The plugin needs both a `default` locale and the supported `locales` list. Note that `default` repeats in the `locales` array. `default` will act as the **main** locale while the others will be the **secondary** ones.
Append the locale to your file names (`_{locale}` with the underscore), e.g.:
### Property merging
The plugin will merge properties from the **main** locale to the **secondary** ones. This is usefull if you want a property shared between all the locales (e.g.: `date`, `template`…).
### `locale` property
Each file will have a `locale` property with its locale, if the filename does not have the locale extension the **main** locale will be set, e.g.: ```locale` property would be `en`, while for `` will be `es`.
### `lang()` method
Each file will have a `lang()` method which is usefull to reference the translated files. So, if you're in the `` file, and you want to get the english version just call `lang('en')`.
If the locale is not found this will throw an expection.
### `defaultLocale` & `locales`
Both options will be added to Metalsmith metadata as: `defaultLocale` and `locales` so that you can use them in your templates.
### Index handling
The plugin will handle the index files gracefully, so that, if `es` is the **main** locale and `en` is the **secondary** one. This:
The plugin will also add a `path` property to each index file with the pretty path, e.g.: '' (empty string) for `` and `en/` for `en/`.