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Matthieu Coudron 1a6885076a
fix(flake): overlay args are standardized
when trying to use poetry2nix overlay in my flake, I get:
error: --- Error --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nix
overlay does not take an argument named 'final'
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ show-trace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
trace: while checking the overlay 'overlays.poetry2nix'
2020-11-26 13:52:39 +01:00
.github/workflows Only run CI on master 2020-11-26 13:51:42 +01:00
bin use type annotations 2020-11-05 15:12:00 +00:00
hooks Reformat with nixpkgs-fmt 1.0.0 2020-10-01 19:08:57 +02:00
nix Bump nixpkgs used for fmt check 2020-10-01 19:17:50 +02:00
pkgs/poetry exclude build python from poetry dependencies 2020-11-24 23:04:11 +01:00
tests Fix mkPoetryEnv with the new lock file structure 2020-10-01 20:52:44 +02:00
tools Format with nixpkgs-fmt 0.9 2020-05-19 21:06:02 +01:00
.envrc Add .envrc for direnv 2020-02-27 08:44:43 +00:00
.gitignore Add flamegraph to gitignore 2020-02-29 14:09:40 +00:00
check-fmt Add path to shell.nix in check-fmt script 2020-05-19 21:10:01 +01:00
cli.nix nixpkgs-fmt broke it's format yet again 2020-04-29 14:12:59 +01:00
default.nix Bump version to 1.13.0 2020-10-01 22:51:23 +02:00
editable.nix Reformat with nixpkgs-fmt 1.0.0 2020-10-01 19:08:57 +02:00
extensions.json Add support for eggs 2020-01-08 14:03:01 +00:00 fetchWheelFromPypi: Map closer to nixpkgs fetchurl 2020-05-03 10:10:19 +01:00
flake.nix Remove package in flake.nix as we don't provide any 2020-11-22 09:38:15 +01:00 Add support for eggs 2020-01-08 14:03:01 +00:00
lib.nix Reformat with nixpkgs-fmt 1.0.0 2020-10-01 19:08:57 +02:00
Makefile Properly fetch sdists with extension 2019-06-24 17:01:27 +01:00
mk-poetry-dep.nix always include setuptools in buildInputs 2020-11-24 23:04:10 +01:00
overlay.nix fix(flake): overlay args are standardized 2020-11-26 13:52:39 +01:00
overrides.nix Fix formatting 2020-11-26 13:33:35 +01:00
pep425.nix don't match macos version of rusty-rlp package 2020-10-20 07:43:33 +08:00
pep508.nix Reformat with nixpkgs-fmt 1.0.0 2020-10-01 19:08:57 +02:00
plugins.nix Add experimental support for plugin closures 2020-07-14 14:35:28 +02:00 Adjust the and provide a usage example 2020-11-22 09:38:17 +01:00
semver.nix Format with nixpkgs-fmt 0.9 2020-05-19 21:06:02 +01:00
shell-scripts.nix mkPoetryEnv: Add scripts from pyproject.toml (if they exist) 2020-08-17 11:06:13 +02:00
shell.nix Bumped poetry to version 1.1.4 2020-11-02 17:30:32 -08:00


poetry2nix turns Poetry projects into Nix derivations without the need to actually write Nix expressions. It does so by parsing pyproject.toml and poetry.lock and converting them to Nix derivations on the fly.


The poetry2nix public API consists of the following attributes:


Creates a Python application using the Python interpreter specified based on the designated poetry project and lock files. mkPoetryApplication takes an attribute set with the following attributes (attributes without default are mandatory):

  • projectDir: path to the root of the project.
  • src: project source (default: cleanPythonSources { src = projectDir; }).
  • pyproject: path to pyproject.toml (default: projectDir + "/pyproject.toml").
  • poetrylock: poetry.lock file path (default: projectDir + "/poetry.lock").
  • overrides: Python overrides to apply (default: [defaultPoetryOverrides]).
  • meta: application meta data (default: {}).
  • python: The Python interpreter to use (default: pkgs.python3).

Other attributes are passed through to buildPythonApplication.


poetry2nix.mkPoetryApplication {
    projectDir = ./.;

See ./pkgs/poetry/default.nix for a working example.

Dependency environment

The resulting derivation also has the passthru attribute dependencyEnv, which is an environment with a python interpreter, all non-development dependencies and your application. This can be used if your application doesn't provide any binaries on its own and instead relies on dependencies binaries to call its modules (as is often the case with celery or gunicorn). For example, if your application defines a CLI for the module admin and a gunicorn app for the module web, a working default.nix would contain

    app = poetry2nix.mkPoetryApplication {
        projectDir = ./.;
in app.dependencyEnv

After building this expression, your CLI and app can be called with these commands

$ result/bin/python -m admin
$ result/bin/gunicorn web:app

Note: If you need to perform overrides on the application, use app.dependencyEnv.override { app = app.override { ... }; }. See ./tests/dependency-environment/default.nix for a full example.


Creates an environment that provides a Python interpreter along with all dependencies declared by the designated poetry project and lock files. Also allows package sources of an application to be installed in editable mode for fast development. mkPoetryEnv takes an attribute set with the following attributes (attributes without default are mandatory):

  • projectDir: path to the root of the project.
  • pyproject: path to pyproject.toml (default: projectDir + "/pyproject.toml").
  • poetrylock: poetry.lock file path (default: projectDir + "/poetry.lock").
  • overrides: Python overrides to apply (default: [defaultPoetryOverrides]).
  • python: The Python interpreter to use (default: pkgs.python3).
  • editablePackageSources: A mapping from package name to source directory, these will be installed in editable mode (default: {}).


poetry2nix.mkPoetryEnv {
    projectDir = ./.;

See ./tests/env/default.nix for a working example.

poetry2nix.mkPoetryEnv {
    projectDir = ./.;
    editablePackageSources = {
        my-app = ./src;

See ./tests/editable/default.nix for a working example of an editable package.


Creates an attribute set of the shape { python, poetryPackages, pyProject, poetryLock }. Where python is the interpreter specified, poetryPackages is a list of all generated python packages, pyProject is the parsed pyproject.toml and poetryLock is the parsed poetry.lock file. mkPoetryPackages takes an attribute set with the following attributes (attributes without default are mandatory):

  • projectDir: path to the root of the project.
  • pyproject: path to pyproject.toml (default: projectDir + "/pyproject.toml").
  • poetrylock: poetry.lock file path (default: projectDir + "/poetry.lock").
  • overrides: Python overrides to apply (default: [defaultPoetryOverrides]).
  • python: The Python interpreter to use (default: pkgs.python3).


poetry2nix.mkPoetryPackages {
    projectDir = ./.;
    python = python35;


poetry2nix bundles a set of default overrides that fix problems with various Python packages. These overrides are implemented in overrides.nix.


Returns a list containing the specified overlay and defaultPoetryOverrides.

Takes an attribute set with the following attributes (attributes without default are mandatory):

  • src: project source directory


poetry2nix.mkPoetryEnv {
    projectDir = ./.;
    overrides = poetry2nix.overrides.withDefaults (self: super: { foo = null; });

See ./tests/override-support/default.nix for a working example.


Returns a list containing just the specified overlay, ignoring defaultPoetryOverrides.


poetry2nix.mkPoetryEnv {
    projectDir = ./.;
    overrides = poetry2nix.overrides.withoutDefaults (self: super: { foo = null; });


Provides a source filtering mechanism that:

  • Filters gitignore's
  • Filters pycache/pyc files
  • Uses cleanSourceFilter to filter out .git/.hg, .o/.so, editor backup files & nix result symlinks


poetry2nix.cleanPythonSources {
    src = ./.;

Creating a custom Poetry2nix instance

Sometimes when it can be convenient to create a custom instance of poetry2nix with a different set of default overrides.


  # self & super refers to poetry2nix
  p2nix = poetry2nix.overrideScope' (self: super: {

    # pyself & pysuper refers to python packages
    defaultPoetryOverrides = super.defaultPoetryOverrides.extend (pyself: pysuper: {

      my-custom-pkg = (oldAttrs: { });



p2nix.mkPoetryApplication {
  projectDir = ./.;

or as a nixpkgs overlay:

  pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {
    overlays = [
      # self & super refers to nixpkgs
      (self: super: {

        # p2self & p2super refers to poetry2nix
        poetry2nix = super.poetry2nix.overrideScope' (p2nixself: p2nixsuper: {

          # pyself & pysuper refers to python packages
          defaultPoetryOverrides = p2nixsuper.defaultPoetryOverrides.extend (pyself: pysuper: {

            my-custom-pkg = (oldAttrs: { });




in pkgs.poetry2nix.mkPoetryApplication {
  projectDir = ./.;

Using the flake

For the experimental flakes functionality we provide poetry2nix as a flake providing an overlay to use with nixpkgs.


    description = "Your flake using poetry2nix";

    inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs";
    inputs.utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
    inputs.poetry2nix-src.url = "github:nix-community/poetry2nix";

    outputs = {nixpkgs, utils, poetry2nix-src, self}: utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: let

      pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; overlays = [ poetry2nix-src.overlay ]; };

         # use pkgs.poetry2nix here.


Contributions to this project are welcome in the form of GitHub PRs. Please consider the following before creating PRs:

  • This project uses nixpkgs-fmt for formatting the Nix code. You can use nix-shell --run "nixpkgs-fmt . to format everything.
  • If you are planning to make any considerable changes, you should first present your plans in a GitHub issue so it can be discussed.
  • If you add new features please consider adding tests.


poetry2nix is released under the terms of the MIT license.