feat: remaining third time features

This commit is contained in:
SqrtMinusOne 2022-08-13 20:47:26 +05:00
parent 1691d36473
commit f66b7cade1
2 changed files with 110 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
(require 'calc)
(defgroup pomm-third-time nil
"Third time timer implementation."
"Third Time timer implementation."
:group 'pomm)
(defcustom pomm-third-time-fraction "1/3"
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Can be string or number, a string is interpreted with
(defcustom pomm-third-time-state-file-location
(locate-user-emacs-file "pomm-third-time")
"Location of the pomm-third-time state file."
"Location of the `pomm-third-time' state file."
:group 'pomm-third-time
:type 'string)
@ -69,8 +69,25 @@ Can be string or number, a string is interpreted with
:group 'pomm
:type 'string)
(defcustom pomm-third-time-csv-history-file nil
"If non-nil, save timer history in a CSV format.
The parent directory has to exist!
A new entry is written whenever the timer changes status or kind
of period. The format is as follows:
- timestamp
- status
- kind
- iteration
- break-time-remaining
- context"
:group 'pomm-third-time
:type '(choice (string :tag "Path")
(const nil :tag "Do not save")))
(defvar pomm-third-time--state nil
"The current state of pomm-third-time.el.
"The current state of the Third Time timer.
This is an alist with the following keys:
- status: either 'stopped or 'running
@ -113,7 +130,7 @@ This is an alist with the following keys:
(defun pomm-third-time--init-state ()
"Initialize the Third Time timer state."
(add-hook 'pomm-third-time-on-status-changed-hook #'pomm-third-time--save-state)
;; TODO (add-hook 'pomm-on-status-changed-hook #'pomm-third-time--maybe-save-csv)
(add-hook 'pomm-on-status-changed-hook #'pomm-third-time--maybe-save-csv)
(add-hook 'pomm-third-time-on-status-changed-hook
(add-hook 'pomm-mode-line-mode-hook
@ -131,13 +148,13 @@ This is an alist with the following keys:
(defun pomm-third-time--save-state ()
"Save the current Pomodoro timer state."
"Save the current Third Time timer state."
(when pomm-third-time-state-file-location
(with-temp-file pomm-third-time-state-file-location
(insert (prin1-to-string pomm-third-time--state)))))
(defun pomm-third-time--cleanup-old-history ()
"Clear history of previous days from the Pomodoro timer."
"Clear history of previous days from the Third Time timer."
(let ((cleanup-time (decode-time)))
(setf (decoded-time-second cleanup-time) 0
(decoded-time-minute cleanup-time) 0
@ -150,6 +167,25 @@ This is an alist with the following keys:
(> (alist-get 'start-time item) cleanup-timestamp))
(alist-get 'history pomm-third-time--state))))))
(defun pomm-third-time--maybe-save-csv ()
"Log the current state of the timer to a CSV history file.
Set `pomm-third-time-csv-history-file' to customize the file location.
If the variable is nil, the function does nothing."
(when pomm-third-time-csv-history-file
(unless (file-exists-p pomm-third-time-csv-history-file)
(with-temp-file pomm-third-time-csv-history-file
(insert "timestamp,status,period,iteration,break-time-remaining,context\n")))
(format "%s,%s,%s,%d,%d,%s\n"
(format-time-string pomm-csv-history-file-timestamp-format)
(symbol-name (alist-get 'status pomm--state))
(symbol-name (alist-get 'kind (alist-get 'current pomm--state)))
(or (alist-get 'iteration (alist-get 'current pomm--state)) 0)
(or (alist-get 'context pomm--state) ""))
nil pomm-csv-history-file 'append 1)))
(defun pomm-third-time-reset ()
"Reset the Third Time timer."
@ -166,13 +202,13 @@ This is an alist with the following keys:
(alist-get 'kind (alist-get 'current pomm-third-time--state))))))
(defun pomm-third-time--calc-eval (value)
"Convert VALUE to number.
"Evaluate VALUE and return number.
If VALUE is not a string, return it.
Otherwise, try to evaluate with `calc-eval'. If unsuccessful, return
calc error. If the result is numeric, convert it to number and return
it, otherwise, return a list with an error."
the calc error. If the result is numeric, convert it to number and
return it, otherwise, return a value like a calc error."
(if (stringp value)
(let ((res (calc-eval value)))
(if (listp res)
@ -241,7 +277,7 @@ it, otherwise, return a list with an error."
(defun pomm-third-time--dispatch-notification (kind)
"Dispatch a notification about a start of a period.
KIND is the same as in `pomm--state'"
KIND is the same as in `pomm-third-time--state'"
(pcase kind
('break (concat pomm-third-time-break-message)
@ -275,7 +311,7 @@ KIND is the same as in `pomm--state'"
(run-hooks 'pomm-third-time-on-status-changed-hook)))
(defun pomm-third-time--on-tick ()
"A function to execute on each time tick."
"Function to execute on each timer tick."
(pcase (alist-get 'status pomm-third-time--state)
('stopped (when pomm-third-time--timer
(cancel-timer pomm-third-time--timer)
@ -334,12 +370,12 @@ Take a look at the `pomm-third-time' function for more details."
(setf (alist-get 'context pomm-third-time--state) nil))))))
(defun pomm-third-time-switch ()
"Switch between work and break in the Third Time timer."
"Toggle work/break in the Third Time timer."
(defun pomm-third-time-format-mode-line ()
"Format mode string for the Third Time timer."
"Format the modeline string for the Third Time timer."
(let ((current-status (alist-get 'status pomm-third-time--state)))
(if (or (eq current-status 'stopped)
(not (alist-get 'current pomm-third-time--state)))
@ -376,6 +412,7 @@ Take a look at the `pomm-third-time' function for more details."
(setf (alist-get 'context pomm-third-time--state)
(prin1-to-string (read-minibuffer "Context: " (current-word)))))
(defun pomm-third-time-start-with-context ()
"Prompt for context call call `pomm-third-time-start'."
@ -384,6 +421,7 @@ Take a look at the `pomm-third-time' function for more details."
;;;; Transient
(defun pomm-third-time--completing-read-calc ()
"Do `completing-read' with `calc-eval'."
(let ((res (completing-read
"Time: "
(lambda (string fun flag)
@ -563,7 +601,36 @@ The class doesn't actually have any value, but this is necessary for transient."
(defun pomm-third-time ()
"Implementation of the Third Time timer in Emacs.
The idea of the technique is as follows:
- Work as long as you need, take a break as 1/3 of the work time (the
fraction of work time to break time is set in
- If you've ended a break early, unused break time is saved and added
to the next break within the same session.
- If you've finished the session, either to take a longer break or to
end working, remaining break time is discarded. Each session starts
from a clean slate.
The timer can have two states:
- Stopped.
Can be started with 's' or `pomm-third-time-start'.
- Running.
Can be stopped with 'S' or `pomm-third-time-stop'.
If the timer is running, the current period type (work or break) can
be switched by 'b' or `pomm-third-time-switch'. If the break time
runs out, the timer automatically switches to work.
The timer supports setting \"context\", for example, a task on which
you're working on. It can be set with '-c' or
`pomm-third-time-set-context'. This is useful together with CSV
logging, which is enabled if `pomm-third-time-csv-history-file' is
Enable `pomm-mode-line-mode' to display the timer state in the
(unless pomm-third-time--state

View file

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
;;; pomm.el --- Yet another Pomodoro timer implementation -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;;; pomm.el --- Pomodoro and Third Time timers. -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2021 Korytov Pavel
;; Copyright (C) 2022 Korytov Pavel
;; Author: Korytov Pavel <thexcloud@gmail.com>
;; Maintainer: Korytov Pavel <thexcloud@gmail.com>
;; Version: 0.1.4
;; Version: 0.2.0
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27.1") (alert "1.2") (seq "2.22") (transient "0.3.0"))
;; Homepage: https://github.com/SqrtMinusOne/pomm.el
@ -25,14 +25,16 @@
;;; Commentary:
;; An implementation of a Pomodoro timer for Emacs. Distintive features
;; of this particular implementation:
;; - Managing the timer with transient.el (`pomm' command)
;; Implementation of two time management methods in Emacs: Pomodoro
;; and Third Time.
;; This implementation features:
;; - Managing the timer with transient.el
;; - Persistent state between Emacs sessions.
;; So one could close & reopen Emacs without interruption the timer.
;; Take a look at `pomm-update-mode-line-string' on how to setup this
;; package with a modeline.
;; Main entrypoints are: `pomm' for Pomodoro and `pomm-third-time' for
;; Third Time.
;; Also take a look at README at
;; <https://github.com/SqrtMinusOne/pomm.el> for more information.
@ -43,7 +45,7 @@
(require 'transient)
(defgroup pomm nil
"Yet another Pomodoro timer implementation."
"Pomodoro and Third Time timers."
:group 'tools)
(defcustom pomm-work-period 25
@ -77,12 +79,12 @@
:type 'string)
(defcustom pomm-ask-before-long-break t
"Ask a user whether to do a long break or stop the pomodoros."
"Ask the user whether to do a long break or stop the pomodoros."
:group 'pomm
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom pomm-ask-before-work nil
"Ask a user whether to start a new pomodoro period."
"Ask the user whether to start a new pomodoro period."
:group 'pomm
:type 'boolean)
@ -120,9 +122,9 @@ The format is the same as in `format-seconds'"
:type 'string)
(defcustom pomm-csv-history-file nil
"The csv history file location.
"If non-nil, save timer history in a CSV format.
The parent directory has to exists!
The parent directory has to exist!
A new entry is written whenever the timer changes status or kind
of period. The format is as follows:
@ -173,9 +175,8 @@ When loading the package, `load-file-name' should point to the
location of this file, which means that resources folder should
be in the same directory.
If the file is evaluated interactively (for development
purposes), the `default-directory' is most likely the project
If the file is evaluated interactively (for development purposes), the
`default-directory' variable is most likely the project root."
(or (and load-file-name (concat (file-name-directory load-file-name) name))
(concat default-directory name)))
@ -208,7 +209,7 @@ Each element of the list is a cons cell, where:
:type 'hook)
(defvar pomm--state nil
"The current state of pomm.el.
"The current state of the Pomodoro timer.
This is an alist with the following keys:
- status: either 'stopped, 'paused or 'running
@ -228,7 +229,8 @@ History is a list of alists with the following keys:
- iteration
- start-time: start timestamp
- end-time: end timestamp
- paused-time: time spent in a paused state")
- paused-time: time spent in a paused state
- context: current context.")
(defvar pomm--timer nil
"A variable for the pomm timer.")
@ -818,7 +820,15 @@ The timer can have 3 states:
'S' / `pomm-stop'.
- Running.
Can be paused with 'p' / `pomm-pause' or stopped with 'S' /
The timer supports setting \"context\", for example, a task on which
you're working on. It can be set with '-c' or `pomm-set-context'.
This is useful together with CSV logging, which is enabled if
`pomm-csv-history-file' is non-nil.
Enable `pomm-mode-line-mode' to display the timer state in the
(unless pomm--state