{ lib, pkgs }: let inherit (import ./semver.nix { inherit lib; }) satisfiesSemver; # Returns true if pythonVersion matches with the expression in pythonVersions isCompatible = pythonVersion: pythonVersions: let operators = { "||" = cond1: cond2: cond1 || cond2; "," = cond1: cond2: cond1 && cond2; # , means && }; # split string at "," and "||" tokens = builtins.filter (x: x != "") (builtins.split "(,|\\|\\|)" pythonVersions); combine = acc: v: let isOperator = builtins.typeOf v == "list"; operator = if isOperator then (builtins.elemAt v 0) else acc.operator; in if isOperator then (acc // { inherit operator; }) else { inherit operator; state = operators."${operator}" acc.state (satisfiesSemver pythonVersion v); }; initial = { operator = ","; state = true; }; in (builtins.foldl' combine initial tokens).state; readTOML = path: builtins.fromTOML (builtins.readFile path); # # Returns the appropriate manylinux dependencies and string representation for the file specified # getManyLinuxDeps = f: let ml = pkgs.pythonManylinuxPackages; in if lib.strings.hasInfix "manylinux1" f then { pkg = [ ml.manylinux1 ]; str = "1"; } else if lib.strings.hasInfix "manylinux2010" f then { pkg = [ ml.manylinux2010 ]; str = "2010"; } else if lib.strings.hasInfix "manylinux2014" f then { pkg = [ ml.manylinux2014 ]; str = "2014"; } else { pkg = []; str = null; }; # Fetch the artifacts from the PyPI index. Since we get all # info we need from the lock file we don't use nixpkgs' fetchPyPi # as it modifies casing while not providing anything we don't already # have. # # Args: # pname: package name # file: filename including extension # hash: SRI hash # kind: Language implementation and version tag https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0427/#file-name-convention fetchFromPypi = lib.makeOverridable ( { pname, file, hash, kind }: pkgs.fetchurl { url = "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/${kind}/${lib.toLower (builtins.substring 0 1 file)}/${pname}/${file}"; inherit hash; } ); in { inherit fetchFromPypi getManyLinuxDeps isCompatible readTOML ; }