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2023-09-26 11:51:29 -04:00
# Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
Another way to sample a probability distribution is to use a **Markov Chain Monte Carlo** method. In these methods, we generate a sequence (or chain) of $x$ values that sample a given probability distribution $f(x)$. Each sample $x_i$ is generated from the previous one $x_{i-1}$ in some probabilistic way, so $x_i$ depends only on the state before it $x_{i-1}$ (this is the Markov chain part).
The **Metropolis-Hastings algorithm** is a simple method to do this. To generate the next value in the chain $x_{i+1}$ given the current value $x_i$, the procedure is as follows:
- Propose a jump from the current value $x_i=x$ to a new candidate value $x^\prime$ according to a proposal distribution $p(x^\prime|x)$. The proposal distribution should be symmetric, ie. the probability of choosing a new location $x^\prime$ given that we are now at $x$ should be the same as the probability of choosing $x$ if we were located at $x^\prime$. For example, in 1D we could choose $x^\prime = x_i + \Delta x$ with $\Delta x$ drawn from a Gaussian distribution.
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- Evaluate the ratio $\alpha = f(x^\prime)/f(x)$. If $\alpha>1$, ie. the new point is located in a region with larger $f(x)$, then we accept the move and set $x_{i+1} = x^\prime$. If $\alpha<1$, we accept the move with probability $\alpha$. If the move is rejected, then we set $x_{i+1} = x_i$. (Note that this entire step can be achieved by choosing a uniform deviate $u$ between 0 and 1, and accepting the move if $u<\alpha$.)
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After an initial *burn-in* phase, the chain will reach equilibrium and the samples $\{x_i\}$ will be distributed according to the probability distribution $f(x)$. The reason this works is that in equilibrium, the rate at which we move from point $x$ to $x^\prime$ should be equal to the rate at which we move in the reverse direction, from $x^\prime$ to $x$. This is the principle of detailed balance. Therefore
$$n(x) \times (\mathrm{rate\ of}\ x\rightarrow x^\prime)
n(x^\prime) \times (\mathrm{rate\ of}\ x^\prime\rightarrow x)
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If $x^\prime$ has a larger value of the probability $f(x^\prime)>f(x)$, then the transition from $x$ to $x^\prime$ will always happen (we always accept), i.e. the rate is 1. The rate of the reverse transition from $x^\prime$ to $x$ is then $f(x)/f(x^\prime)<1$. Therefore
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$$n(x) = n(x^\prime) f(x)/f(x^\prime)$$
$${n(x)\over n(x^\prime)}= {f(x)\over f(x^\prime)}$$
which shows that $n(x)$ will be distributed as $f(x)$.
```{admonition} Exercise
Code up this algorithm and generate $10^4$ samples from the distribution $f(x) = \exp(-\left|x^3\right|)$. Confirm that you are getting the correct distribution by comparing the histogram of $x$-values with the analytic expression.
Plot the values $\{x_i\}$ against iteration number $i$, and plot $x_i$ against $x_{i+1}$ for the values in the chain. What do you notice?
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How do your results change when you take different values for the width of the proposal distribution?
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Also, investigate what happens when you change your starting value of $x$. How long does it take for the chain to reach equilibrium?
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Compare your results with the same plots for $10^4$ values from $f(x)$ chosen by the rejection method.