Phoebe is a set of [NixOS][] modules that provide additional functionality on top of the existing modules in [Nixpkgs][]. The name of this package was taken from the name of [Saturn's moon][phoebe]. Module List ----------- * ``: Automatically enable various security related settings for NixOS. * ``: Extra configuration for nginx (if it's enabled elsewhere). For example, automatically use syslog so no log files need to be rotated. See the `` option for more details. * ``: Start and manage PostgreSQL, including automatic user and database creation. * ``: Start and manage InfluxDB, including users and databases. * ``: Configure and manage Ruby on Rails applications. Includes a helper function to help package Rails applications so they can be used by this service. * ``: HTTPS to HTTP private tunnels for web developers. * `phoebe.backup.postgresql`: Simple backups for PostgreSQL via `pg_dump`. [nixos]: [nixpkgs]: [phoebe]: