{ lib, stdenv, python, isLinux ? stdenv.isLinux }: let inherit (lib.strings) hasSuffix hasInfix splitString removeSuffix; # The 'cpxy" as determined by `python.version` # # e.g "2.7.17" -> "cp27" # "3.5.9" -> "cp35" pythonTag = let ver = builtins.splitVersion python.version; major = builtins.elemAt ver 0; minor = builtins.elemAt ver 1; in "cp${major}${minor}"; abiTag = "${pythonTag}m"; # # Parses wheel file returning an attribute set # toWheelAttrs = str: let entries' = splitString "-" str; # Hack: Remove version "suffixes" like 2.11.4-1 entries = builtins.filter (x: builtins.match "[0-9]" x == null) entries'; p = removeSuffix ".whl" (builtins.elemAt entries 4); in { pkgName = builtins.elemAt entries 0; pkgVer = builtins.elemAt entries 1; pyVer = builtins.elemAt entries 2; abi = builtins.elemAt entries 3; platform = p; }; # # Builds list of acceptable osx wheel files # # accepted versions in descending order of preference # list of wheel files to select from findBestMatches = versions: candidates: let v = lib.lists.head versions; vs = lib.lists.tail versions; in if (builtins.length versions == 0) then [ ] else (builtins.filter (x: hasInfix v x.file) candidates) ++ (findBestMatches vs candidates); # pyver = "cpXX" # x = "cpXX" | "py2" | "py3" | "py2.py3" isPyVersionCompatible = pyver: x: let normalize = y: ''cp${lib.strings.removePrefix "cp" (lib.strings.removePrefix "py" y)}''; isCompat = p: x: lib.strings.hasPrefix (normalize x) p; in lib.lists.any (isCompat pyver) (lib.strings.splitString "." x); # # Selects the best matching wheel file from a list of files # selectWheel = files: let filesWithoutSources = (builtins.filter (x: hasSuffix ".whl" x.file) files); isPyAbiCompatible = pyabi: x: x == "none" || lib.hasPrefix pyabi x || lib.hasPrefix x pyabi || ( # The CPython stable ABI is abi3 as in the shared library suffix. python.passthru.implementation == "cpython" && builtins.elemAt (lib.splitString "." python.version) 0 == "3" && x == "abi3" ); withPython = ver: abi: x: (isPyVersionCompatible ver x.pyVer) && (isPyAbiCompatible abi x.abi); withPlatform = if isLinux then ( x: x.platform == "manylinux1_${stdenv.platform.kernelArch}" || x.platform == "manylinux2010_${stdenv.platform.kernelArch}" || x.platform == "manylinux2014_${stdenv.platform.kernelArch}" || x.platform == "any" ) else (x: hasInfix "macosx" x.platform || x.platform == "any"); filterWheel = x: let f = toWheelAttrs x.file; in (withPython pythonTag abiTag f) && (withPlatform f); filtered = builtins.filter filterWheel filesWithoutSources; choose = files: let osxMatches = [ "10_12" "10_11" "10_10" "10_9" "any" ]; linuxMatches = [ "manylinux1_" "manylinux2010_" "manylinux2014_" "any" ]; chooseLinux = x: lib.take 1 (findBestMatches linuxMatches x); chooseOSX = x: lib.take 1 (findBestMatches osxMatches x); in if isLinux then chooseLinux files else chooseOSX files; in if (builtins.length filtered == 0) then [ ] else choose (filtered); in { inherit selectWheel toWheelAttrs isPyVersionCompatible; }