# Table of contents # Learn more at https://jupyterbook.org/customize/toc.html format: jb-book root: intro parts: - caption: About the course chapters: - file: outline title: Course outline - caption: Getting started chapters: - file: basics - file: programming - file: floats - caption: Manipulating functions chapters: - file: derivatives - file: interpolation - file: integration - file: function_solutions sections: - file: derivatives_solutions - file: interpolation_solutions - file: integration_solutions - caption: Random numbers chapters: - file: random - file: lcg - file: generating_random - file: monte_carlo_integration - file: metropolis - file: random_solutions sections: - file: prob_distributions_solutions - file: prob_distributions_solutions_part2 - file: montecarlo_solutions.ipynb - file: metropolis_solutions.ipynb - caption: Solving equations chapters: - file: matrices - file: linear_least_squares - file: polynomial_fit - caption: Homework chapters: - file: hw1 - file: hw2 - file: hw3 - file: project_instructions - file: homework_solutions sections: - file: HW1_solutions - file: homework_notes/hw2_common_issues