Implementation of [[][Pomodoro]] and [[][Third Time]] techniques for Emacs.
History of the timer can be stored in a CSV file. Eventually, I want to join this with [[][other activity data]] to see if the state of the timer changes how I use the computer.
With "r" or =M-x pomm-set-context= you can set the current "context", that is some description of the task you are currently working on. This description will show up in history and in the csv file. Also, =M-x pomm-start-with-context= will prompt for the context and then start the timer.
Run =M-x pomm-third-time= to open the transient buffer for the Third Time technique.
Essentially, the techique is designed aroud the formula:
Time of break = 1/3 x Time of work.
I.e. you work as long as you want or need, and then take a break with the maximum duration =1/3= of the time worked. If you take a shorter break, the remaining break time is saved and added to the next break within the same session. [[][Here is a more detailed explanation]].
The Third Time timer can have 2 states:
- *Stopped*. Can be started with "s" or =M-x pomm-third-time-start=.
- *Running*. Can be stopped with "S" or =M-x pomm-third-time-stop=. This resets the accumulated break time.
Use "b" or =M-x pomm-third-time-switch= to switch the current period type (work or break). If the break time runs out, the timer automatically switches to work.
Some settings are available in the transient buffer, but you can customize the relevant variables to make them permanent. Check =M-x customize-group==pomm= and =M-x customize-group pomm-third-time= for more information.
The package sends alerts via =alert.el=. The default style of alert is a plain =message=, but if you want an actual notification, set =alert-default-style= accordingly:
If you set the =pomm-csv-history-file= (and/or =pomm-third-time-csv-history-file=) variable, the package will log its history in CSV format. Just keep in mind that the parent directory has to exist.
| [[][gtk-pomodoro-indicator]] | GTK panel | CLI | - | -, but the program is independent from Emacs | GTK notifications |
Also take a look at [[][org-pomodoro-third-time]], which adapts =org-pomodoro= for the Third Time technique.