{ lib , pep508 , ... }: let inherit (builtins) match head tail typeOf split filter foldl' readFile dirOf hasContext unsafeDiscardStringContext; stripStr = s: let t = match "[\t ]*(.*[^\t ])[\t ]*" s; in if t == null then "" else head t; uncomment = l: head (match " *([^#]*).*" l); in lib.fix (self: { /* Parse dependencies from requirements.txt Type: parseRequirementsTxt :: AttrSet -> list Example: # parseRequirements ./requirements.txt [ { flags = []; requirement = {}; # Returned by pep508.parseString } ] */ parseRequirementsTxt = # The contents of or path to requirements.txt requirements: let # Paths are either paths or strings with context. # Preferably we'd just use paths but because of # # $ ./. + requirements # "a string that refers to a store path cannot be appended to a path" # # We also need to support stringly paths... isPath = typeOf requirements == "path" || hasContext requirements; path' = if typeOf requirements == "path" then requirements else /. + unsafeDiscardStringContext requirements; root = dirOf path'; # Requirements without comments and no empty strings requirements' = if isPath then readFile path' else requirements; lines' = filter (l: l != "") (map uncomment (filter (l: typeOf l == "string") (split "\n" requirements'))); # Fold line continuations inherit ((foldl' ( acc: l': let m = match "(.+) *\\\\" l'; continue = m != null; l = stripStr ( if continue then (head m) else l' ); in if continue then { line = acc.line ++ [ l ]; inherit (acc) lines; } else { line = [ ]; lines = acc.lines ++ [ (acc.line ++ [ l ]) ]; } ) { lines = [ ]; line = [ ]; } lines')) lines; in foldl' (acc: l: let m = match "-(c|r) (.+)" (head l); in acc ++ ( # Common case, parse string if m == null then [{ requirement = pep508.parseString (head l); flags = tail l; }] # Don't support constraint files else if (head m) == "c" then throw "Unsupported flag: -c" # Recursive requirements.txt else (self.parseRequirementsTxt ( if root == null then throw "When importing recursive requirements.txt requirements needs to be passed as a path" else root + "/${head (tail m)}" )) )) [ ] lines; })