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For more information, see [the announcement post on the Tweag blog](https://www.tweag.io/blog/2020-08-12-poetry2nix/). ## Table of contents - [API](#api) - [FAQ](#FAQ) - [How-to guides](#how-to-guides) - [Using the flake](#using-the-flake) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Contact](#contact) - [Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements) - [License](#license) ## API The _poetry2nix_ public API consists of the following attributes: - [mkPoetryApplication](#mkPoetryApplication): Creates a Python application. - [mkPoetryEnv](#mkPoetryEnv): Creates a Python environment with an interpreter and all packages from `poetry.lock`. - [mkPoetryPackages](#mkPoetryPackages): Creates an attribute set providing access to the generated packages and other artifacts. - [mkPoetryScriptsPackage](#mkPoetryScriptsPackage): Creates a package containing the scripts from `tool.poetry.scripts` of the `pyproject.toml`. - [mkPoetryEditablePackage](#mkPoetryEditablePackage): Creates a package containing editable sources. Changes in the specified paths will be reflected in an interactive nix-shell session without the need to restart it. - [defaultPoetryOverrides](#defaultPoetryOverrides): A set of bundled overrides fixing problems with Python packages. - [overrides.withDefaults](#overrideswithDefaults): A convenience function for specifying overrides on top of the defaults. - [overrides.withoutDefaults](#overrideswithoutDefaults): A convenience function for specifying overrides without defaults. - [cleanPythonSources](#cleanPythonSources): A function to create a source filter for python projects. ### mkPoetryApplication Creates a Python application using the Python interpreter specified based on the designated poetry project and lock files. `mkPoetryApplication` takes an attribute set with the following attributes (attributes without default are mandatory): - **projectDir**: path to the root of the project. - **src**: project source (_default_: `cleanPythonSources { src = projectDir; }`). - **pyproject**: path to `pyproject.toml` (_default_: `projectDir + "/pyproject.toml"`). - **poetrylock**: `poetry.lock` file path (_default_: `projectDir + "/poetry.lock"`). - **overrides**: Python overrides to apply (_default_: `[defaultPoetryOverrides]`). - **meta**: application [meta](https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#chap-meta) data (_default:_ `{}`). - **python**: The Python interpreter to use (_default:_ `pkgs.python3`). - **preferWheels** : Use wheels rather than sdist as much as possible (_default_: `false`). - **groups**: Which Poetry 1.2.0+ dependency groups to install (_default_: `[ ]`). - **extras**: Which Poetry `extras` to install (_default_: `[ "*" ]`, all extras). Other attributes are passed through to `buildPythonApplication`. #### Example ```nix poetry2nix.mkPoetryApplication { projectDir = ./.; } ``` See [./pkgs/poetry/default.nix](./pkgs/poetry/default.nix) for a working example. #### Dependency environment The resulting derivation also has the passthru attribute `dependencyEnv`, which is an environment with a python interpreter, all non-development dependencies and your application. This can be used if your application doesn't provide any binaries on its own and instead relies on dependencies binaries to call its modules (as is often the case with `celery` or `gunicorn`). For example, if your application defines a CLI for the module `admin` and a gunicorn app for the module `web`, a working `default.nix` would contain ```nix let app = poetry2nix.mkPoetryApplication { projectDir = ./.; }; in app.dependencyEnv ``` After building this expression, your CLI and app can be called with these commands ```shell $ result/bin/python -m admin $ result/bin/gunicorn web:app ``` Note: If you need to perform overrides on the application, use `app.dependencyEnv.override { app = app.override { ... }; }`. See [./tests/dependency-environment/default.nix](./tests/dependency-environment/default.nix) for a full example. ### mkPoetryEnv Creates an environment that provides a Python interpreter along with all dependencies declared by the designated poetry project and lock files. Also allows package sources of an application to be installed in editable mode for fast development. `mkPoetryEnv` takes an attribute set with the following attributes (attributes without default are mandatory): - **projectDir**: path to the root of the project. - **pyproject**: path to `pyproject.toml` (_default_: `projectDir + "/pyproject.toml"`). - **poetrylock**: `poetry.lock` file path (_default_: `projectDir + "/poetry.lock"`). - **overrides**: Python overrides to apply (_default_: `[defaultPoetryOverrides]`). - **python**: The Python interpreter to use (_default:_ `pkgs.python3`). - **editablePackageSources**: A mapping from package name to source directory, these will be installed in editable mode. Note that path dependencies with `develop = true` will be installed in editable mode unless explicitly passed to `editablePackageSources` as `null`. (_default:_ `{}`). - **extraPackages**: A function taking a Python package set and returning a list of extra packages to include in the environment. This is intended for packages deliberately not added to `pyproject.toml` that you still want to include. An example of such a package may be `pip`. (_default:_ `(ps: [ ])`). - **preferWheels** : Use wheels rather than sdist as much as possible (_default_: `false`). - **groups**: Which Poetry 1.2.0+ dependency groups to install (_default_: `[ "dev" ]`). - **extras**: Which Poetry `extras` to install (_default_: `[ "*" ]`, all extras). #### Example ```nix poetry2nix.mkPoetryEnv { projectDir = ./.; } ``` See [./tests/env/default.nix](./tests/env/default.nix) for a working example. #### Example with editable packages ```nix poetry2nix.mkPoetryEnv { projectDir = ./.; editablePackageSources = { my-app = ./src; }; } ``` See [./tests/editable/default.nix](./tests/editable/default.nix) for a working example of an editable package. #### Example shell.nix The `env` attribute of the attribute set created by `mkPoetryEnv` contains a shell environment. ```nix { pkgs ? import {} }: let myAppEnv = pkgs.poetry2nix.mkPoetryEnv { projectDir = ./.; editablePackageSources = { my-app = ./src; }; }; in myAppEnv.env ``` #### Example shell.nix with external dependencies For a shell environment including external dependencies, override the `env` to add dependency packages (for example, `pkgs.hello`) as build inputs. ```nix { pkgs ? import {} }: let myAppEnv = pkgs.poetry2nix.mkPoetryEnv { projectDir = ./.; editablePackageSources = { my-app = ./src; }; }; in myAppEnv.env.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: { buildInputs = [ pkgs.hello ]; }) ``` ### mkPoetryPackages Creates an attribute set of the shape `{ python, poetryPackages, pyProject, poetryLock }`. Where `python` is the interpreter specified, `poetryPackages` is a list of all generated python packages, `pyProject` is the parsed `pyproject.toml` and `poetryLock` is the parsed `poetry.lock` file. `mkPoetryPackages` takes an attribute set with the following attributes (attributes without default are mandatory): - **projectDir**: path to the root of the project. - **pyproject**: path to `pyproject.toml` (_default_: `projectDir + "/pyproject.toml"`). - **poetrylock**: `poetry.lock` file path (_default_: `projectDir + "/poetry.lock"`). - **overrides**: Python overrides to apply (_default_: `[defaultPoetryOverrides]`). - **python**: The Python interpreter to use (_default:_ `pkgs.python3`). - **editablePackageSources**: A mapping from package name to source directory, these will be installed in editable mode (_default:_ `{}`). - **preferWheels** : Use wheels rather than sdist as much as possible (_default_: `false`). - **groups**: Which Poetry 1.2.0+ dependency groups to install (_default_: `[ ]`). - **extras**: Which Poetry `extras` to install (_default_: `[ "*" ]`, all extras). #### Example ```nix poetry2nix.mkPoetryPackages { projectDir = ./.; python = python35; } ``` ### mkPoetryScriptsPackage Creates a package containing the scripts from `tool.poetry.scripts` of the `pyproject.toml`: - **projectDir**: path to the root of the project. - **pyproject**: path to `pyproject.toml` (_default_: `projectDir + "/pyproject.toml"`). - **python**: The Python interpreter to use (_default:_ `pkgs.python3`). #### Example ```nix poetry2nix.mkPoetryScriptsPackage { projectDir = ./.; python = python35; } ``` ### mkPoetryEditablePackage Creates a package containing editable sources. Changes in the specified paths will be reflected in an interactive nix-shell session without the need to restart it: - **projectDir**: path to the root of the project. - **pyproject**: path to `pyproject.toml` (_default_: `projectDir + "/pyproject.toml"`). - **python**: The Python interpreter to use (_default:_ `pkgs.python3`). - **editablePackageSources**: A mapping from package name to source directory, these will be installed in editable mode (_default:_ `{}`). #### Example ```nix poetry2nix.mkPoetryEditablePackage { projectDir = ./.; python = python35; editablePackageSources = { my-app = ./src; }; } ``` ### defaultPoetryOverrides _poetry2nix_ bundles a set of default overrides that fix problems with various Python packages. These overrides are implemented in [overrides](./overrides/default.nix). ### overrides.withDefaults Returns a list containing the specified overlay and `defaultPoetryOverrides`. Takes an attribute set with the following attributes (attributes without default are mandatory): - **src**: project source directory #### Example ```nix poetry2nix.mkPoetryEnv { projectDir = ./.; overrides = poetry2nix.overrides.withDefaults (self: super: { foo = null; }); } ``` See [./tests/override-support/default.nix](./tests/override-support/default.nix) for a working example. ### overrides.withoutDefaults Returns a list containing just the specified overlay, ignoring `defaultPoetryOverrides`. #### Example ```nix poetry2nix.mkPoetryEnv { projectDir = ./.; overrides = poetry2nix.overrides.withoutDefaults (self: super: { foo = null; }); } ``` ### cleanPythonSources Provides a source filtering mechanism that: - Filters gitignore's - Filters pycache/pyc files - Uses cleanSourceFilter to filter out .git/.hg, .o/.so, editor backup files & nix result symlinks #### Example ```nix poetry2nix.cleanPythonSources { src = ./.; } ``` ### Creating a custom Poetry2nix instance Sometimes when it can be convenient to create a custom instance of `poetry2nix` with a different set of default overrides. #### Example ```nix let # self & super refers to poetry2nix p2nix = poetry2nix.overrideScope' (self: super: { # pyself & pysuper refers to python packages defaultPoetryOverrides = super.defaultPoetryOverrides.extend (pyself: pysuper: { my-custom-pkg = super.my-custom-pkg.overridePythonAttrs (oldAttrs: { }); }); }); in p2nix.mkPoetryApplication { projectDir = ./.; } ``` or as a [nixpkgs overlay](https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#chap-overlays): ```nix let pkgs = import { overlays = [ # self & super refers to nixpkgs (self: super: { # p2self & p2super refers to poetry2nix poetry2nix = super.poetry2nix.overrideScope' (p2nixself: p2nixsuper: { # pyself & pysuper refers to python packages defaultPoetryOverrides = p2nixsuper.defaultPoetryOverrides.extend (pyself: pysuper: { my-custom-pkg = super.my-custom-pkg.overridePythonAttrs (oldAttrs: { }); }); }); }) ]; }; in pkgs.poetry2nix.mkPoetryApplication { projectDir = ./.; } ``` ## FAQ **Q.** Does poetry2nix install wheels our sdists? **A.** By default, poetry2nix installs from source. If you want to give precedence to wheels, look at the `preferWheel` and `preferWheels` attributes. **Q.** How to prefer wheel installation for a single package? **A.** Override it and set `preferWheel = true` in that single package: ```nix poetry2nix.mkPoetryApplication { projectDir = ./.; overrides = poetry2nix.overrides.withDefaults (final: prev: { # Notice that using .overridePythonAttrs or .overrideAttrs wont work! some-dependency = prev.some-dependency.override { preferWheel = true; }; }); } ``` **Q.** I'm experiencing one of the following errors, what do I do? - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'setuptools' - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pdm' - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'setuptools-scm' - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'poetry-core' - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'flit' - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'flit-core' - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'flit-scm' **A.** Have a look at the following document [edgecase.md](./docs/edgecases.md) ## How-to guides - [Package and deploy Python apps faster with Poetry and Nix](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbIHRHy7_JM) This is a short (11 minutes) video tutorial by [Steve Purcell](https://github.com/purcell/) from [Tweag](https://tweag.io) walking you through how to get started with a small web development project. ## Using the flake For the experimental flakes functionality we provide _poetry2nix_ as a flake providing an overlay to use with [nixpkgs](https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual). Additionally, the flake provides a flake template to quickly start using _poetry2nix_ in a project: ```sh nix flake init --template github:nix-community/poetry2nix ``` ## Contributing Contributions to this project are welcome in the form of GitHub PRs. Please consider the following before creating PRs: - This project uses [nixpkgs-fmt](https://github.com/nix-community/nixpkgs-fmt) for formatting the Nix code. You can use `nix-shell --run "nixpkgs-fmt ."` to format everything. - If you are planning to make any considerable changes, you should first present your plans in a GitHub issue so it can be discussed. - If you add new features please consider adding tests. You can run them locally as follows: ```bash nix-build --keep-going --show-trace tests/default.nix ``` To list test names: ```bash nix eval --impure --expr 'let pkgs = import {}; in pkgs.lib.attrNames (import ./tests/default.nix {})' ``` To run specific tests, add `--attr NAME` to the `nix-build` command above. For example, to run the `bcrypt` and `jq` tests: ```bash nix-build --attr bcrypt --attr jq --keep-going --show-trace tests/default.nix ``` To test with a specific channel: ```bash nix-build --expr 'with import {}; callPackage ./tests/default.nix {}' ``` ## Contact We have a Matrix room at [#poetry2nix:blad.is](https://matrix.to/#/#poetry2nix:blad.is). ## Acknowledgements Development of `poetry2nix` has been supported by [Tweag](https://tweag.io). ## License _poetry2nix_ is released under the terms of the MIT license.