
view = {}
for view_col, view_req in view_reqs.items():
data_col = view_req.data_col or view_col
assert data_col in self.buffers
# For OBS, indices must be shifted by -1.
shift = view_req.shift
shift += 0 if data_col != SampleBatch.OBS else -1
# If agent_slot has been rolled-over to beginning, we have to copy
# here.
if valid_agent_cursor < self.sample_batch_offset:
time_slice = self.buffers[data_col][t_start + shift:t_end +
one_ = time_slice[:, self.sample_batch_offset:]
two_ = time_slice[:, :valid_agent_cursor]
if torch and isinstance(time_slice, torch.Tensor):
view[view_col] = torch.cat([one_, two_], dim=1)
view[view_col] = np.concatenate([one_, two_], axis=1)
view[view_col] = \
t_start + shift:t_end + shift,
# Copy all still ongoing trajectories to new agent slots
# (including the ones that just started (are seq_len=0)).
new_chunk_args = []
for i, seq_len in enumerate(seq_lens_w_0s):
if seq_len < self.num_timesteps:
agent_slot = (self.sample_batch_offset + i) % self.num_agents
if not self.buffers[SampleBatch.
DONES][seq_len - 1 +
agent_key = self.slot_to_agent_key[agent_slot]
(agent_slot, agent_key,
# Cut out all 0 seq-lens.
seq_lens = seq_lens_w_0s[:first_zero_len]
batch = SampleBatch(
view, _seq_lens=np.array(seq_lens), _time_major=self.time_major)
# Reset everything for new data.
self.postprocessed_agents = [False] * self.num_agents
self.slot_to_agent_key = [None] * self.num_agents
self.timesteps_since_last_reset = 0
self.forward_pass_size = 0
self.sample_batch_offset = self.agent_slot_cursor
for args in new_chunk_args:
return batch
def _build_buffers(self, single_row: Dict[str, TensorType]) -> None:
"""Builds the internal data buffers based on a single given row.
This may be called several times in the lifetime of this instance
to add new columns to the buffer. Columns in `single_row` that already
exist in the buffer will be ignored.
single_row (Dict[str, TensorType]): A single datarow with one or
more columns (str as key, np.ndarray|tensor as data) to be used
as template to build the pre-allocated buffer.
time_size = self.num_timesteps + self.shift_before + self.shift_after
for col, data in single_row.items():
if col in self.buffers:
base_shape = (time_size, self.num_agents) if self.time_major else \
(self.num_agents, time_size)
# Python primitive -> np.array.
if isinstance(data, (int, float, bool)):
t_ = type(data)
dtype = np.float32 if t_ == float else \
np.int32 if type(data) == int else np.bool_
self.buffers[col] = np.zeros(shape=base_shape, dtype=dtype)
# np.ndarray, torch.Tensor, or tf.Tensor.
shape = base_shape + data.shape
dtype = data.dtype
if torch and isinstance(data, torch.Tensor):
self.buffers[col] = torch.zeros(
*shape, dtype=dtype, device=data.device)
elif tf and isinstance(data, tf.Tensor):
self.buffers[col] = tf.zeros(shape=shape, dtype=dtype)
self.buffers[col] = np.zeros(shape=shape, dtype=dtype)
def _next_agent_slot(self):
"""Starts a new agent slot at the end of the agent-axis.
Also makes sure, the new slot is not taken yet.
self.agent_slot_cursor += 1
if self.agent_slot_cursor >= self.num_agents:
self.agent_slot_cursor = 0
# Just make sure, there is space in our buffer.
assert self.slot_to_agent_key[self.agent_slot_cursor] is None
def _new_chunk_from(self, agent_slot, agent_key, timestep):
"""Creates a new time-window (chunk) given an agent.
The agent may already have an unfinished episode going on (in a
previous chunk). The end of that previous chunk will be copied to the
beginning of the new one for proper data-shift handling (e.g.
agent_slot (int): The agent to start a new chunk for (from an
ongoing episode (chunk)).
agent_key (Tuple[AgentID, EpisodeID, int]): The internal key to
identify an active agent in some episode.
timestep (int): The timestep in the old chunk being continued.
new_agent_slot = self.agent_slot_cursor
# Increase chunk num by 1.
new_agent_key = agent_key[:2] + (agent_key[2] + 1, )
# Copy relevant timesteps at end of old chunk into new one.
if self.time_major:
for k in self.buffers.keys():
self.buffers[k][0:self.shift_before, new_agent_slot] = \
timestep - self.shift_before:timestep, agent_slot]
for k in self.buffers.keys():
self.buffers[k][new_agent_slot, 0:self.shift_before] = \
agent_slot, timestep - self.shift_before:timestep]
self.agent_key_to_slot[new_agent_key] = new_agent_slot
self.agent_key_to_chunk_num[new_agent_key[:2]] = new_agent_key[2]
self.slot_to_agent_key[new_agent_slot] = new_agent_key
self.agent_key_to_timestep[new_agent_key] = self.shift_before
def _add_to_next_inference_call(self, agent_key, env_id, agent_slot,
"""Registers given T and B (agent_slot) for get_inference_input_dict.
Calling `get_inference_input_dict` will produce an input_dict (for
Policy.compute_actions_from_input_dict) with all registered agent/time
indices and then automatically reset the registry.
agent_key (Tuple[AgentID, EpisodeID, int]): The internal key to
identify an active agent in some episode.
env_id (EnvID): The env ID of the given agent.
agent_slot (int): The agent_slot to register (B axis).
timestep (int): The timestep to register (T axis).
idx = self.forward_pass_size
self.forward_pass_index_to_agent_info[idx] = (agent_key[0],
agent_key[1], env_id)
self.agent_key_to_forward_pass_index[agent_key[:2]] = idx
if self.forward_pass_size == 0:
self.forward_pass_size += 1
def _reset_inference_call(self):
"""Resets indices for the next inference call.
After calling this, new calls to `add_init_obs()` and
`add_action_reward_next_obs()` will count for the next input_dict
returned by `get_inference_input_dict()`.
self.forward_pass_size = 0