adisbladis 31a2bf6216
Always add setuptools_scm as a build input
Adding overrides is an uphill battle we are never going to win and
poetry2nix should try to attempt to make things "just work" to the
largest extent possible.

This only increases the build closures slightly while making
poetry2nix much easier to use.

setuptools_scm itself does not have any dependencies so will not cause
compatibility issues.
2020-01-10 13:01:33 +00:00

117 lines
3.6 KiB

{ autoPatchelfHook
, pkgs
, lib
, python
, buildPythonPackage
, pythonPackages
, poetryLib
{ name
, version
, files
, source
, dependencies ? {}
, pythonPackages
, python-versions
, pwd
, supportedExtensions ? lib.importJSON ./extensions.json
, ...
}: let
inherit (poetryLib) isCompatible getManyLinuxDeps fetchFromPypi;
inherit (import ./pep425.nix {
inherit lib python;
inherit (pkgs) stdenv;
}) selectWheel
fileCandidates = let
supportedRegex = ("^.*?(" + builtins.concatStringsSep "|" supportedExtensions + ")");
matchesVersion = fname: builtins.match ("^.*" + builtins.replaceStrings [ "." ] [ "\\." ] version + ".*$") fname != null;
hasSupportedExtension = fname: builtins.match supportedRegex fname != null;
isCompatibleEgg = fname: ! lib.strings.hasSuffix ".egg" fname || lib.strings.hasSuffix "py${python.pythonVersion}.egg" fname;
builtins.filter (f: matchesVersion f.file && hasSupportedExtension f.file && isCompatibleEgg f.file) files;
toPath = s: pwd + "/${s}";
isSource = source != null;
isGit = isSource && source.type == "git";
isLocal = isSource && source.type == "directory";
localDepPath = toPath source.url;
pyProject = poetryLib.readTOML (localDepPath + "/pyproject.toml");
buildSystemPkgs = poetryLib.getBuildSystemPkgs {
inherit pythonPackages pyProject;
fileInfo = let
isBdist = f: lib.strings.hasSuffix "whl" f.file;
isSdist = f: ! isBdist f && ! isEgg f;
isEgg = f: lib.strings.hasSuffix ".egg" f.file;
binaryDist = selectWheel fileCandidates;
sourceDist = builtins.filter isSdist fileCandidates;
eggs = builtins.filter isEgg fileCandidates;
lockFileEntry = builtins.head (sourceDist ++ binaryDist ++ eggs);
_isEgg = isEgg lockFileEntry;
rec {
inherit (lockFileEntry) file hash;
name = file;
format =
if _isEgg then "egg"
else if lib.strings.hasSuffix ".whl" name then "wheel"
else "setuptools";
kind =
if _isEgg then python.pythonVersion
else if format == "setuptools" then "source"
else (builtins.elemAt (lib.strings.splitString "-" name) 2);
baseBuildInputs = lib.optional (name != "setuptools_scm" && name != "setuptools-scm") pythonPackages.setuptools_scm;
buildPythonPackage {
pname = name;
version = version;
doCheck = false; # We never get development deps
dontStrip = true;
format = if isLocal then "pyproject" else if isGit then "setuptools" else fileInfo.format;
nativeBuildInputs = if (!isSource && (getManyLinuxDeps fileInfo.name).str != null) then [ autoPatchelfHook ] else [];
buildInputs = baseBuildInputs ++ (if !isSource then (getManyLinuxDeps fileInfo.name).pkg else []);
propagatedBuildInputs =
# Some dependencies like django gets the attribute name django
# but dependencies try to access Django
deps = builtins.map (d: lib.toLower d) (builtins.attrNames dependencies);
(builtins.map (n: pythonPackages.${n}) deps) ++ (if isLocal then buildSystemPkgs else []);
meta = {
broken = ! isCompatible python.version python-versions;
license = [];
# We need to retrieve kind from the interpreter and the filename of the package
# Interpreters should declare what wheel types they're compatible with (python type + ABI)
# Here we can then choose a file based on that info.
src = if isGit then (
builtins.fetchGit {
inherit (source) url;
rev = source.reference;
) else if isLocal then (localDepPath) else fetchFromPypi {
pname = name;
inherit (fileInfo) file hash kind;