clean up comments, tighten up func/variable names

This commit is contained in:
riscy 2020-03-15 16:46:01 -07:00
parent 84ef4780d1
commit 70f0190358

View file

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ VALID_LICENSES_GITHUB = {
def run_checks(
recipe: str, # e.g. of the form (shx :repo ...)
recipe: str, # e.g. of the form (my-package :repo ...)
elisp_dir: str, # where the package is on this machine
clone_address: str = None, # optional repo address
pr_data: dict = None, # optional data from the PR
@ -80,8 +80,7 @@ def run_checks(
def return_code(return_code: int = None) -> int:
Return (and optionally set) the current return code.
"""Return (and optionally set) the current return code.
If return_code matches env var EXPECT_ERROR, return 0 --
this is useful for running CI checks on melpazoid itself.
@ -93,8 +92,8 @@ def return_code(return_code: int = None) -> int:
def validate_recipe(recipe: str) -> bool:
>>> validate_recipe('(abc :repo "xyz" :fetcher github)')
"""Validate whether the recipe looks correct.
>>> validate_recipe('(abc :repo "xyz" :fetcher github) ; abc recipe!')
>>> validate_recipe('??')
@ -139,7 +138,7 @@ def check_containerized_build(package_name: str):
def _files_in_recipe(recipe: str, elisp_dir: str) -> list:
files = _run_elisp_script(
files = run_build_script(
(require 'package-build)
@ -154,14 +153,14 @@ def _files_in_recipe(recipe: str, elisp_dir: str) -> list:
def _tokenize_expression(expression: str) -> list:
"""Hacky function to turn an elisp expression into a list of tokens.
>>> _tokenize_expression('(shx :repo "riscy/xyz" :fetcher github) ; comment')
['(', 'shx', ':repo', '"riscy/xyz"', ':fetcher', 'github', ')']
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'scratch'), 'w') as scratch:
parsed_expression = _run_elisp_script(
parsed_expression = run_build_script(
(format "%S" (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents "{}")
@ -175,15 +174,16 @@ def _tokenize_expression(expression: str) -> list:
def _package_name(recipe: str) -> str:
"""Return the package's name, based on the recipe.
>>> _package_name('(shx :files ...)')
return _tokenize_expression(recipe)[1] if recipe else ''
match = re.match(r'^\(([^ ]+) ', recipe)
return match.groups()[0] if match else ''
def _main_file(recipe_files: list, recipe: str) -> str:
def _main_file(files: list, recipe: str) -> str:
"""Figure out the 'main' file of the recipe, per MELPA convention.
>>> _main_file(['_elisp/a.el', '_elisp/b.el'], '(a :files ...)')
>>> _main_file(['a.el', 'b.el'], '(b :files ...)')
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ def _main_file(recipe_files: list, recipe: str) -> str:
return next(
for el in sorted(recipe_files)
for el in sorted(files)
if os.path.basename(el) == f"{package_name}-pkg.el"
or os.path.basename(el) == f"{package_name}.el"
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ def _main_file(recipe_files: list, recipe: str) -> str:
return ''
def _write_requirements(recipe_files: list, recipe: str):
def _write_requirements(files: list, recipe: str):
"""Create a little elisp script that Docker will run as setup."""
with open('_requirements.el', 'w') as requirements_el:
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ def _write_requirements(recipe_files: list, recipe: str):
(package-reinstall 'package-lint)
for req in _requirements(recipe_files, recipe):
for req in _requirements(files, recipe):
if req != 'emacs':
# TODO check if we need to reinstall outdated package?
# e.g. (package-installed-p 'map (version-to-list "2.0"))
@ -228,15 +228,13 @@ def _write_requirements(recipe_files: list, recipe: str):
requirements_el.write(f"(require '{req})\n")
def _requirements(
recipe_files: list, recipe: str = None, with_versions: bool = False
) -> set:
def _requirements(files: list, recipe: str = None, with_versions: bool = False) -> set:
reqs: list = []
if recipe:
main_file = _main_file(recipe_files, recipe)
main_file = _main_file(files, recipe)
if main_file:
recipe_files = [main_file]
for filename in recipe_files:
files = [main_file]
for filename in files:
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
elif filename.endswith('-pkg.el'):
@ -253,7 +251,7 @@ def _requirements(
def _reqs_from_pkg_el(pkg_el: TextIO) -> str:
"""Hacky function to pull the requirements out of a -pkg.el file.
>>> _reqs_from_pkg_el(io.StringIO('''(define-package "x" "1.2" "A pkg." '((emacs "31.5") (xyz "123.4")))'''))
'( ( emacs "31.5" ) ( xyz "123.4" ) )'
@ -265,7 +263,7 @@ def _reqs_from_pkg_el(pkg_el: TextIO) -> str:
def _reqs_from_el_file(el_file: TextIO) -> str:
"""Hacky function to pull the requirements out of an elisp file.
>>> _reqs_from_el_file(io.StringIO(';; x y z\\n ;; package-requires: ((emacs "24.4"))'))
';; package-requires: ((emacs "24.4"))'
@ -275,14 +273,14 @@ def _reqs_from_el_file(el_file: TextIO) -> str:
return ''
def check_license(recipe_files: list, elisp_dir: str, clone_address: str = None):
def check_license(files: list, elisp_dir: str, clone_address: str = None):
_note('\n### License ###\n', CLR_INFO)
repo_licensed = False
if clone_address:
repo_licensed = _check_license_github_api(clone_address)
if not repo_licensed:
repo_licensed = _check_license_file(elisp_dir)
individual_files_licensed = _check_license_in_files(recipe_files)
repo_licensed = _check_repo_for_license(elisp_dir)
individual_files_licensed = _check_files_for_license_boilerplate(files)
if not repo_licensed and not individual_files_licensed:
_fail('- Use a GPL-compatible license.')
@ -291,7 +289,7 @@ def check_license(recipe_files: list, elisp_dir: str, clone_address: str = None)
def _check_license_github_api(clone_address: str) -> bool:
"""Use the GitHub API to check for a license.
>>> _check_license_github_api('')
- GitHub API found `GNU General Public License v3.0`
@ -319,7 +317,7 @@ def _check_license_github_api(clone_address: str) -> bool:
return False
def _check_license_file(elisp_dir: str) -> bool:
def _check_repo_for_license(elisp_dir: str) -> bool:
"""Scan any COPYING or LICENSE files."""
for license_ in glob.glob(os.path.join(elisp_dir, '*')):
license_ = os.path.basename(license_)
@ -331,22 +329,22 @@ def _check_license_file(elisp_dir: str) -> bool:
return False
def _check_license_in_files(elisp_files: list) -> bool:
"""Check the elisp files themselves."""
def _check_files_for_license_boilerplate(files: list) -> bool:
"""Check a list of elisp files for license boilerplate."""
individual_files_licensed = True
for elisp_file in elisp_files:
if not elisp_file.endswith('.el') or elisp_file.endswith('-pkg.el'):
for file in files:
if not file.endswith('.el') or file.endswith('-pkg.el'):
license_ = _check_license_in_file(elisp_file)
basename = os.path.basename(elisp_file)
license_ = _check_file_for_license_boilerplate(file)
basename = os.path.basename(file)
if not license_:
_fail(f"- {basename} has no detectable license boilerplate")
individual_files_licensed = False
return individual_files_licensed
def _check_license_in_file(elisp_file: str) -> str:
"""Scan the elisp file for some recognized license text."""
def _check_file_for_license_boilerplate(file: str) -> str:
"""Check an elisp file for some license boilerplate."""
# TODO: this function could be more comprehensive; don't use grep
licenses = [
('GPL', r'GNU.* General Public License'),
@ -357,7 +355,7 @@ def _check_license_in_file(elisp_file: str) -> str:
for license_key, license_txt in licenses:
subprocess.check_output(['grep', '-i', license_txt, elisp_file])
subprocess.check_output(['grep', '-i', license_txt, file])
return license_key
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
@ -365,19 +363,19 @@ def _check_license_in_file(elisp_file: str) -> str:
def print_packaging(
recipe: str, recipe_files: list, pr_data: dict = None, clone_address: str = None
recipe: str, files: list, pr_data: dict = None, clone_address: str = None
_note('\n### Package details ###\n', CLR_INFO)
_print_recipe(recipe_files, recipe)
_print_requirements(recipe_files, recipe)
_print_recipe(files, recipe)
_print_requirements(files, recipe)
if pr_data and clone_address:
print(f"- PR by {pr_data['user']['login']}: {clone_address}")
if pr_data['user']['login'].lower() not in clone_address.lower():
_note(" - NOTE: Repo and recipe owner don't match", CLR_WARN)
def _print_recipe(recipe_files: list, recipe: str):
def _print_recipe(files: list, recipe: str):
if ':files' in recipe and ':defaults' not in recipe:
_note('- Prefer the default recipe, especially for small packages', CLR_WARN)
@ -385,33 +383,33 @@ def _print_recipe(recipe_files: list, recipe: str):
_note('- Only specify :branch in unusual cases', CLR_WARN)
if 'gitlab' in recipe and (':repo' not in recipe or ':url' in recipe):
_fail('- With the GitLab fetcher you MUST set :repo and you MUST NOT set :url')
if not _main_file(recipe_files, recipe):
if not _main_file(files, recipe):
_fail(f"- No .el file matches the name '{_package_name(recipe)}'!")
def _print_requirements(recipe_files: list, recipe: str):
def _print_requirements(files: list, recipe: str):
"""Print the list of Package-Requires from the 'main' file.
Report on any mismatches between this file and other files, since the ones
in the other files will be ignored.
print('- Package-Requires: ', end='')
main_requirements = _requirements(recipe_files, recipe, with_versions=True)
main_requirements = _requirements(files, recipe, with_versions=True)
print(', '.join(req for req in main_requirements) if main_requirements else 'n/a')
for file in recipe_files:
for file in files:
file_requirements = set(_requirements([file], with_versions=True))
if file_requirements and file_requirements != main_requirements:
f" - Package-Requires mismatch between {os.path.basename(file)} and "
f"{os.path.basename(_main_file(recipe_files, recipe))}!"
f"{os.path.basename(_main_file(files, recipe))}!"
def _print_package_files(recipe_files: list):
for recipe_file in recipe_files:
if os.path.isdir(recipe_file):
print(f"- {CLR_ULINE}{recipe_file}{CLR_OFF} -- directory")
def _print_package_files(files: list):
for file in files:
if os.path.isdir(file):
print(f"- {CLR_ULINE}{file}{CLR_OFF} -- directory")
with open(recipe_file) as stream:
with open(file) as stream:
header = stream.readline()
header = header.split('-*-')[0]
@ -420,19 +418,16 @@ def _print_package_files(recipe_files: list):
except (IndexError, UnicodeDecodeError):
header = '(no elisp header)'
f"- {CLR_ULINE}{recipe_file}{CLR_OFF}"
f" ({_check_license_in_file(recipe_file) or 'unknown license'})"
f"- {CLR_ULINE}{file}{CLR_OFF}"
f" ({_check_file_for_license_boilerplate(file) or 'unknown license'})"
+ (f" -- {header}" if header else "")
if recipe_file.endswith('-pkg.el'):
if file.endswith('-pkg.el'):
_note(f" - Consider excluding this file; MELPA will create one", CLR_WARN)
def print_related_packages(recipe: str):
Print list of potentially related packages.
Could throw ConnectionError.
"""Print list of potentially related packages."""
# TODO: can this be made more useful?
package_tokens = {
token for token in _package_name(recipe).split('-') if token != 'mode'
@ -502,7 +497,7 @@ def _clone(repo: str, branch: str, into: str, scm: str = 'git') -> bool:
def _source_code_manager(recipe: str) -> str:
"""Determine the source code manager used (mercurial or git).
_source_code_manager('(kanban :fetcher hg :url ...)')
@ -516,7 +511,7 @@ def _source_code_manager(recipe: str) -> str:
def _branch(recipe: str) -> str:
"""Return the recipe's branch if available, else the empty string.
>>> _branch('(shx :branch "develop" ...)')
>>> _branch('(shx ...)')
@ -546,7 +541,7 @@ def check_melpa_pr(pr_url: str):
pr_data = requests.get(f"{MELPA_PULL_API}/{match.groups()[0]}").json()
if 'changed_files' not in pr_data:
_note(f"{pr_url} does not appear to be a MELPA PR", CLR_ERROR)
_fail(f"{pr_url} does not appear to be a MELPA PR")
if int(pr_data['changed_files']) != 1:
_note('Please only add one recipe per pull request', CLR_ERROR)
@ -587,16 +582,13 @@ def _filename_and_recipe(pr_data_diff_url: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
def _clone_address(recipe: str) -> str:
This is a HACK to get the clone address from the
filename/recipe pair using the builtin MELPA machinery. As a
bonus, it validates the recipe.
"""Fetch the upstream repository URL for the recipe.
>>> _clone_address('(shx :repo "riscy/shx-for-emacs" :fetcher github)')
>>> _clone_address('(pmdm :fetcher hg :url "")')
return _run_elisp_script(
return run_build_script(
(require 'package-recipe)
@ -607,12 +599,12 @@ def _clone_address(recipe: str) -> str:
def _recipe_struct_elisp(recipe: str) -> str:
"""Turn the recipe into an elisp 'recipe' object."""
"""Turn the recipe into a serialized 'package-recipe' object."""
name = _package_name(recipe)
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, name), 'w') as recipe_file:
return _run_elisp_script(
with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, name), 'w') as file:
return run_build_script(
(require 'package-recipe)
(let ((package-build-recipes-dir "{tmpdir}"))
@ -621,7 +613,11 @@ def _recipe_struct_elisp(recipe: str) -> str:
def _run_elisp_script(script: str) -> str:
def run_build_script(script: str) -> str:
"""Run an elisp script in a package-build context.
>>> run_build_script('(send-string-to-terminal "Hello world")')
'Hello world'
stderr = subprocess.STDERR if DEBUG else subprocess.DEVNULL
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
for filename, content in _package_build_files().items():
@ -701,8 +697,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
elif 'RECIPE_FILE' in os.environ:
with open(os.environ['RECIPE_FILE'], 'r') as recipe_file:
with open(os.environ['RECIPE_FILE'], 'r') as file: