refactor: checkdoc

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SqrtMinusOne 2022-08-13 21:05:44 +05:00
parent 23ebf485d8
commit 7ac74966d2

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@ -634,14 +634,18 @@ minor mode."
(variable :initarg :variable)))
(cl-defmethod transient-init-value ((obj pomm--transient-lisp-variable-switch))
"Initialize the value for the `pomm--transient-lisp-variable-switch'."
"Initialize the value for the `pomm--transient-lisp-variable-switch'.
OBJ is an instance of the class."
(oset obj value
(symbol-value (oref obj variable))))
(cl-defmethod transient-infix-read ((obj pomm--transient-lisp-variable-switch))
"Toggle the value of the `pomm--transient-lisp-variable-switch'.
This changes both the value of the variable and the value of the class."
This changes both the value of the variable and the value of the class.
OBJ is an instance of the class."
(oset obj value
(set (oref obj variable)
(not (symbol-value (oref obj variable))))))