mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 09:11:37 -05:00
Initial Commit
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 916 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
* Inspired by github's default code highlighting
pre code.hl-highlighted {
max-width: 900px;
white-space: pre;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
background: none;
border: none;
overflow-x: auto;
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color: #800603;
code.hl-highlighted .function.known.special {
color: #2d2d2d;
font-weight: bold;
code.hl-highlighted .keyword {
color: #990073;
code.hl-highlighted .keyword.known {
color: #990073;
code.hl-highlighted .symbol {
color: #75a;
code.hl-highlighted .lambda-list {
color: #966;
code.hl-highlighted .number {
color: #800;
code.hl-highlighted .variable.known {
color: #c3c;
code.hl-highlighted .variable.global {
color: #939;
code.hl-highlighted .variable.constant {
color: #229;
code.hl-highlighted .nil {
color: #f00;
code.hl-highlighted .list {
color: #222;
code.hl-highlighted .string,
code.hl-highlighted .string * {
color: #d14 !important;
code.hl-highlighted .comment,
code.hl-highlighted .comment *,
code.hl-highlighted .comment .string code.hl-highlighted .comment .string * {
color: #777777 !important;
code.hl-highlighted .string .comment {
color: #d14 !important;
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display: inline-block;
background: #aefff7;
/* Table of Contents */
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a.toc-link {
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# -*- mode: gitignore; -*-
# Org-mode
# flymake-mode
# eshell files
# elpa packages
# reftex files
# AUCTeX auto folder
# cask packages
# Flycheck
# server auth directory
# projectiles files
# directory configuration
# network security
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
function fetchChapters() {
return browser.storage.local.get('chapters').then(chapters => {
return Promise.resolve(chapters.chapters);
return fetch("http://www.gigamonkeys.com/book/index.html").then(function(response) {
return response.text().then(text => {
const regex = /li><a\shref='(.*?)'>(.*?)</gm;
let chapters = [];
let m;
do {
m = regex.exec(text);
if (m) {
console.log(m[1], m[2]);
url: m[1],
name: m[2]
} while (m);
browser.storage.local.set({'chapters': chapters});
return chapters;
function handleMessage(message, sender, respond) {
if (message.msg == "getChapters") {
fetchChapters().then(chapters => respond(chapters)).catch(() => {
return true;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
* Common Lisp syntax highlighter
* @version 0.1.1
* @author Andrew "Danger" Lyon
* @copyright Lyon Bros. Enterprises, LLC
* @licence MIT
var highlight_lisp = function() {
// all of the following functions were pulled straight from my syntax/lisp.vim
// file in my vim directory.
var funcs =
'\\* find-method pprint-indent find-package pprint-linear find-restart ' +
'pprint-logical-block \\+ find-symbol pprint-newline finish-output ' +
'pprint-pop first pprint-tab - fixnum pprint-tabular / flet prin1 // float ' +
'prin1-to-string /// float-digits princ /= float-precision princ-to-string 1\\+ ' +
'float-radix print 1- float-sign print-not-readable < floating-point-inexact ' +
'print-not-readable-object <= floating-point-invalid-operation print-object = ' +
'floating-point-overflow print-unreadable-object > floating-point-underflow ' +
'probe-file >= floatp proclaim abort floor prog abs fmakunbound prog\\* access ' +
'force-output prog1 acons format prog2 acos formatter progn acosh fourth ' +
'program-error add-method fresh-line progv adjoin fround provide adjust-array ' +
'ftruncate psetf adjustable-array-p ftype psetq allocate-instance funcall push ' +
'alpha-char-p function pushnew alphanumericp function-keywords putprop and ' +
'function-lambda-expression quote append functionp random apply gbitp ' +
'random-state applyhook gcd random-state-p apropos generic-function rassoc ' +
'apropos-list gensym rassoc-if aref gentemp rassoc-if-not arithmetic-error get ' +
'ratio arithmetic-error-operands get-decoded-time rational ' +
'arithmetic-error-operation get-dispatch-macro-character rationalize array ' +
'get-internal-real-time rationalp array-dimension get-internal-run-time read ' +
'array-dimension-limit get-macro-character read-byte array-dimensions ' +
'get-output-stream-string read-char array-displacement get-properties ' +
'read-char-no-hang array-element-type get-setf-expansion read-delimited-list ' +
'array-has-fill-pointer-p get-setf-method read-eval-print array-in-bounds-p ' +
'get-universal-time read-from-string array-rank getf read-line array-rank-limit ' +
'gethash read-preserving-whitespace array-row-major-index go read-sequence ' +
'array-total-size graphic-char-p reader-error array-total-size-limit handler-bind ' +
'readtable arrayp handler-case readtable-case ash hash-table readtablep asin ' +
'hash-table-count real asinh hash-table-p realp assert hash-table-rehash-size ' +
'realpart assoc hash-table-rehash-threshold reduce assoc-if hash-table-size ' +
'reinitialize-instance assoc-if-not hash-table-test rem atan host-namestring ' +
'remf atanh identity remhash atom if remove base-char if-exists ' +
'remove-duplicates base-string ignorable remove-if bignum ignore remove-if-not ' +
'bit ignore-errors remove-method bit-and imagpart remprop bit-andc1 import ' +
'rename-file bit-andc2 in-package rename-package bit-eqv in-package replace ' +
'bit-ior incf require bit-nand initialize-instance rest bit-nor inline restart ' +
'bit-not input-stream-p restart-bind bit-orc1 inspect restart-case bit-orc2 ' +
'int-char restart-name bit-vector integer return bit-vector-p ' +
'integer-decode-float return-from bit-xor integer-length revappend block ' +
'integerp reverse boole interactive-stream-p room boole-1 intern rotatef ' +
'boole-2 round boole-and intersection ' +
'row-major-aref boole-andc1 invalid-method-error rplaca boole-andc2 ' +
'invoke-debugger rplacd boole-c1 invoke-restart safety boole-c2 ' +
'invoke-restart-interactively satisfies boole-clr isqrt sbit boole-eqv keyword ' +
'scale-float boole-ior keywordp schar boole-nand labels search boole-nor ' +
'second boole-orc1 lambda-list-keywords sequence boole-orc2 ' +
'lambda-parameters-limit serious-condition boole-set last set boole-xor lcm ' +
'set-char-bit boolean ldb set-difference both-case-p ldb-test ' +
'set-dispatch-macro-character boundp ldiff set-exclusive-or break ' +
'least-negative-double-float set-macro-character broadcast-stream ' +
'least-negative-long-float set-pprint-dispatch broadcast-stream-streams ' +
'least-negative-normalized-double-float set-syntax-from-char built-in-class ' +
'least-negative-normalized-long-float setf butlast ' +
'least-negative-normalized-short-float setq byte ' +
'least-negative-normalized-single-float seventh byte-position ' +
'least-negative-short-float shadow byte-size least-negative-single-float ' +
'shadowing-import call-arguments-limit least-positive-double-float ' +
'shared-initialize call-method least-positive-long-float shiftf ' +
'call-next-method least-positive-normalized-double-float short-float capitalize ' +
'least-positive-normalized-long-float short-float-epsilon car ' +
'least-positive-normalized-short-float short-float-negative-epsilon case ' +
'least-positive-normalized-single-float short-site-name catch ' +
'least-positive-short-float signal ccase least-positive-single-float ' +
'signed-byte cdr length signum ceiling simple-condition cell-error ' +
'simple-array cell-error-name lisp simple-base-string cerror ' +
'lisp-implementation-type simple-bit-vector change-class ' +
'lisp-implementation-version simple-bit-vector-p char list ' +
'simple-condition-format-arguments char-bit list\\* ' +
'simple-condition-format-control char-bits list-all-packages simple-error ' +
'char-bits-limit list-length simple-string char-code listen simple-string-p ' +
'char-code-limit listp simple-type-error char-control-bit load simple-vector ' +
'char-downcase load-logical-pathname-translations simple-vector-p char-equal ' +
'load-time-value simple-warning char-font locally sin char-font-limit log ' +
'single-flaot-epsilon char-greaterp logand single-float char-hyper-bit logandc1 ' +
'single-float-epsilon char-int logandc2 single-float-negative-epsilon ' +
'char-lessp logbitp sinh char-meta-bit logcount sixth char-name logeqv sleep ' +
'char-not-equal logical-pathname slot-boundp char-not-greaterp ' +
'logical-pathname-translations slot-exists-p char-not-lessp logior ' +
'slot-makunbound char-super-bit lognand slot-missing char-upcase lognor ' +
'slot-unbound char/= lognot slot-value char< logorc1 software-type char<= ' +
'logorc2 software-version char= logtest some char> logxor sort char>= ' +
'long-float space character long-float-epsilon special characterp ' +
'long-float-negative-epsilon special-form-p check-type long-site-name ' +
'special-operator-p cis loop speed class loop-finish sqrt class-name ' +
'lower-case-p stable-sort class-of machine-instance standard clear-input ' +
'machine-type standard-char clear-output machine-version standard-char-p close ' +
'macro-function standard-class clrhash macroexpand standard-generic-function ' +
'code-char macroexpand-1 standard-method coerce macroexpand-l standard-object ' +
'commonp macrolet step compilation-speed make-array storage-condition compile ' +
'make-array store-value compile-file make-broadcast-stream stream ' +
'compile-file-pathname make-char stream-element-type compiled-function ' +
'make-concatenated-stream stream-error compiled-function-p make-condition ' +
'stream-error-stream compiler-let make-dispatch-macro-character ' +
'stream-external-format compiler-macro make-echo-stream streamp ' +
'compiler-macro-function make-hash-table streamup complement make-instance ' +
'string complex make-instances-obsolete string-capitalize complexp make-list ' +
'string-char compute-applicable-methods make-load-form string-char-p ' +
'compute-restarts make-load-form-saving-slots string-downcase concatenate ' +
'make-method string-equal concatenated-stream make-package string-greaterp ' +
'concatenated-stream-streams make-pathname string-left-trim cond ' +
'make-random-state string-lessp condition make-sequence string-not-equal ' +
'conjugate make-string string-not-greaterp cons make-string-input-stream ' +
'string-not-lessp consp make-string-output-stream string-right-strim constantly ' +
'make-symbol string-right-trim constantp make-synonym-stream string-stream ' +
'continue make-two-way-stream string-trim control-error makunbound ' +
'string-upcase copy-alist map string/= copy-list map-into string< ' +
'copy-pprint-dispatch mapc string<= copy-readtable mapcan string= copy-seq ' +
'mapcar string> copy-structure mapcon string>= copy-symbol maphash stringp ' +
'copy-tree mapl structure cos maplist structure-class cosh mask-field ' +
'structure-object count max style-warning count-if member sublim count-if-not ' +
'member-if sublis ctypecase member-if-not subseq debug merge subsetp decf ' +
'merge-pathname subst declaim merge-pathnames subst-if declaration method ' +
'subst-if-not declare method-combination substitute decode-float ' +
'method-combination-error substitute-if decode-universal-time method-qualifiers ' +
'substitute-if-not defclass min subtypep defconstant minusp svref defgeneric ' +
'mismatch sxhash define-compiler-macro mod symbol define-condition ' +
'most-negative-double-float symbol-function define-method-combination ' +
'most-negative-fixnum symbol-macrolet define-modify-macro ' +
'most-negative-long-float symbol-name define-setf-expander ' +
'most-negative-short-float symbol-package define-setf-method ' +
'most-negative-single-float symbol-plist define-symbol-macro ' +
'most-positive-double-float symbol-value defmacro most-positive-fixnum symbolp ' +
'defmethod most-positive-long-float synonym-stream defpackage ' +
'most-positive-short-float synonym-stream-symbol defparameter ' +
'most-positive-single-float sys defsetf muffle-warning system defstruct ' +
'multiple-value-bind deftype multiple-value-call tagbody defun ' +
'multiple-value-list tailp defvar multiple-value-prog1 tan delete ' +
'multiple-value-seteq tanh delete-duplicates multiple-value-setq tenth ' +
'delete-file multiple-values-limit terpri delete-if name-char the delete-if-not ' +
'namestring third delete-package nbutlast throw denominator nconc time ' +
'deposit-field next-method-p trace describe translate-logical-pathname ' +
'describe-object nintersection translate-pathname destructuring-bind ninth ' +
'tree-equal digit-char no-applicable-method truename digit-char-p ' +
'no-next-method truncase directory not truncate directory-namestring notany ' +
'two-way-stream disassemble notevery two-way-stream-input-stream ' +
'division-by-zero notinline two-way-stream-output-stream do nreconc type do\\* ' +
'nreverse type-error do-all-symbols nset-difference type-error-datum ' +
'do-exeternal-symbols nset-exclusive-or type-error-expected-type ' +
'do-external-symbols nstring type-of do-symbols nstring-capitalize typecase ' +
'documentation nstring-downcase typep dolist nstring-upcase unbound-slot ' +
'dotimes nsublis unbound-slot-instance double-float nsubst unbound-variable ' +
'double-float-epsilon nsubst-if undefined-function ' +
'double-float-negative-epsilon nsubst-if-not unexport dpb nsubstitute unintern ' +
'dribble nsubstitute-if union dynamic-extent nsubstitute-if-not unless ecase ' +
'nth unread echo-stream nth-value unread-char echo-stream-input-stream nthcdr ' +
'unsigned-byte echo-stream-output-stream null untrace ed number unuse-package ' +
'eighth numberp unwind-protect elt numerator ' +
'update-instance-for-different-class encode-universal-time nunion ' +
'update-instance-for-redefined-class end-of-file oddp ' +
'upgraded-array-element-type endp open upgraded-complex-part-type ' +
'enough-namestring open-stream-p upper-case-p ensure-directories-exist optimize ' +
'use-package ensure-generic-function or use-value eq otherwise user eql ' +
'output-stream-p user-homedir-pathname equal package values equalp ' +
'package-error values-list error package-error-package vector etypecase ' +
'package-name vector-pop eval package-nicknames vector-push eval-when ' +
'package-shadowing-symbols vector-push-extend evalhook package-use-list vectorp ' +
'evenp package-used-by-list warn every packagep warning exp pairlis when export ' +
'parse-error wild-pathname-p expt parse-integer with-accessors extended-char ' +
'parse-namestring with-compilation-unit fboundp pathname ' +
'with-condition-restarts fceiling pathname-device with-hash-table-iterator ' +
'fdefinition pathname-directory with-input-from-string ffloor pathname-host ' +
'with-open-file fifth pathname-match-p with-open-stream file-author ' +
'pathname-name with-output-to-string file-error pathname-type ' +
'with-package-iterator file-error-pathname pathname-version with-simple-restart ' +
'file-length pathnamep with-slots file-namestring peek-char ' +
'with-standard-io-syntax file-position phase write file-stream write-byte ' +
'file-string-length plusp write-char file-write-date pop write-line fill ' +
'position write-sequence fill-pointer position-if write-string find ' +
'position-if-not write-to-string find-all-symbols pprint y-or-n-p find-class ' +
'pprint-dispatch yes-or-no-p find-if pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted zerop ' +
'find-if-not pprint-fill';
// common lisp global variables. also from lisp.vim
var standard_vars =
'\\*applyhook\\* \\*load-pathname\\* \\*print-pprint-dispatch\\* \\*break-on-signals\\* ' +
'\\*load-print\\* \\*print-pprint-dispatch\\* \\*break-on-signals\\* \\*load-truename\\* ' +
'\\*print-pretty\\* \\*break-on-warnings\\* \\*load-verbose\\* \\*print-radix\\* ' +
'\\*compile-file-pathname\\* \\*macroexpand-hook\\* \\*print-readably\\* ' +
'\\*compile-file-pathname\\* \\*modules\\* \\*print-right-margin\\* \\*compile-file-truename\\* ' +
'\\*package\\* \\*print-right-margin\\* \\*compile-file-truename\\* \\*print-array\\* ' +
'\\*query-io\\* \\*compile-print\\* \\*print-base\\* \\*random-state\\* \\*compile-verbose\\* ' +
'\\*print-case\\* \\*read-base\\* \\*compile-verbose\\* \\*print-circle\\* ' +
'\\*read-default-float-format\\* \\*debug-io\\* \\*print-escape\\* \\*read-eval\\* ' +
'\\*debugger-hook\\* \\*print-gensym\\* \\*read-suppress\\* \\*default-pathname-defaults\\* ' +
'\\*print-length\\* \\*readtable\\* \\*error-output\\* \\*print-level\\* \\*standard-input\\* ' +
'\\*evalhook\\* \\*print-lines\\* \\*standard-output\\* \\*features\\* \\*print-miser-width\\* ' +
'\\*terminal-io\\* \\*gensym-counter\\* \\*print-miser-width\\* \\*trace-output\\* ' +
'pi internal-time-units-per-second';
// common lisp known keywords
var keywords =
':abort :from-end :overwrite :adjustable :gensym :predicate :append :host ' +
':preserve-whitespace :array :if-does-not-exist :pretty :base :if-exists :print ' +
':case :include :print-function :circle :index :probe :conc-name :inherited ' +
':radix :constructor :initial-contents :read-only :copier :initial-element ' +
':rehash-size :count :initial-offset :rehash-threshold :create :initial-value ' +
':rename :default :input :rename-and-delete :defaults :internal :size :device ' +
':io :start :direction :junk-allowed :start1 :directory :key :start2 ' +
':displaced-index-offset :length :stream :displaced-to :level :supersede ' +
':element-type :name :test :end :named :test-not :end1 :new-version :type :end2 ' +
':nicknames :use :error :output :verbose :escape :output-file :version ' +
':external :documentation :shadowing-import-from :modern :export ' +
':case-sensitive :case-inverted :shadow :import-from :intern :fill-pointer ' +
':upcase :downcase :preserve :invert :load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute ' +
':while :until :for :do :if :then :else :when :unless :in :across :finally ' +
':collect :nconc :maximize :minimize :sum :and :with :initially :append :into ' +
':count :end :repeat :always :never :thereis :from :to :upto :downto :below ' +
':above :by :on :being :each :the :hash-key :hash-keys :hash-value :hash-values ' +
':using :of-type :upfrom :downfrom :arguments :return-type :library :full ' +
':malloc-free :none :alloca :in :out :in-out :stdc-stdcall :stdc :c :language ' +
':built-in :typedef :external :fini :init-once :init-always';
var lambda = '&allow-other-keys &aux &body &environment &key &optional &rest &whole';
var special = 'let let\\* lambda';
* Given a list of items in a string: 'item1 item2 item2 ...'
* return a regex *string*: '(item1|item2|item2|...)'
var list_to_regex = function(list)
var items = list.replace(/(^ | $)/gm, '').split(/ /g);
return '('+items.join('|')+')';
var is_in_list = function(item, list)
var items = list.replace(/(^ | $)/gm, '').split(/ /g);
for(var i = 0, n = items.length; i < n; i++)
if(items[i] == item) return true;
return false;
* Collections of search and replaces to make.
var replace = [
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// strings (should !!ALWAYS!! be first, lest our <span> tags be destroyed...)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
{regex: /"([\s\S]*?)"/gm, replace: '<span class="string">"$1"</span>'},
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// comments
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
{regex: /(;.*)(\n|$)/gm, replace: '<span class="comment">$1</span>$2'},
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// "special" (let/lambda)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
regex: new RegExp('.'+list_to_regex(special)+'(?=[\\s()])', 'g'),
replace: function(fullmatch, fnname) {
if(fullmatch[0] == '(')
return '(<span class="function special known">' + fnname + '</span>';
return fullmatch;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// function matches
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// known functions
regex: new RegExp('.'+list_to_regex(funcs)+'(?=[\\s()])', 'g'),
replace: function(fullmatch, fnname) {
if(fullmatch[0] == '(')
return '(<span class="function known">' + fnname + '</span>';
return fullmatch;
// symbol functions (#'my-fn)
regex: /([\s()])(#'(\w[\w_-]*))(?=[\s()])/g,
replace: function(fullmatch, delim1, symfun, sym)
var known = false;
if(is_in_list(sym, funcs))
known = true;
return delim1 +'<span class="function symbol'+ (known ? ' known' : '') +'">'+ symfun +'</span>';
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// lambda keywords
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
{regex: new RegExp('([\\s()])'+list_to_regex(lambda)+'(?=[\\s()])', 'g'), replace: '$1<span class="lambda-list">$2</span>'},
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// symbols/keywords/variables
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// generic symbols
{regex: /([\s()])('\w[\w_-]*)(?=[\s()])/g, replace: '$1<span class="symbol">$2</span>'},
// known keywords
regex: new RegExp('([\\s()])'+list_to_regex(keywords)+'([\\s()])', 'g'),
replace: function(fullmatch, whitespace, keyword, whitespace2) {
return whitespace + '<span class="keyword known">'+ keyword +'</span>'+ whitespace2;
// generic keywords
regex: /([\s()])(:\w[\w_-]*)/g,
replace: function(fullmatch, delim, keyword) {
return delim + '<span class="keyword">'+ keyword +'</span>';
return fullmatch;
// known variables
regex: new RegExp('([\\s()])'+list_to_regex(standard_vars)+'([\\s()])', 'g'),
replace: function(fullmatch, whitespace, varname, whitespace2) {
return whitespace + '<span class="variable known">'+ varname +'</span>'+ whitespace2;
// globals/constants
{regex: /([\s()])(\*\w[\w_-]*\*)(?=[\s()])/g, replace: '$1<span class="variable global">$2</span>'},
{regex: /([\s()])(\+\w[\w_-]*\+)(?=[\s()])/g, replace: '$1<span class="variable constant">$2</span>'},
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// numbers
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// binary
{regex: /([\s()])(#b[01]+)(?=[\s()])/ig, replace: '$1<span class="number binary">$2</span>'},
// hex
{regex: /([\s()])(#x[\da-f]+)(?=[\s()])/ig, replace: '$1<span class="number hex">$2</span>'},
// float
{regex: /([\s()])([+-]?(?:\d+\.\d+|\d+\.|\.\d+))(?=[\s()])/g, replace: '$1<span class="number float">$2</span>'},
// ratio
{regex: /([\s()])([+-]?\d+(?:\/\d+)?)(?=[\s()])/g, replace: '$1<span class="number ratio">$2</span>'},
// integers
{regex: /([\s()])([+-]?\d+)(?=[\s()])/g, replace: '$1<span class="number integer">$2</span>'},
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// misc parsers
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// t/nil
{regex: /([\s()])(nil|t)(?=[\s()])/g, replace: '$1<span class="nil">$2</span>'},
// generic "maybe a function" forms. best second to last
{regex: /\((\w[\w_:-]*)(?=[\s()])/g, replace: '(<span class="function">$1</span>'},
// ()'s (should most probably be last, unless there's a good reason)
{regex: /([()])/g, replace: '<span class="list">$1</span>'}
* Main highlight function.
this.highlight_element = function(code_el)
code_el.className += ' hl-highlighted';
var html = code_el.innerHTML;
// can't have &...;'s running wild like a pack of animals...
html = html.replace(/&/g, '&');
html = html.replace(/</g, '<');
html = html.replace(/>/g, '>');
// pad the HTML string (makes regexs much simpler)
html = "\n" + html + "\n";
for(var i = 0, n = replace.length; i < n; i++)
var rep = replace[i];
html = html.replace(rep.regex, rep.replace);
// unpad HTML string
html = html.replace(/(^\n|\n$)/g, '');
html = html.replace(/<(?!(\/?span|\/?i|\/?b))/g, '<');
// Re-encode stray &s to conform with XHTML
//html = html.replace(/&/g, '&');
code_el.innerHTML = html;
* Automatically highlight all <code class="lisp"> blocks
* Takes an options arg, which can be used to specify the classname of the
* <code> tags you wish to highlight.
this.highlight_auto = function(options)
options || (options = {});
var classname = options.className ? options.className : 'lisp';
var codes = document.getElementsByTagName('code');
for(var i = 0, n = codes.length; i < n; i++)
var code = codes[i];
if(code && code.className.match(classname))
* If called, enables paren matching (hovering over a paren will add the
* "active" class to both the highlighted and the matching paren)
this.paren_match = function(options)
options || (options = {});
if(!('querySelector' in document))
console.error('HighlightLisp.paren_match: browser does not support querySelector/matches');
var matches = function(element, selector)
if(!element) return;
var domatch;
var tests = ['matches', 'msMatchesSelector', 'mozMatchesSelector', 'webkitMatchesSelector'];
for(var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++)
if(!(tests[i] in element)) continue;
domatch = element[tests[i]];
return domatch.call(element, selector);
var is_paren = function(el)
return matches(el, 'code > .list, code span:not(.comment):not(.string) .list');
var find_match = function(paren)
// grab all non-commented/stringed parens
var children = paren.parentElement.querySelectorAll('code > span.list, code span:not(.comment):not(.string) .list');
// turn them into a real array
children = Array.prototype.slice.call(children);
var is_opening = function(el) { return el.innerHTML == '('; };
// tracks when to start counting parens
var count = false;
// tests if this is an opening or closing paren
var opening = is_opening(paren);
// if this is a closing paren, reverse the children so we can search
// backwards just by going forwards
if(!opening) children.reverse();
for(var i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
var child = children[i];
var open = is_opening(child);
// mark the first occurance of the paren, and start counting
// from there
if(child === paren)
count = 1;
if(count === false) continue;
if(opening == open) count++;
else count--;
if(count === 0) return child;
var toggle_class = function(element, classname)
if (element.classList)
{ element.classList.toggle(classname); }
//for IE9
var classes = element.className.split(" ");
var i = classes.indexOf(classname);
if (i >= 0)
{ classes.splice(i, 1); }
element.className = classes.join(" ");
var codes = document.getElementsByClassName('hl-highlighted');
for(var i = 0; i < codes.length; i++)
var code = codes[i];
var listener = function(add, e)
var hovered = e.target;
if(!is_paren(hovered)) return;
var match = find_match(hovered);
toggle_class(hovered, 'active');
toggle_class(match, 'active');
code.addEventListener('mouseover', listener.bind(this, true));
code.addEventListener('mouseout', listener.bind(this, false));
var HighlightLisp = new highlight_lisp();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
// Create Table of Contents
let chapters = [];
// get chapter for navigation
function loadChapters(callback) {
let sending = browser.runtime.sendMessage({
msg: "getChapters"
return sending;
// Inject the Table of Contents
function createTOC() {
let TOC = document.getElementById('toc') || document.createElement('nav'),
headings = document.querySelectorAll('h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6');
// fix headings
for(let heading of headings) {
heading.id = heading.parentNode.getAttribute('name');
TOC.id = 'toc';
TOC.classList.add('toc', 'toc-right');
TOC.innerHTML = '';
document.body.insertBefore(TOC, document.body.childNodes[0]);
// Where to render the table of contents.
tocSelector: '#toc',
// Where to grab the headings to build the table of contents.
contentSelector: 'body',
// Which headings to grab inside of the contentSelector element.
headingSelector: 'h2, h3',
// smooth it out
scrollSmooth: true
function wrapInner(parent, wrapper, attribute, attributevalue) {
if (typeof wrapper === "string") {
wrapper = document.createElement(wrapper);
var div = parent.appendChild(wrapper)
.setAttribute(attribute, attributevalue);
while (parent.firstChild !== wrapper) {
// Wrap the insides of the <pre> tags in <code> tags for highlight.js
function wrapPre() {
for(let el of document.querySelectorAll('pre')) {
let orig = el.innerHTML;
el.innerHTML = '<code class="lisp">' + orig + "</code>";
// get the index of the currently viewed chapter
function findCurrentChapter() {
let file = document.URL.split('/').pop().replace(/\#.*$/, '');
let currentChapter = -1;
for(let chapter in chapters) {
if(chapters[chapter].url === file)
currentChapter = chapter;
return parseInt(currentChapter);
// go to previous chapter
function goToPrevious() {
if(!chapters) return;
let currentChapter = findCurrentChapter();
if(currentChapter > 0) {
document.location.href = chapters[currentChapter-1].url;
// go to next chapter
function gotoNext() {
if(!chapters) return;
let currentChapter = findCurrentChapter();
if(currentChapter < chapters.length - 1) {
document.location.href = chapters[currentChapter+1].url;
// set up the navigation shortcuts
function setUpNav() {
document.addEventListener('keypress', (event) => {
switch(event.keyCode) {
case 37:
case 39:
case 36:
document.location.href = 'index.html';
loadChapters().then(newChapters => {
chapters = newChapters;
// Let's apply that stuff.
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "Beautify Practical Common Lisp",
"version": "1.0",
"description": "Adds a simple table of contents and syntax highlighting to the web version of Practical Common Lisp by Peter Seibel.",
"icons": {
"48": "icons/border-48.png"
"background": {
"scripts": [
"content_scripts": [
"matches": ["*://*.gigamonkeys.com/book/*.html"],
"js": ["./js/highlight-lisp.js", "./js/tocbot.js","./js/main.js"],
"css": ["./css/highlight-style.css"]
"permissions": [
Add table
Reference in a new issue