improve handling of recipes with comments in them

This commit is contained in:
riscy 2020-03-01 21:14:52 -08:00
parent 001e53844c
commit 0768e89231

View file

@ -149,10 +149,16 @@ def _files_in_recipe(recipe: str, elisp_dir: str) -> list:
def _tokenize_lisp_list(recipe: str) -> list:
>>> _tokenize_lisp_list('(shx :repo "riscy/shx-for-emacs" :fetcher github)')
['(', 'shx', ':repo', '"riscy/shx-for-emacs"', ':fetcher', 'github', ')']
>>> _tokenize_lisp_list('(shx :repo "riscy/xyz" :fetcher github) ; comment')
['(', 'shx', ':repo', '"riscy/xyz"', ':fetcher', 'github', ')']
recipe = ' '.join(recipe.split())
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
filename = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'recipe')
with open(filename, 'w') as recipe_file:
f'''(send-string-to-terminal (format "%S" '{recipe}\n))'''
recipe = subprocess.check_output(['emacs', '--script', filename]).decode()
recipe = recipe.replace('(', ' ( ')
recipe = recipe.replace(')', ' ) ')
tokenized_lisp_list: list = recipe.split()
@ -279,7 +285,7 @@ def _requirements(
def _reqs_from_pkg_el(pkg_el: TextIO) -> str:
>>> _reqs_from_pkg_el(io.StringIO('''(define-package "x" "1.2" "A pkg." '((emacs "31.5") (xyz "123.4"))'''))
>>> _reqs_from_pkg_el(io.StringIO('''(define-package "x" "1.2" "A pkg." '((emacs "31.5") (xyz "123.4")))'''))
'( ( emacs "31.5" ) ( xyz "123.4" ) )'
reqs =