<p>Don't waste your time looking around for documentation; all CL documentation is here, with the same appearance.</p>
<divclass="lsf teaser-icon">time</div>
<h3>Always up-to-date</h3>
<p>All documentation is generated automatically, moments after the monthly Quicklisp updates.</p>
<divclass="lsf teaser-icon">code</div>
<h3>Code is eloquent</h3>
<p>Other documentation generators destroy code structure and context. They split symbols by their types and simply arrange them in alphabetical order.</p>
<p>While such documentation may be easy to use as an index, it is not suitable for a quick look at or overview of a library.</p>
<p>Quickdocs respects the code and keeps its structure.</p>
<h2>Contributing to Quickdocs</h2>
<p>Quickdocs is an open source project that is hosted on GitHub. Feel free to send pull requests, bug reports or suggestions.</p>
<ahref="https://github.com/quickdocs"class="contribute-button"title="See Quickdocs on GitHub">See <strongclass="logo">Quickdocs</strong> on <imgsrc="/images/github.png"width="55px"height="15px"alt="GitHub"/></a>