SemVer has two rules that the previous scheme violates:
1. major/minor/patch numbers can't start with a leading 0. Changing `%d` to `%-d` removes the leading zero. I also applied it to the year just in case :):
>>> print(now.strftime(f"%Y.%m.%d"))
>>> print(now.strftime(f"%Y.%-m.%-d"))
2. there can't be four dot-separated sections of the version. In this PR, I merge the year and month into one field (with a leading zero on the month!) so the seconds is the "patch" version, like this:
>>> print(now.strftime(f"%-Y%m.%-d.{modifier}"))
From the build:
> Package ‘python-’ in
> /nix/store/n5hj62lgkwvz3gqnp4l4nxzjnadh7y54-source/pkgs/development/interpreters/python/cpython/2.7/default.nix:330
> is marked as insecure, refusing to evaluate.
> Python 2.7 has reached its end of life after 2020-01-01. See
Necessary to bump nixpkgs
- normalize package names to match PEP-503
- don't assume build dependencies on setuptools{,-scm}
- automatically generate overrides for setuptools{,-scm}
- pull known build systems directly from nixpkgs
- fix a bunch of mostly unrelated warnings
Co-authored-by: Phillip Cloud <>