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"""Calculate the energy flow into the bath for a simple gaussian
Quantum Brownian Motion model.
This is done analytically for a BCF that is a sum of exponentials.
import numpy as np
import itertools
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, InitVar
from typing import Callable, Union, Optional
import numpy.typing as npt
import lmfit
from . import util
import functools
from numpy.polynomial import Polynomial
class BCF:
r"""A parameter object to hold information about a BCF.
The BCFs will be expanded into a sum of exponentials like
:math:`\alpha(\tau) = \sum_k G_k \cdot \exp(-W_k\cdot\tau)`.
You can either give the BCFs as parameter or the coefficients.
If you give the BCFs, the fit will be performed automatically.
Calling this object will call the wrapped BCF function.
:param resolution: the precision in the sampling for the fit, ``t_max/precision``
points will be used
:param num_terms: the number of terms of the expansion of the BCF expansion
def __init__(
t_max: float,
function: Optional[Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]] = None,
num_terms: Optional[int] = None,
resolution: Optional[float] = None,
factors: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
exponents: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
#: the maximum simulation time
self.t_max = t_max
if function is not None:
#: the BCF as python function, will be set to the exponential
#: expansion if the BCF coefficients are given.
self.function = function
if num_terms is None or resolution is None:
raise ValueError(
"Either give the function, the number of terms and the resolution or the coefficients."
_exponents, _factors = util.fit_α(
int(self.t_max / resolution),
#: the factors in the BCF expansion
self.factors = _factors
#: the exponents in the BCF expansion
self.exponents = _exponents
if factors is None or exponents is None:
raise ValueError(
"Either give the function and number of terms or the coefficients."
assert factors is not None
assert exponents is not None
self.factors = factors
self.exponents = factors
if self.factors.size != self.exponents.size:
raise ValueError(
"Factors and exponents have to have the same dimension."
self.function = self.approx
def approx(self, t: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""The BCF as exponential expansion."""
return util.α_apprx(t, self.factors, self.exponents)
def __call__(self, t: np.ndarray):
return self.function(t)
class SystemParams:
r"""A parameter object to hold information about the physical
system and the global parameters for the algorithm.
:param Ω: the system hamiltonian energy scale, :math:`H_s =
\Omega (p^2 + q^2)`
:param η: the coupling strength (in essence a prefactor to the BCF)
:param α: the BCF
:attr t_max: the maximum simulation time, will be copied from :attr:`α`
:attr W: the exponential factors in the BCF expansion
:attr G: the pre-factors in the BCF expansion
Ω: float
η: float
α: BCF
t_max: float = field(init=False)
# BCF coefficients
W: np.ndarray = field(init=False)
G: np.ndarray = field(init=False)
def __post_init__(self):
self.t_max = self.α.t_max
self.W = self.α.exponents
self.G = self.α.factors * self.η
def construct_polynomials(sys: SystemParams) -> tuple[Polynomial, Polynomial]:
Construct the polynomials required to find the coefficients
and exponents of the solution.
:param sys: a parameter object with the system parameters
:returns: a list of polynomials
- :math:`f_0(z) = \prod_k (z-z_k) (z-z_k^{\ast})`
- :math:`p(z) = p_1(z) + \sum_n q_n(z)` where
- :math:`p_1(z) = (z^2 + \Omega^2)\prod_k (z-z_k)(z-z_k^{\ast})`
- :math:`q_n(z)=\Omega f_n(z) \prod_{k\neq n}(z-z_k) (z-z_k^{\ast})`
# we begin by calculating all the constants we'll need
φ = -np.angle(sys.G)
G_abs = np.abs(sys.G)
γ, δ = sys.W.real, sys.W.imag
s, c = np.sin(φ), np.cos(φ)
# the roots of -G ((z + γ)s + δc)
roots_f = -(γ + δ * c / s)
# the roots of the denominator of the laplace transform of α
roots_z = -sys.W
# now the polynomials
f_0 = util.poly_real(
Polynomial.fromroots(np.concatenate((roots_z, roots_z.conj())))
p_1 = Polynomial([sys.Ω ** 2, 0, 1]) * f_0
q = [
* sys.Ω
* s_c
* util.poly_real(
util.except_element(roots_z, i),
util.except_element(roots_z, i).conj(),
for root_f, G_c, γ_c, δ_c, s_c, c_c, i in zip(
roots_f, G_abs, γ, δ, s, c, range(len(c))
p = p_1 + sum(q)
return f_0, p
def calculate_coefficients(sys: SystemParams) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Calculates the coefficients required to construct the
propagator matrix :math:`G`.
:param sys: a parameter object with the system parameters
:returns: the exponents and the residuals which play a role as pre-factors
f_0, p = construct_polynomials(sys)
master_roots = p.roots()
if np.unique(master_roots).size != master_roots.size:
raise RuntimeError(
"""The roots of the polynomial are not unique.
You can try to alter the number of terms in the expansion of the BCF."""
resiquals = f_0(master_roots) / p.deriv()(master_roots)
return master_roots, resiquals
def _expand_t(f):
def wrapped(self, t):
t = np.expand_dims(np.asarray(t), axis=0)
return f(self, t)
return wrapped
class Propagator:
"""The propagator matrix :math:`G` for the system.
You can get inidividual matrix elements as functions of time
through indexing this object.
Calling it with a time argument returns the whole matrix as
array of shape ``(time, 2, 2)``.
:param sys: a parameter object with the system parameters
def __init__(self, sys: SystemParams):
self.params = sys
self._roots, self._res = calculate_coefficients(sys)
self._roots_exp = np.expand_dims(self._roots, axis=1)
self._res_exp = np.expand_dims(self._res, axis=1)
self._Ω = sys.Ω
self._res_times_roots = self._res_exp * self._roots_exp
self._res_times_roots_squared = self._res_times_roots * self._roots_exp
self._elements = np.array([[self.el_11, self.el_12], [self.el_21, self.el_22]])
def el_11(self, t):
return (self._res_times_roots * np.exp(t * self._roots_exp)).real.sum(axis=0)
def el_12(self, t):
return self._Ω * (self._res_exp * np.exp(t * self._roots_exp)).real.sum(axis=0)
def el_21(self, t):
return (self._res_times_roots_squared * np.exp(t * self._roots_exp)).real.sum(
) / self._Ω
def el_22(self, t):
return self.el_11(t)
def __getitem__(self, indices) -> Callable[[npt.ArrayLike], np.ndarray]:
"""Get an individual matrix elment as function."""
return self._elements[indices]
def __call__(self, t) -> np.ndarray:
"""Get the propagator as array of shape ``(time, 2, 2)``."""
g_12 = self._res_exp * np.exp(t * self._roots_exp)
diag = self._roots_exp * g_12
g_21 = self._roots_exp * diag / self._Ω
return (
np.array([[diag, g_12 * self._Ω], [g_21, diag]])
.swapaxes(0, 2)
.swapaxes(1, 2)
class Flow:
A collection of methods to calculate the time derivative
of the bath energy expectation value :math:`\frac{d}{dt}\langle H_B\rangle`
which can be retrieved as a function of time by calling this object.
:param system: the system parameters, see :any:`SystemParams`
:param α_0_dot: the zero temperature BCF time derivative
:param n: the excitation number of the initial state of the system :math:`|n\rangle`
def __init__(self, system: SystemParams, α_0_dot: BCF, n: int):
#: the exponential factors in the BCF derivative
#: expansion :math:`\dot{\alpha}_0=\sum_k P_k e^{-L_k \cdot t}`
self.L = α_0_dot.exponents
#: the pre-factors in the BCF derivative expansion
self.P = α_0_dot.factors * system.η
self.C, self.B = calculate_coefficients(system)
#: the pre-factors of the exponential sum of :math:`A=G_{11}=\sum_k A_k e^{-C_k \cdot t}`
self.A = self.B * self.C
#: the exponents of the exponential sum of :math:`B=G_{12}=\sum_k B_k e^{-C_k \cdot t}`
#: - note the minus sign
self.C = -self.C # mind the extra -
#: the pre-factors of the exponential sum of ``B``
self.B = system.Ω * self.B
#: the exponential factors in the BCF
#: expansion :math:`\alpha=\sum_k G_k e^{-W_k \cdot t}`
self.W = system.W
#: the pre-factors factors in the BCF expansion
self.G = system.G
#: the expectation value :math:`\langle q(0)^2\rangle`
self.q_s_0 = 1 + 2 * n
#: the expectation value :math:`\langle q(0)^2\rangle`
self.p_s_0 = 1 + 2 * n
#: the expectation value :math:`\langle q(0)p(0)\rangle`
self.qp_0 = 1j
#: the propagator matrix :math:`G(t)`, see :any:`Propagator`
self.prop = Propagator(system)
#: the coefficient matrix :math:`\Gamma^1`
self.Γ1 = (self.B[:, None] * self.P[None, :]) / (
self.L[None, :] - self.C[:, None]
#: the coefficient matrix :math:`\Gamma^2`
self.Γ2 = (self.B[:, None] * self.G[None, :]) / (
self.C[:, None] - self.W[None, :]
#: the coefficient matrix :math:`\Gamma^3`
self.Γ3 = (self.B[:, None] * self.G.conj()[None, :]) / (
self.C[:, None] + self.W.conj()[None, :]
#: the coefficient matrix :math:`\Gamma^A`
self.ΓA = (self.A[:, None] * self.P[None, :]) / (
self.L[None, :] - self.C[:, None]
def A_conv(self, t: npt.ArrayLike):
r"""The integral :math:`\int_0^t A(s)\dot{\alpha}_0(t-s)ds`."""
result = np.zeros_like(t, dtype="complex128")
for (n, m) in itertools.product(range(len(self.A)), range(len(self.P))):
result += self.ΓA[n, m] * (np.exp(-self.C[n] * t) - np.exp(-self.L[m] * t))
return result
def B_conv(self, t: npt.ArrayLike):
r"""The integral :math:`\int_0^t B(s)\dot{\alpha}_0(t-s)ds`."""
result = np.zeros_like(t, dtype="complex128")
for (n, m) in itertools.product(range(len(self.B)), range(len(self.P))):
result += self.Γ1[n, m] * (np.exp(-self.C[n] * t) - np.exp(-self.L[m] * t))
return result
def flow_nontherm(self, t: npt.ArrayLike):
r"""The part of the flow that **does not** involve :math:`\alpha`."""
a, b = self.prop[0, 0](t), self.prop[0, 1](t)
ac, bc = self.A_conv(t), self.B_conv(t)
return (
/ 2
* (
self.q_s_0 * a * ac
+ self.p_s_0 * b * bc
+ self.qp_0 * a * bc
+ self.qp_0.conjugate() * b * ac
def flow_therm(self, t: npt.ArrayLike):
r"""The part of the flow that **does** involve :math:`\alpha`."""
t = np.asarray(t)
result = np.zeros_like(t, dtype="float")
for (m, k, n, l) in itertools.product(
g_1_2 = (
self.Γ1[m, k]
* self.Γ2[n, l]
* (
(1 - np.exp(-(self.C[m] + self.W[l]) * t)) / (self.C[m] + self.W[l])
+ (np.exp(-(self.C[m] + self.C[n]) * t) - 1)
/ (self.C[m] + self.C[n])
+ (np.exp(-(self.L[k] + self.W[l]) * t) - 1)
/ (self.L[k] + self.W[l])
+ (1 - np.exp(-(self.L[k] + self.C[n]) * t))
/ (self.L[k] + self.C[n])
g_1_3 = (
self.Γ1[m, k]
* self.Γ3[n, l]
* (
(1 - np.exp(-(self.C[m] + self.C[n]) * t)) / (self.C[m] + self.C[n])
- (1 - np.exp(-(self.L[k] + self.C[n]) * t))
/ (self.L[k] + self.C[n])
- (
np.exp(-(self.C[n] + self.W[l].conj() * t))
- np.exp(-(self.C[m] + self.C[n]) * t)
/ (self.C[m] - self.W[l].conj())
+ (
np.exp(-(self.C[n] + self.W[l].conj() * t))
- np.exp(-(self.L[k] + self.C[n]) * t)
/ (self.L[k] - self.W[l].conj())
result += -1 / 2 * (g_1_2 + g_1_3)
return result
def __call__(self, t: npt.ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray:
The flow. Time derivative of the bath energy
expectation value :math:`\frac{d}{dt}\langle H_B\rangle`.
return self.flow_nontherm(t) + self.flow_therm(t)