-Refactored GTrack

This commit is contained in:
Harry van Haaren 2013-09-10 22:26:37 +01:00
parent e90585bb39
commit b4d89e0bfe
2 changed files with 84 additions and 85 deletions

View file

@ -2,3 +2,86 @@
#include "gtrack.hxx"
#include "gui.hxx"
static void gtrack_vol_cb(Fl_Widget *w, void *data);
static void gtrack_side_cb(Fl_Widget *w, void *data);
static void gtrack_post_cb(Fl_Widget *w, void *data);
static void gtrack_reverb_cb(Fl_Widget *w, void *data);
GTrack::GTrack(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char* l ) :
Fl_Group(x, y, w, h),
title( strdup(l) ),
bg( x, y , w, h, title ),
radial( x+5, y+ 26, 100, 100, ""),
clipSel(x + 5, y + 26 + 102, 100, 294,""),
volBox(x+5, y+422, 100, 172, ""),
volume(x+66, y +425, 36, 166, ""),
side(x+11, y +427 + 0, 50, 25, "Side"),
post(x+21, y +435 + 50, 30, 30, "Post"),
rev (x+21, y +440 +100, 30, 30, "Verb")
ID = privateID++;
clipSel.setID( ID );
side.callback( gtrack_side_cb, this );
side.setColor( 0, 0.6, 1 );
rev.callback( gtrack_reverb_cb, this );
post.callback( gtrack_post_cb, this );
post.value( 1.0 );
volume.callback( gtrack_vol_cb, this );
volBox.color( FL_BLACK );
volBox.selection_color( FL_BLUE );
end(); // close the group
void gtrack_reverb_cb(Fl_Widget *w, void *data)
GTrack* track = (GTrack*) data;
EventTrackSend e( track->ID, SEND_REV, ((Avtk::Dial*)w)->value() );
writeToDspRingbuffer( &e );
printf("track %i reverb send %f\n", track->ID, ((Avtk::Dial*)w)->value() );
void gtrack_side_cb(Fl_Widget *w, void *data)
GTrack* track = (GTrack*) data;
bool b = ((Avtk::Dial*)w)->value();
float v = float( b );
printf("track %i post send %s, %f\n", track->ID, b ? "true" : "false", v );
EventTrackSend e( track->ID, SEND_SIDE, v );
writeToDspRingbuffer( &e );
void gtrack_post_cb(Fl_Widget *w, void *data)
GTrack* track = (GTrack*) data;
EventTrackSend e( track->ID, SEND_POST, ((Avtk::Dial*)w)->value() );
writeToDspRingbuffer( &e );
printf("track %i side send %f\n", track->ID, ((Avtk::Dial*)w)->value() );
void gtrack_vol_cb(Fl_Widget *w, void *data)
GTrack* track = (GTrack*) data;
EventTrackVol e( track->ID, ((Avtk::Volume*)w)->value() );
writeToDspRingbuffer( &e );
printf("track %i vol %f\n", track->ID, ((Avtk::Dial*)w)->value() );

View file

@ -25,13 +25,6 @@
using namespace std;
static void gtrack_vol_cb(Fl_Widget *w, void *data);
static void gtrack_side_cb(Fl_Widget *w, void *data);
static void gtrack_post_cb(Fl_Widget *w, void *data);
static void gtrack_reverb_cb(Fl_Widget *w, void *data);
extern void gtrack_button_callback(Fl_Widget *w, void *data);
// FIXME: Refactor into .hxx .cxx
class GTrack : public Fl_Group
@ -40,45 +33,7 @@ class GTrack : public Fl_Group
Avtk::RadialStatus* getRadialStatus(){return &radial;}
Avtk::ClipSelector* getClipSelector(){return &clipSel;}
GTrack(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char* l = 0 ) :
Fl_Group(x, y, w, h),
title( strdup(l) ),
bg( x, y , w, h, title ),
radial( x+5, y+ 26, 100, 100, ""),
clipSel(x + 5, y + 26 + 102, 100, 294,""),
volBox(x+5, y+422, 100, 172, ""),
volume(x+66, y +425, 36, 166, ""),
side(x+11, y +427 + 0, 50, 25, "Side"),
post(x+21, y +435 + 50, 30, 30, "Post"),
rev (x+21, y +440 +100, 30, 30, "Verb")
ID = privateID++;
clipSel.setID( ID );
side.callback( gtrack_side_cb, this );
side.setColor( 0, 0.6, 1 );
rev.callback( gtrack_reverb_cb, this );
post.callback( gtrack_post_cb, this );
post.value( 1.0 );
volume.callback( gtrack_vol_cb, this );
volBox.color( FL_BLACK );
volBox.selection_color( FL_BLUE );
end(); // close the group
GTrack(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char* l = 0 );
@ -106,44 +61,5 @@ class GTrack : public Fl_Group
static int privateID;
void gtrack_reverb_cb(Fl_Widget *w, void *data)
GTrack* track = (GTrack*) data;
EventTrackSend e( track->ID, SEND_REV, ((Avtk::Dial*)w)->value() );
writeToDspRingbuffer( &e );
printf("track %i reverb send %f\n", track->ID, ((Avtk::Dial*)w)->value() );
void gtrack_side_cb(Fl_Widget *w, void *data)
GTrack* track = (GTrack*) data;
bool b = ((Avtk::Dial*)w)->value();
float v = float( b );
printf("track %i post send %s, %f\n", track->ID, b ? "true" : "false", v );
EventTrackSend e( track->ID, SEND_SIDE, v );
writeToDspRingbuffer( &e );
void gtrack_post_cb(Fl_Widget *w, void *data)
GTrack* track = (GTrack*) data;
EventTrackSend e( track->ID, SEND_POST, ((Avtk::Dial*)w)->value() );
writeToDspRingbuffer( &e );
printf("track %i side send %f\n", track->ID, ((Avtk::Dial*)w)->value() );
void gtrack_vol_cb(Fl_Widget *w, void *data)
GTrack* track = (GTrack*) data;
EventTrackVol e( track->ID, ((Avtk::Volume*)w)->value() );
writeToDspRingbuffer( &e );
printf("track %i vol %f\n", track->ID, ((Avtk::Dial*)w)->value() );
#endif // LUPPP_G_TRACK_H