{ lib , pep508 , pep621 , ... }: let inherit (builtins) attrValues length attrNames head foldl'; inherit (lib) optionalAttrs flatten mapAttrs' filterAttrs; # Group licenses by their SPDX IDs for easy lookup licensesBySpdxId = mapAttrs' (_: license: { name = license.spdxId; value = license; }) (filterAttrs (_: license: license ? spdxId) lib.licenses); in { /* Renders a project as an argument that can be passed to withPackages Evaluates PEP-508 environment markers to select correct dependencies for the platform but does not validate version constraints. For validation see `lib.validators`. Type: withPackages :: AttrSet -> lambda Example: # withPackages (lib.project.loadPyproject { ... }) «lambda @ «string»:1:1» */ withPackages = { # Project metadata as returned by `lib.project.loadPyproject` project , # Python derivation python , # Python extras (optionals) to enable extras ? [ ] , }: let filteredDeps = pep621.filterDependencies { inherit (project) dependencies; environ = pep508.mkEnviron python; inherit extras; }; namedDeps = pep621.getDependenciesNames filteredDeps; flatDeps = namedDeps.dependencies ++ flatten (attrValues namedDeps.extras) ++ namedDeps.build-systems; in ps: map (dep: ps.${dep}) flatDeps; /* Renders a project as an argument that can be passed to buildPythonPackage/buildPythonApplication. Evaluates PEP-508 environment markers to select correct dependencies for the platform but does not validate version constraints. For validation see `lib.validators`. Type: buildPythonPackage :: AttrSet -> AttrSet Example: # buildPythonPackage { project = lib.project.loadPyproject ...; python = pkgs.python3; } { pname = "blinker"; version = ""; propagatedBuildInputs = [ ]; } */ buildPythonPackage = { # Project metadata as returned by `lib.project.loadPyproject` project , # Python derivation python , # Python extras (optionals) to enable extras ? [ ] , # Map a Python extras group name to a Nix attribute set. # This is intended to be used with optionals such as test dependencies that you might # want to add to checkInputs instead of propagatedBuildInputs extrasAttrMappings ? { } , # Which package format to pass to buildPythonPackage # If the format is "wheel" PEP-518 build-systems are excluded from the build. format ? "pyproject" }: let filteredDeps = pep621.filterDependencies { inherit (project) dependencies; environ = pep508.mkEnviron python; inherit extras; }; namedDeps = pep621.getDependenciesNames filteredDeps; inherit (project) pyproject; meta = let project' = project.pyproject.project; urls = project'.urls or { }; in # Optional changelog optionalAttrs (urls ? changelog) { inherit (urls) changelog; } // # Optional description optionalAttrs (project' ? description) { inherit (project') description; } // # Optional license optionalAttrs (project'.license ? text) ( assert !(project'.license ? file); { # From PEP-621: # "The text key has a string value which is the license of the project whose meaning is that of the License field from the core metadata. # These keys are mutually exclusive, so a tool MUST raise an error if the metadata specifies both keys." # Hence the assert above. license = licensesBySpdxId.${project'.license.text}; } ) // # Only set mainProgram if we only have one script, otherwise it's ambigious which one is main ( let scriptNames = attrNames project'.scripts; in optionalAttrs (project' ? scripts && length scriptNames == 1) { mainProgram = head scriptNames; } ); in foldl' (attrs: group: let attr = extrasAttrMappings.${group} or "propagatedBuildInputs"; in attrs // { ${attr} = attrs.${attr} or [ ] ++ map (dep: python.pkgs.${dep}) namedDeps.extras.${group}; }) ({ propagatedBuildInputs = map (dep: python.pkgs.${dep}) namedDeps.dependencies; inherit format meta; } // optionalAttrs (format != "wheel") { nativeBuildInputs = map (dep: python.pkgs.${dep}) namedDeps.build-systems; } // optionalAttrs (pyproject.project ? name) { pname = pyproject.project.name; } // optionalAttrs (pyproject.project ? version) { inherit (pyproject.project) version; }) (attrNames namedDeps.extras); }