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synced 2025-03-05 18:01:40 -05:00
131 lines
4.7 KiB
Common Lisp
131 lines
4.7 KiB
Common Lisp
(in-package :cl-user)
(defpackage myway-test.rule
(:use :cl
(in-package :myway-test.rule)
(plan nil)
(subtest "method"
(ok (match-rule (make-rule "/hello")
:GET "/hello")
(ok (match-rule (make-rule "/hello" :method :GET)
:GET "/hello")
(ok (match-rule (make-rule "/hello" :method :GET)
:HEAD "/hello" :allow-head t)
"HEAD is allowed for GET rule")
(ok (match-rule (make-rule "/new" :method :POST)
:POST "/new"))
(is (match-rule (make-rule "/new" :method :POST)
:GET "/new")
"GET fails for POST rule")
(ok (match-rule (make-rule "/new" :method '(:GET :POST))
:GET "/new")
"GET or POST")
(ok (match-rule (make-rule "/new" :method '(:GET :POST))
:POST "/new")
"GET or POST")
(ok (match-rule (make-rule "/new" :method '(:ANY))
:POST "/new")
(subtest "with named parameters"
(is-values (match-rule (make-rule "/hello/:name" :method :GET)
:GET "/hello/fukamachi")
'("/hello/fukamachi" (:name "fukamachi"))
(is-values (match-rule (make-rule "/hello/:name" :method :GET)
:GET "/hello/fukamachi/eitaro")
"containing a slash")
(is-values (match-rule (make-rule "/hello/:name" :method :GET)
:GET "/bye/fukamachi")
"not match")
(is-values (match-rule (make-rule "/blog/:post-id" :method :GET)
:GET "/blog/10")
'("/blog/10" (:post-id "10")))
(is-values (match-rule (make-rule "/tag/:tag" :method :GET)
:GET "/tag/#lisp")
'("/tag/#lisp" (:tag "#lisp")))
(is-values (match-rule (make-rule "/hello/?:name?" :method :GET)
:GET "/hello/Eitaro")
'("/hello/Eitaro" (:name "Eitaro")))
(is-values (match-rule (make-rule "/hello/?:name?" :method :GET)
:GET "/hello/")
'("/hello/" nil))
(is-values (match-rule (make-rule "/hello/?:name?" :method :GET)
:GET "/hello")
'("/hello" nil))
(is-values (match-rule (make-rule "/say/:hello/to/:name" :method :GET)
:GET "/say/hello/to/fukamachi")
'("/say/hello/to/fukamachi" (:hello "hello" :name "fukamachi"))
"multiple named parameters"))
(subtest "splat"
(is-values (match-rule (make-rule "/say/*/to/*" :method :GET)
:GET "/say/hello/to/world")
'("/say/hello/to/world" (:splat ("hello" "world")))))
(subtest "regex rules"
(is-values (match-rule (make-rule "/hello/([\\w]+)" :method :GET :regexp t)
:GET "/hello/world")
'("/hello/world" (:captures ("world")))))
(subtest "optional parameters"
(is-values (match-rule (make-rule "/?:foo?/?:bar?" :method :GET)
:GET "/hello/world")
'("/hello/world" (:foo "hello" :bar "world")))
(is-values (match-rule (make-rule "/?:foo?/?:bar?" :method :GET)
:GET "/hello")
'("/hello" (:foo "hello")))
(is-values (match-rule (make-rule "/?:foo?/?:bar?" :method :GET)
:GET "/")
'("/" nil))
(is-values (match-rule (make-rule "/hello/?:name?" :method :GET)
:GET "/hello")
'("/hello" nil)))
(subtest "splat and normal cases"
(is-values (match-rule (make-rule "/:foo/*" :method :GET)
:GET "/foo/bar/baz")
'("/foo/bar/baz" (:splat ("bar/baz") :foo "foo"))))
(subtest "escape"
(is-values (match-rule (make-rule "/te+st/" :method :GET)
:GET "/te%2Bst/")
'("/te%2Bst/" nil)
"escape +")
(is-values (match-rule (make-rule "/te st/" :method :GET)
:GET "/te%2Bst/")
'("/te%2Bst/" nil)
"escape space")
(is-values (match-rule (make-rule "/test$/" :method :GET)
:GET "/test%24/")
'("/test%24/" nil)
"escape $")
(is-values (match-rule (make-rule "/te.st/" :method :GET)
:GET "/te.st/")
'("/te.st/" nil)
"escape .")
(is-values (match-rule (make-rule "/te.st/" :method :GET)
:GET "/te0st/")
"escape .")
(is-values (match-rule (make-rule "/test(bar)/" :method :GET)
:GET "/test%28bar%29/")
'("/test%28bar%29/" nil)
"escape ()"))