small fixes in the io writeup

This commit is contained in:
Valentin Boettcher 2023-06-15 15:53:50 -04:00
parent d806dcb996
commit fdd1ab515e

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@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ headinclude=true,footinclude=false,BCOR=0mm]{scrartcl}
% \usetikzlibrary{external}
% \tikzexternalize[prefix=tikz/]
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ Transforming the \(h_{m}\) according to
O_{nγ}(t)\equiv O_{nγ}\eu^{\iu ε_{n}t}
O^\ast_{nγ}(t)\equiv O^\ast_{nγ}\eu^{-\iu ε_{n}t}
leaves us with a very simple Hamiltonian.
@ -465,9 +465,9 @@ first diagonalize \(V^{0}_{mn} + δ_{mn}\pqty{ε_{m}-i η_{m}}\)
to obtain \(O_{mγ}(t)\) and find
\dot{d}_{γ} = ∑_{m}O^{\ast}_{mγ}\dot{\tilde{c}}_{m} =
\dot{d}_{γ} = ∑_{m}\pqty{O^{-1}(t)}_{γm}\dot{\tilde{c}}_{m} =
-\iu\bqty{\pqty{ω_{γ} - \iu \tilde{η}_{γ}}d_{γ} +
_{σ=\pm}_{m}O^{\ast}_{mγ}(t)\frac{g_{m,σ}^\ast }{\sqrt{ω_{m}^{0}}} \eu^{\iu ω_{m}^{0}t}
_{σ=\pm}_{m}\pqty{O^{-1}(t)}_{γm}\frac{g_{m,σ}^\ast }{\sqrt{ω_{m}^{0}}} \eu^{\iu ω_{m}^{0}t}
@ -487,10 +487,10 @@ constant. With these considerations in mind we can simplify
\dot{d}_{γ} =_{m}O^{\ast}_{mγ}\dot{\tilde{c}}_{m} =
\dot{d}_{γ} =
-\iu\bqty{\pqty{ω_{γ}-\iu \tilde{η}_{γ}}d_{γ} + \sqrt{κ}_{σ=\pm}
U^{\pm}_{γ}(t) \frac{b_{\inputf}(t)}{\sqrt{ω_{0}}}}\\
U^{σ}_{γ}(t) = ∑_{m,β} δ_{\sgn({β}),σ}U^\ast_{βm}O^\ast_{mγ}(t) \eu^{\iu ω_{m}^{0}t}= ∑_{m,β} δ_{\sgn({β}),σ}U^\ast_{βm}O^\ast_{mγ} \eu^{\iu_{m}^{0}_{m})t}.
U^{σ}_{γ}(t) = ∑_{m,β} δ_{\sgn({β}),σ}U^\ast_{βm}\pqty{O^{-1}(t)}_{γm} \eu^{\iu ω_{m}^{0}t}= ∑_{m,β} δ_{\sgn({β}),σ}U^\ast_{βm}\pqty{O^{-1}}_{γm}\eu^{\iu_{m}^{0}_{m})t}.
These simplifications still capture the essence of the physics, as
@ -729,7 +729,7 @@ To maximize the residual rotating terms, the minimum of the
Δ_{\max}\equiv \max_{δ}Δ_{\min}(δ) = \max_{δ}\min\Bqty{2δ, \abs{Ω_{B}}, \abs{Ω_{B}-3δ},
\abs{_{B}-3δ}, \abs{Ω_{B}-2δ}}.
We find that \(Δ_{\max}=Ω_{B}/4\) for
We find that \(Δ_{\max}=2Ω_{B}/5\) for
@ -748,7 +748,6 @@ as can be ascertained from \cref{fig:delta_choice}.
xtick = {0}, ytick = \empty,
clip = false,
tick num = 10,
minor tick num=5,
grid style={line width=.1pt, draw=gray!10},
@ -760,7 +759,7 @@ as can be ascertained from \cref{fig:delta_choice}.
y label style={at={(axis description cs:-0.06,.5)},rotate=90,anchor=south},
\addplot[domain = 0:1, restrict y to domain = 0:1, samples =
1000, color = cerulean]{min(2*x, 1-x, abs(1-3*x), abs(2-3*x),
1000]{min(2*x, 1-x, abs(1-3*x), abs(2-3*x),
\addplot[color = black, mark = *, only marks, mark size = 3pt]
coordinates {(.2, .4)};