var assert = require('assert'); var Metalsmith = require('metalsmith'); var collections = require('..'); describe('metalsmith-collections', function(){ it('should add collections to metadata', function(done){ var metalsmith = Metalsmith('test/fixtures/basic'); metalsmith .use(collections({ articles: {}})) .build(function(err){ if (err) return done(err); var m = metalsmith.metadata(); assert.equal(2, m.articles.length); assert.equal(m.collections.articles, m.articles); done(); }); }); it('should match collections by pattern', function(done){ var metalsmith = Metalsmith('test/fixtures/pattern'); metalsmith .use(collections({ articles: { pattern: '*.md' } })) .build(function(err){ if (err) return done(err); assert.equal(4, metalsmith.metadata().articles.length); done(); }); }); it('should take a pattern shorthand string', function(done){ var metalsmith = Metalsmith('test/fixtures/pattern'); metalsmith .use(collections({ articles: '*.md' })) .build(function(err){ if (err) return done(err); assert.equal(4, metalsmith.metadata().articles.length); done(); }); }); it('should take an array of patterns', function(done){ var metalsmith = Metalsmith('test/fixtures/pattern'); metalsmith .use(collections({ blogs: ['*.md', '!', '!', '!'], pages: { pattern: [''] } })) .build(function(err, files){ if (err) return done(err); assert.equal(1, metalsmith.metadata().blogs.length, 'length blogs'); assert.equal(1, metalsmith.metadata().pages.length, 'length page'); assert.equal(files[''].collection, 'blogs', 'collection blogs'); assert.equal(files[''].collection, 'pages', 'collection page'); done(); }); }); it('should add the collection property to a file', function(done){ var metalsmith = Metalsmith('test/fixtures/pattern'); metalsmith .use(collections({ articles: '*.md' })) .build(function(err, files){ if (err) return done(err); assert.equal(files[''].collection, 'articles'); done(); }); }); it('should accept a "sortBy" option', function(done){ var metalsmith = Metalsmith('test/fixtures/sort'); metalsmith .use(collections({ articles: { sortBy: 'title' }})) .build(function(err){ if (err) return done(err); var articles = metalsmith.metadata().articles; assert.equal('Alpha', articles[0].title); assert.equal('Beta', articles[1].title); assert.equal('Gamma', articles[2].title); done(); }); }); it('should accept a "sortBy" function', function(done){ var metalsmith = Metalsmith('test/fixtures/sort'); metalsmith .use(collections({ articles: { sortBy: sort }})) .build(function(err){ if (err) return done(err); var articles = metalsmith.metadata().articles; assert.equal('Gamma', articles[0].title); assert.equal('Beta', articles[1].title); assert.equal('Alpha', articles[2].title); done(); }); function sort(a, b){ a = a.title.slice(1); b = b.title.slice(1); return a > b ? 1 : -1; } }); it('should accept a "reverse" option', function(done){ var metalsmith = Metalsmith('test/fixtures/sort'); metalsmith .use(collections({ articles: { sortBy: 'title', reverse: true } })) .build(function(err){ if (err) return done(err); var articles = metalsmith.metadata().articles; assert.equal('Alpha', articles[2].title); assert.equal('Beta', articles[1].title); assert.equal('Gamma', articles[0].title); done(); }); }); it('should accept a "limit" option', function (done){ var metalsmith = Metalsmith('test/fixtures/limit'), limit = 2; metalsmith .use(collections({ articles: { limit: limit, sortBy: 'title', } })) .build(function(err){ if (err) return done(err); var articles = metalsmith.metadata().articles; assert.equal(limit, articles.length); assert.equal('Alpha', articles[0].title); assert.equal('Beta', articles[1].title); done(); }); }); it('should accept a "limit" higher than the collection length', function(done){ var metalsmith = Metalsmith('test/fixtures/limit'); metalsmith .use(collections({ articles: { sortBy: 'title', limit: 25 } })) .build(function(err){ if (err) return done(err); var articles = metalsmith.metadata().articles; assert.equal(3, articles.length); assert.equal('Alpha', articles[0].title); assert.equal('Beta', articles[1].title); assert.equal('Gamma', articles[2].title); done(); }); }); it('should add next and previous references', function(done){ var metalsmith = Metalsmith('test/fixtures/references'); metalsmith .use(collections({ articles: {}})) .build(function(err){ if (err) return done(err); var articles = metalsmith.metadata().articles; assert(!articles[0].previous); assert.equal(articles[0].next, articles[1]); assert.equal(articles[1].previous, articles[0]); assert.equal(articles[1].next, articles[2]); debugger; assert.equal(articles[2].previous, articles[1]); assert(!articles[2].next); done(); }); }); it('should not add references if opts[key].refer === false', function(done){ var metalsmith = Metalsmith('test/fixtures/references-off'); metalsmith .use(collections({ articles: { refer: false }})) .build(function(err){ if (err) return done(err); var articles = metalsmith.metadata().articles; assert(!articles[0].previous); assert(!articles[0].next); assert(!articles[1].previous); assert(!articles[1].next); assert(!articles[2].previous); assert(!articles[2].next); done(); }); }); it('should not fail with empty collections', function(done) { var metalsmith = Metalsmith('test/fixtures/empty'); metalsmith .use(collections({ articles: { sortBy: 'date', reverse: true } })) .build(function(err) { if (err) return done(err); var articles = metalsmith.metadata().articles; assert.equal(articles.length, 0); done(); }); }); it('should add metadata objects to collections', function (done) { var metalsmith = Metalsmith('test/fixtures/basic'); metalsmith .use(collections({ articles: { metadata: { name: 'Batman' } } })) .build(function(err){ if (err) return done(err); var m = metalsmith.metadata(); assert.equal('Batman',; done(); }); }); it('should load collection metadata from a JSON file', function (done) { var metalsmith = Metalsmith('test/fixtures/basic'); metalsmith .use(collections({ articles: { metadata: 'test/fixtures/metadata/metadata.json' } })) .build(function(err){ if (err) return done(err); var m = metalsmith.metadata(); assert.equal('Batman',; done(); }); }); it('should load collection metadata from a YAML file', function (done) { var metalsmith = Metalsmith('test/fixtures/basic'); metalsmith .use(collections({ articles: { metadata: 'test/fixtures/metadata/metadata.yaml' } })) .build(function(err){ if (err) return done(err); var m = metalsmith.metadata(); assert.equal('Batman',; done(); }); }); it('should allow multiple collections', function (done) { var metalsmith = Metalsmith('test/fixtures/multi'); metalsmith .use(collections({ articles: {}, posts: {}, drafts: {} })) .build(function(err){ if (err) return done(err); var m = metalsmith.metadata(); assert.equal(2, m.articles.length); assert.equal(1, m.drafts.length); assert.equal(1, m.posts.length); assert.equal(m.collections.articles, m.articles); assert.equal(m.collections.drafts, m.drafts); assert.equal(m.collections.posts, m.posts); done(); }); }); it('should allow collections through metadata alone', function (done) { var metalsmith = Metalsmith('test/fixtures/noconfig'); metalsmith .use(collections({ movies: {} })) .build(function(err){ if (err) return done(err); var m = metalsmith.metadata(); assert.equal(2, m.books.length); assert.equal(1, m.movies.length); assert.equal(m.collections.books, m.books); assert.equal(m.collections.movies, m.movies); done(); }); }); it('should allow collections by pattern and front matter', function (done) { var metalsmith = Metalsmith('test/fixtures/multi'); metalsmith .use(collections({ articles: {}, posts: {}, drafts: {}, blog: '*.md' })) .build(function(err){ if (err) return done(err); var m = metalsmith.metadata(); assert.equal(3,; assert.equal(2, m.articles.length); assert.equal(1, m.drafts.length); assert.equal(1, m.posts.length); assert.equal(,; assert.equal(m.collections.articles, m.articles); assert.equal(m.collections.drafts, m.drafts); assert.equal(m.collections.posts, m.posts); done(); }); }); it('should add file path', function(done){ var metalsmith = Metalsmith('test/fixtures/sort'); metalsmith .use(collections({ articles: { sortBy: 'title' } })) .build(function(err){ if (err) return done(err); var articles = metalsmith.metadata().articles; assert(articles[0].path); assert.equal(articles[0].path, ''); done(); }); }); });