# Setup hook to use for pip projects echo "Sourcing pip-build-hook" pipBuildPhase() { echo "Executing pipBuildPhase" runHook preBuild mkdir -p dist echo "Creating a wheel..." @pythonInterpreter@ -m pip wheel --verbose --no-index --no-deps --no-clean --no-build-isolation --wheel-dir dist . echo "Finished creating a wheel..." runHook postBuild echo "Finished executing pipBuildPhase" } pipShellHook() { echo "Executing pipShellHook" runHook preShellHook # Long-term setup.py should be dropped. if [ -e pyproject.toml ]; then tmp_path=$(mktemp -d) export PATH="$tmp_path/bin:$PATH" export PYTHONPATH="$tmp_path/@pythonSitePackages@:$PYTHONPATH" mkdir -p "$tmp_path/@pythonSitePackages@" @pythonInterpreter@ -m pip install -e . --prefix "$tmp_path" >&2 fi runHook postShellHook echo "Finished executing pipShellHook" } if [ -z "${dontUsePipBuild-}" ] && [ -z "${buildPhase-}" ]; then echo "Using pipBuildPhase" buildPhase=pipBuildPhase fi if [ -z "${shellHook-}" ]; then echo "Using pipShellHook" shellHook=pipShellHook fi