#!/bin/bash # A simple script to invoke cmake with the correct parameters to build the # self-testing version of Luppp function err_handle { notify-send -t 0 -u critical "Luppp: Self-test FAILED!" } trap 'err_handle' ERR set -e # setup environment: Copy material for tests to /tmp cp -r ../src/tests/lupppTestMaterial /tmp rm CMakeCache.txt scan-build cmake -DBUILD_TESTS=1 ../ scan-build make -j 2 lcov --zerocounters --directory . lcov --capture --initial --directory . --output-file app ./src/luppp -test -stopAfterTest lcov --base-directory . --directory . -c -o lupppFull.info lcov --remove lupppFull.info "/usr*" --no-checksum --directory . --output-file lupppTmp.info lcov --remove lupppTmp.info "*.hxx" --no-checksum --directory . --output-file luppp.info genhtml luppp.info notify-send -t 5 "Luppp: Test data available..." firefox index.html