project('mazetd', 'cpp', version : '0.1', default_options : ['warning_level=3', 'cpp_std=c++17']) project_sources = [] project_header_files = [] inc = [include_directories('subprojects/entt/single_include/'), include_directories('src')] subdir('src') sfml_deps = [] sfml_modules = ['window', 'graphics', 'system'] foreach mod : sfml_modules sfml_deps += [dependency('sfml-' + mod)] endforeach spdlog_proj = subproject('spdlog') spdlog_dep = spdlog_proj.get_variable('spdlog_dep') # This adds the clang format file to the build directory configure_file(input : '.clang-format', output : '.clang-format', copy: true) exe = executable('mazetd', project_sources, include_directories: inc, dependencies : sfml_deps + [spdlog_dep]) run_target('format', command : ['clang-format','-i','-style=file', project_sources, project_header_files]) test('basic', exe) regex = '^((?!(third_party|tests|benchmarks|gtest|subprojects)).)*$' # This adds clang tidy support configure_file(input : '.clang-tidy', output : '.clang-tidy', copy : true) run_target('tidy', command : ['','-fix', '-j' , '8', 'files', regex ,'-format', '-p='+ meson.build_root()])